Get out the umbrella, I think I'm raining on a parade
I've been debating posting this for some time but I figured I'd post what I know and let you come to your own conclusion. It's about Dreamfield's Pasta
DISCLAIMER - I am VERY sensitive to carbs. One grain of sugar on 6 lbs of beef would make my blood sugar get all wacky. Okay, so here it is:
I did the Atkins diet thing for a long time and lost weight. I was struggling with no pasta (I'm VERY traditional Italian - big Sunday dinners with lots of family were a weekly thing). In my local low carb store, I found Dreamfield's pasta and thought they named it appropriate - I was in a dream!
Took it home and cooked up the meager portion size to get my "5 net grams of carbs" and couldn't believe how delicious it was. I ate normally the rest of the day and noticed I was up a pound the next morning.
Hmmm. Must be normal fluctuation as the pound came off two days later.
Next Sunday I tried the pasta again at a family dinner. Monday up a pound again.
I began to notice that I went up a pound each time I ingested the pasta. PLUS I was starving the next day which led me to suspect there were more to the pasta than meets the eye.
My father in law is a diabetic and he was just trying the pasta too. He checked his blood sugar after eating it - it was fine. 3 hours later, he was showing me his new meter ("no more painful finger *****s!" Dunno, looked painful to me.) He was surprised to see that after eating nothing else his had sugar spiked to 159. It took a lot of water, drinking some vinegar (!) and a walk to bring his blood surgar back down.
Needless to say - no more pasta for me.
I saw this journal a bit ago over the summer. Supports what we saw.
SO, all I'm saying is that if it works for you - terrific! If not, this could be why. I still search for excellent low carb pasta. Haven't found it yet. :(
DISCLAIMER - I am VERY sensitive to carbs. One grain of sugar on 6 lbs of beef would make my blood sugar get all wacky. Okay, so here it is:
I did the Atkins diet thing for a long time and lost weight. I was struggling with no pasta (I'm VERY traditional Italian - big Sunday dinners with lots of family were a weekly thing). In my local low carb store, I found Dreamfield's pasta and thought they named it appropriate - I was in a dream!
Took it home and cooked up the meager portion size to get my "5 net grams of carbs" and couldn't believe how delicious it was. I ate normally the rest of the day and noticed I was up a pound the next morning.
Hmmm. Must be normal fluctuation as the pound came off two days later.
Next Sunday I tried the pasta again at a family dinner. Monday up a pound again.
I began to notice that I went up a pound each time I ingested the pasta. PLUS I was starving the next day which led me to suspect there were more to the pasta than meets the eye.
My father in law is a diabetic and he was just trying the pasta too. He checked his blood sugar after eating it - it was fine. 3 hours later, he was showing me his new meter ("no more painful finger *****s!" Dunno, looked painful to me.) He was surprised to see that after eating nothing else his had sugar spiked to 159. It took a lot of water, drinking some vinegar (!) and a walk to bring his blood surgar back down.
Needless to say - no more pasta for me.
I saw this journal a bit ago over the summer. Supports what we saw.
SO, all I'm saying is that if it works for you - terrific! If not, this could be why. I still search for excellent low carb pasta. Haven't found it yet. :(
If you can find it, try spagetti squash. I LOVE it, but for some reason around here it's very hard to find and when I do it cost 6-7 bucks for one. Not sure when it's in season. It's great with all different sauces too. I know, I know, it's not real pasta but it's a good substitute with hardley any calories or carbs. Good Luck!
I know it's too good to be true. BUT sometimes..not very often..only when I'm having a carb attack, I will have a small spoon of it with loads of high protein "stuff" on top. Don't worry about the rain, we are all allowed to di**** out on occasion. I have an iron gut and sometimes wish I didn't because I don't get that good ol negative reinforcement. I LOVE the spagetti squash idea. may have to try that.