Come to your own conclusions, or don't

Elizabeth N.
on 8/21/11 11:07 pm - Burlington County, NJ
Eloisie was just about beyond the ability to communicate about her situation with anyone. It was very scary to hear her on the phone before her ER visit, and AMAZING to hear the difference the next day after getting plumped up on fluids. Yup, totally different thing.

on 8/21/11 4:55 pm, edited 8/21/11 4:56 pm - Hokes Bluff, AL
I feel the same way, I have watched her jack the board and members here for close to a year. 

If she is really sick I hope she gets the help that she needs.  But I find it really hard to believe that every health professional that she has come in contact with in the last year, even as a pre-op has treated her like **** 

I have been silent and chose not to participate in the threads here or on the FB group, I mainly read there.  But IMHO there is very blatant emotional blackmail to new post ops and the bleeding hearts that will not sleep after seeing such an atrocity.  One post on the FB group pretty much said they are trying to kick her out of the hospital.... her next post was PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!  People were in tears because of what this woman is supposedly going through.

I think a lot of us that are a few years out, have saw this happen time and time again.  It reminds me of Stalker Val, hell it kinda reminds me of Cheri (the cancer scammer.) 

If she is sick, she should remember the boy who cried wolf.

mypictr_YouTube.jpg before/after avatar picture by Opp2mystic1          At goal for 4 years!


(deactivated member)
on 8/21/11 5:52 pm - San Jose, CA
Either way, I think she is sick.  The question is what the treatment is.
Jolly Rancher
on 8/21/11 5:09 pm
My bull**** meter has been running way high on this one for a while. At first it was believable, but got more outlandish with each story. The vacation post sealed the deal for me. I've been of the mind of drug seeking for a while now. I'll feel bad if I'm wrong, but something tell me I'm not. I think the last couple of days complaining of how much pain she's in and that they won't give her any pain medications pushed me to that conclusion. In general I think she's a major AW. It makes me sick that she is scaring pre-ops and newbies, especially if there are no legitimate problems.

NoMore B.
on 8/21/11 9:23 pm, edited 8/21/11 9:23 pm
Alright, I'll take a stand with the rest of you ******es* (smile)

When she first posted about her "awful" UGI, I was one of the first to chime in and suggest she wasnt a good canddate for the DS.  I was shocked when others jumped in and coddled her.

I questioned her "severe" pain, too.  She was posting long paragraphs on the Internet.  I dont know about you, but that doesnt sound like severe pain to me.

Pain is subjective, of course, but I was concerned that she said she was vomiting blood.  I asked her on the FB page how many times she did that, when was the last time she did that, and what was the color.  I could not imagine them discharging her if she was actually vomiting blood.  All she did was answer the color (bright red), but not the frequency or timing. 

I realize her symptoms are real to her, but I hope there is nothing physically wrong with her.  I can see how the doctors and hospitals have had enough.  I'm surprised, though, if they didnt order a psych eval before d/c her.
on 8/21/11 9:47 pm
They may very well have a shrink involved...we just don't know.
Julie R.
on 8/21/11 11:11 pm - Ludington, MI
 I usually try to stay neutral on subjects such as this, but as the stepmother of someone who very possibly has Munchausen's (and refuses to seek treatment for it) my hackles were up about this individual from her very first "traumatic UGI" post and they have remained up.     The internet has done much to spread this disorder, because it is such a wonderful source of attention for those who crave it in this manner.  I have asked the aforeforementioned DS'er, publicly, on these forums, to seek some help for her emotional issues, and apparently, if she is receiving treatment, it has not yet started helping.    

I will feel terrible if a valid medical issue does come to light with this young lady; however, my instincts tell me that even if something is found (such as an internal hernia) once that is resolved, a new "complication" will surface.     This has been the case with my stepdaughter, who will wait just long enough for the uproar of one possible disorder to settle down (her most recent one was that she claimed to have MS****il a new one begins.     Her dad and I refuse to pay attention to her claims, which causes my mother-in-law to accuse us of negligence as parents (step-daughter is 20) but MIL and her internet friends seem to be the only people left that believe her.   Interesting, my husband's ex-wife, the mother of this young lady, exhibited the very same behavior for years, and likely still does.    

Like our OP, my husband's daughter will relay her litany of complaints to anyone who will listen, but when nailed to the wall about certain details, will change the subject or create a new controversy to distract us from attempting to hold her accountable.    One example with the OP is when questioned more closely about how much blood she is vomiting and how often, does not answer the question, but simply moves on to another issuse.   Another commonality between this young lady and my stepdaughter are the reports of extreme pain and suffering, sandwiched in between outings, vacations, parties with college buds and boat trips.    

I do not wish ill will on this woman, nor do I intend to call her out or flame her publicly, but newibes and others do need to be aware of this situation, whether they are coming from the OP or anyone else who comes along that finds the internet a perfect forum for "sharing" this disorder with the world.    I do not want others to become wary or mistrusting of someone who DOEScome on the board with a bona fide problem that needs addressing.    

Julie R - Ludington, Michigan
Duodenal Switch 08/09/06 - Dr. Paul Kemmeter, Grand Rapids, Michigan
HW: 282 - 5'4"
SW: 268
GW: 135
CW: 125

NoMore B.
on 8/22/11 8:11 am
Kudos, Julie.
This is such a well balanced, mature post.  But then again, what else would I expect from you?
Julie R.
on 8/22/11 9:46 am - Ludington, MI
 Kickin' and screamin' and whinin'?   I'm rather good at that too, LOL.
But thank you!
Julie R - Ludington, Michigan
Duodenal Switch 08/09/06 - Dr. Paul Kemmeter, Grand Rapids, Michigan
HW: 282 - 5'4"
SW: 268
GW: 135
CW: 125

(deactivated member)
on 8/22/11 12:56 am
I had to chime in here and I'm pretty sure I'm going to get my butt handed to me but I couldn't sit and listen anymore without saying something.

Is there a chance that she's Munchausen?  Of course there is.  It may even be probable.  But I want to tell the other side of that story.

When I was 14 years old, I started to get dizzy.  I was an athlete (competitive figure skating) and a cheerleader so they assumed I was just "over doing it".  Then it started to get worse.  I started to get odd rashes and was exhausted to the point of not being able to move.  I was diagnosed with everything under the sun for the next 10 years from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to Porphyria (look it up, it's a doozy).  None of the treatments for said diagnoses worked and after a while, and several hospital admissions for unexplained pain, I received another diagnosis "malingerer/med-seeker".  This even though I NEVER took the pain medicine they gave me (it made me more dizzy).  Not even one pill, and I frequently rejected prescriptions for pain killers (one of the ER physicians said in my medical notes that he felt that was part of the "plan ".  Yeah, the best way to get drugs I'm addicted to is to refuse them when they are offered.  Great plan.)   Finally, the doctors said there is nothing medically wrong and  I needed to see a psychiatrist, which I did for years who also couldn't find what's wrong.  My family, friends and the medical community all thought I was "faking" and seeking attention.  So I stopped telling anyone and dealt with it alone.  That was the worst thing of all.  I knew how I felt and I began to wonder if I was indeed crazy.

Finally, in 1998, I began having SEVERE headaches.  Like knock you over type of headaches.  Again I was put through a battery of tests - MRI, CAT Scan, MRA - nothing.  They said it might be migraine pain.  I had migraines before and the pain was different.  Again no one believed me so I suffered.

Then in the summer of that year, I woke up blind in my left eye with searing pain in my face and head.  They uncovered optic neuritis and sent me to one of the best MS doctors in the country.  He did an exam and took one look at the hundreds of tests and physician reports that I brought with me and he got up and hugged me.  He said it was obvious that I have MS and had some atypical but not unheard of symptoms.  He stated "I can't imagine what you must have been though".  I burst into tears.  

My MS is now well controlled and I am fine.  But, I also had several needless medical interventions, taken hundreds of prescriptions I didn't need and spent years with a shrink - for nothing.

So while it is entirely probable that this lady is indeed malingering, I won't stop offering assistance.  No coddling, no "oh you poor dear", just "try this" or "look up that".  You certainly can stop and I won't judge you.  Please don't judge me because I don't.   I'm putting this out there, even though I don't share this with anyone - it's too painful - for one reason only.   No one should be nervous to post here because they fear being thrown to the wolves. 

There, I said my piece.  

PS I completely respect the opinion of all of you experienced DS'ers.  You save lives every day.  Please don't take offence to the differing of opinion on one topic.  I'm sure after I've been here a while, I'll have seen it all too.  But I'm not quite there yet.  :)
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