Update on Diane!!

on 8/20/11 8:13 am - Somerset, KY
Diane says HI! She feels bad that she can't post. She can't concentrate on what she's doing because of the pain meds. This is also the reason she may not be responding to texts. I told her not to worry about that, everyone understands. She isn't going home today or tomorrow. She has been running a temp so they're going to keep her. She is as tickled as she can to finally be on the loser's bench. I think after poor Stephanie, she is very relieved!  She says, I made it Ruby. Loved be able to say, I told you so! She is in good spirits and is sipping and walking like a good lil DSer. Contiued well wishes, swinging of critters, prayers are still greatly appreicated.

YAY Diane, Welcome to the Loser's Bench!!



 tazmaddy34 is my HW/SW/CW/GW 346/335/183/150   5'4.25"



(deactivated member)
on 8/20/11 8:58 am - Beverly, NJ
This really makes me smile. I have to admit after Steph I've been nervous about everyone. Theres still a few stragglers out there who haven't updated on their recent surgery so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

on 8/20/11 11:52 am - Somerset, KY
I too have been worried about the "stragglers". I remember we lost someone right before my surgery. It makes things all to real. Thinking about it still makes me sad. I think the lady's screem name was doodles. I don't remember but I'll never forget  her Avi picture. Same thing with Steph. Just glad Diane is ok and waiting on the rest of our fresh post ops to post. HUGS VM



 tazmaddy34 is my HW/SW/CW/GW 346/335/183/150   5'4.25"



Band to DS
on 8/20/11 10:43 am, edited 2/3/12 10:43 pm
Unfortunately, I had to delete this post due to privacy concerns.

Got a lap band in 2008. Tried hard, but didn't lose much weight & developed swallowing problems. Fought my insurance company for almost a year & finally had a band to DS revision on 5/11/12. Have now lost 125 pounds. Yay!

on 8/20/11 11:54 am - Somerset, KY
I hope so too. She's in good spirits and that's half the battle. I will check on her in the morning and see if she still has a temp. If so I'll try to get her to get on their asses more. She may need some more antibiotics. She having some pain going down her left abdomen. Like I said, I'll update tomorrow.



 tazmaddy34 is my HW/SW/CW/GW 346/335/183/150   5'4.25"



on 8/20/11 11:15 am
Revision on 06/21/13
Thanks Ruby for checking in on her today.

I sure hope that fever breaks soon. Her body is really rebelling from surgery.

I wanted to call her earlier and I crashed. I have had an exhausting week. Can't believe I slept like this on a Saturday ! 

 Revision #2 Dr John Rabkin June 21, 2013; First Revision DS - Dr Maguire
  5-18-09; First DS 7-15-2003 Dr Clark Warden = Third time is the charm   



on 8/20/11 11:58 am - Somerset, KY
Hey there, Ginger. I was actually going to check on her tomorrow. I thought I'd let her get home then call. She called me today. I will be calling tomorrow and checking in on her though. I'm glad their keeping her. This way they can keep a close eye on things. She has really enjoied talking to you. She says you're so sweet. She is such a sweetie. Love her to pieces. I hope to be able to visit with her next month, but I'll have to work that out. Hopefully soon!

I took a couple hour nap today, myself. It has been a looooong week, sigh!



 tazmaddy34 is my HW/SW/CW/GW 346/335/183/150   5'4.25"



(deactivated member)
on 8/20/11 12:08 pm
Thank you for the update.  I too have been worried about everyone after Stephanie.  Hope the fever goes away soon and she's home and on her way to her new life asap. 

Prayers and critters....
(deactivated member)
on 8/20/11 3:04 pm
I hope Diane's fever breaks soon.  I'm so happy that she came through surgery okay.  Thanks for the update, Ruby.
on 8/21/11 4:11 am
Here's hoping that fever breaks!!!! Im sending thoughts and vibes of good health and positiivity her way.