BOB or DS?
I just had an infuriating conversation with a relative *****cently had a bypass about my decision to pursue a DS. She knows nothing about the surgery at all other than "it kills people". Yeah, ok. She told me I was an idiot to consider it because I'm so thin (yes, I am a 220lb waif. A strong wind will certainly knock me over) and that I should have a bypass like she did. I asked her what she would do if she began to regain like several of our friends who have had bypass and bands. She said she would do "the best of both worlds" and have a BOB. After everything I have been through with this evil little plastic ring, I was shocked. I said "why on earth would you do that??????" She said, get this, "because it's so much safer. The band is non-invasive".
I swear to you, if I hear that one more time I'm going to punch someone.
Well for those of you considering a revision, as I am, please consider the DS. Know that the band and ergo the BOB is NOT any safer. It may not be an option for you because of your individual cir****tances but at least do your research.
I wanted to post this here because we lost a beautiful young lady this week who was revising from the band to the DS and here is another loss , this time a BOB patient.
Let's be clear. There are LOTS of reasons that a person could have complications in ANY surgical procedure, and these cases are unique (both due to incompetent physicians potentially). BUT WLSs ARE ALL INVASIVE AND DANGEROUS. Which is why it is SO imperative to do it right the first time. For MANY the DS is the "right" one, do your research and don't be fooled into thinking that anything else is safer. Fear is what put this stupid band in me and is now requiring that I have a very complicated and difficult surgery. Well, now I I guess I really have something to fear. If I had done it right the first time, I wouldn't be in this situation. Don't make the same mistake I did.
Sorry to get on the soapbox but I'm still super emotional about Stephanie and now Sue and I guess I just needed to vent. I'm pissed off that people are dying. It shouldn't happen. Damnit.....

Well for those of you considering a revision, as I am, please consider the DS. Know that the band and ergo the BOB is NOT any safer. It may not be an option for you because of your individual cir****tances but at least do your research.
I wanted to post this here because we lost a beautiful young lady this week who was revising from the band to the DS and here is another loss , this time a BOB patient.
Let's be clear. There are LOTS of reasons that a person could have complications in ANY surgical procedure, and these cases are unique (both due to incompetent physicians potentially). BUT WLSs ARE ALL INVASIVE AND DANGEROUS. Which is why it is SO imperative to do it right the first time. For MANY the DS is the "right" one, do your research and don't be fooled into thinking that anything else is safer. Fear is what put this stupid band in me and is now requiring that I have a very complicated and difficult surgery. Well, now I I guess I really have something to fear. If I had done it right the first time, I wouldn't be in this situation. Don't make the same mistake I did.
Sorry to get on the soapbox but I'm still super emotional about Stephanie and now Sue and I guess I just needed to vent. I'm pissed off that people are dying. It shouldn't happen. Damnit.....
As a gastric bypass patient I can say for certain that gastric bypass isn't worth it, and putting a band over a worthless pouch is even worse. Tell your friend to educate herself thoroughly first before she spouts her opinions.
Sorry, I just hate when people insinuate that you're stupid for choosing whatever wls you choose. The fact is, to paraphrase a Maya Angelou quote, we do the best we can, and when we know better, we do better.
Sorry, I just hate when people insinuate that you're stupid for choosing whatever wls you choose. The fact is, to paraphrase a Maya Angelou quote, we do the best we can, and when we know better, we do better.