In Hospital.. Need some advice..
Thanks Strawberry! I am believing less and less of this, to be honest. Not that, Kimberly, you aren't clearly having problems. But Dr. E's office has been nothing but helpful. I admit I felt a bit unsure about it at first but Alex knows my voice when I call now LOL! I stopped by there the other day to get copies of some records and they printed them out for me right there, no charge, no wait, no big deal, just courteous and prompt. I just can't imagine they would be flatly ignoring someone in crisis, they all seem like really nice people in every interaction I've had with them.
Banded in 2001 at 217 lbs - Band to DS revision 10/25/11 at 310 lbs
If life with your band sucks, you are not alone and it's not your fault. Check out the failed lap band group!
If life with your band sucks, you are not alone and it's not your fault. Check out the failed lap band group!

Also, one thing you might try if you can't get through to Elariny... contact the bariatrics department there. They have always been awesome when I was there. Even just tell them you are in a lot of pain and need someone to help you, maybe they can do something. Try contacting Harpreet...
Harpreet Gujral, MSN, CRNP
Clinical Specialist
[email protected]
Harpreet Gujral, MSN, CRNP
Clinical Specialist
[email protected]
I did some extra reading on intestinal endometriosis because, while I'm not an MD, that's what it sounded like to me. Having had endometriosis, it's the "wave" pain that stuck with me. She said it was like contractions. That's exactly what I felt when I had it (although not in my intestines.
I have learned that it can cause wave-like pain and that it can cause severe constipation. Here is some additional info about diagnostics:
GI x-rays and colonoscopy are rarely useful in diagnosing GI endometriosis because the disease usually doesn’t penetrate all the way through the bowel, but remains in the muscular wall of the bowel. Most patients will have negative GI workups, and GI endometriosis requires surgery for its diagnosis. Laparoscopy is adequate for diagnosing GI disease provided that the surgeon takes the effort to look at the areas which can be involved and also knows what GI disease can look like (it’s most commonly white because of scarring surrounding the disease). Most gynecologists do not look at the intestines very closely, so many laparoscopies are useless for ruling out GI disease.
It is rare to have this happen, but it definitely happens. Could potentially be why she is striking out with the GI folks, it's not a typical GI problem.
Just sayin'.........
I have learned that it can cause wave-like pain and that it can cause severe constipation. Here is some additional info about diagnostics:
GI x-rays and colonoscopy are rarely useful in diagnosing GI endometriosis because the disease usually doesn’t penetrate all the way through the bowel, but remains in the muscular wall of the bowel. Most patients will have negative GI workups, and GI endometriosis requires surgery for its diagnosis. Laparoscopy is adequate for diagnosing GI disease provided that the surgeon takes the effort to look at the areas which can be involved and also knows what GI disease can look like (it’s most commonly white because of scarring surrounding the disease). Most gynecologists do not look at the intestines very closely, so many laparoscopies are useless for ruling out GI disease.
It is rare to have this happen, but it definitely happens. Could potentially be why she is striking out with the GI folks, it's not a typical GI problem.
Just sayin'.........
Dr E thinks most if not all my pain is due to endo which I think a lot of my pelvic pain is due to endo and PCOS which I have had for years and dealt with. However after speaking with the gastro folks and my PCP and seeing the rest of the actual results showing more issues with my gallbladder then I was lead to believe I do think its a combo issue.