In Hospital.. Need some advice..
I would have long ago checked out of that hospital and gone elsewhere. Its no point in being there if your surgeon is not gonna visit you. At least another hospital would likely give you pain management. Good Luck
While I know something is up if something surgical does need to be done I really wanted Dr E to do it since he knows my body and anatomy.

Good Luck!
I guess I am still terrified about the possibility of an obstruction and how I know if I can have one. And if only going to the bathroom with enemas and another lax's is acceptable and if so for how long.
I'm curious if the pain subsides at all when you are lying on your left side. Your issues sound alot like the ones had when they decided I had an internal hernia. This usually will not show up in the tests. According to my surgeon one of the tell tale signs of a Peterson's is that when you lay on the left side the pain subsides somewhat. I was hospitalized three times with excruciating pain and discharged three times because there was supposedly nothing wrong with me. I was not at my surgeon's hospital however. The last time it happened they discharged me on a Sunday night with a script and no pharmacies were open. By 1:00 a.m. we were on our way to my surgeon's e.r. (3 hours away which is why I didn't go there in the first place). If Dr. E won't Even see you you need to show up at his office and demand to be seen or find a DS surgeon who will.
Anyways... this whole thing about Elariny not seeing you is BULL**** He should be all over this. I would be calling his office and going crazy on the phone until I speak to him directly. His email (no idea if he checks it) is [email protected]. Dr. E is the one I was planning to use so if this continues with him ignoring a patient in need I am going to pitch a fit. When I got pregnant I called the doctor who did my lap-band in Mexico; he answered his cell phone and talked to me about the pregnancy! He had done my band FIVE YEARS prior.
There is no way Dr. E should not be attending to this and helping you Kimberly, but you have to start seriously stomping your feet and refuse to stop until you get results. Don't *ask* them to call him. Call him yourself. I understand you don't hear that well, but try, or have your husband help you! Tell him exactly what to say if you have to.
I am so sorry you are going through this and hope things are figured out soon!
If life with your band sucks, you are not alone and it's not your fault. Check out the failed lap band group!

So I wrote an email in the middle of the night to her husband, who is my friend, asking if his wife could make a suggestion about who Kimberley could talk to in order to get some proper assistance, and I gave him the link to this thread. Apparently, his wife was working last night, and he saw my email when she got home and read it to her early this morning.
His response to me was VERY cryptic, mentioning the words "coincidence" and "confidential," so I am going to assume that the proper people are on top of this situation, and that she is being cared for appropriately. I hope that gives some assurances both to Kimberley and others reading this thread.