Okay...I have no social skills...I'll be the one to do it...
on 8/15/11 11:45 pm - Tuvalu
I thought we were going to wait a day or two, but really, you're right - there's no time like the present, and while feelings are raw, perhaps you might make an impression not only on those of us who have been throught this numerous times in the past, but also on those who are just starting out, and maybe THEY will take up the flag as well.
Let's see, shall we start out with a chronicle of the DS disasters we've seen over the years? Please feel free to copy this post into yours, and add your own comments, links and additional information.
There was Sifer, the surgeon in KS who SAID he was giving people DSs, but in fact was giving them BPDs. He dropped dead during the litigations, saving others from his world of hurt:
(the case was lost based on filing in the wrong court, but the fact are set out here:
(here's another case, lost due to the statute of limitations passing, but the facts are there:
http://www.kscourts.org/cases-and-opinions/opinions/ctapp/20 08/20080502/97057.htm)
And this news report: http://www.pitch.com/kansascity/the-final-operation/Content? oid=2177193
There was FrankenHeap, and his Mini-DS (an abomination of a surgery that has been dismissed and derided by every other surgeon): http://www.duodenalswitch.com/forum/showthread.php?t=452&hig hlight=heap
I stumbled upon another fraudulent DS surgeon, Scholten, while looking up Heap: http://www.duodenalswitch.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1005&hi ghlight=heap
Voellinger has had some crappy outcomes, including Michael S (anyone have a link to his sad story?) who was DROPPED transferring him off the OR table, and with other complications, spent at least a year in the hospital and in rehab before disappearing.
Hoddinott was a vetted DS surgeon who has been dropped after some bad experiences: http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/ds/4424010/Kevin-Hoddinott /
Huacuz: http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/mexico/4195834/Do-NOT-go-t o-Dr-Huacuz/
Almanza-Reyes: http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/mexico/4432181/DO-NOT-USE- JERASULEM-HOSPITAL-FYI/
Warden: Ginger K had a defective surgery by Warden that had to be redone by Maguire - her story is somewhere in here - maybe she can help find it:
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/ds/board_id,5357/user_id,1 73727/a,messageboard/action,memberPosts/
Schlesinger: this is just ONE of many complaints about him, including SAYING he was giving people a DS, but giving them ERNY instead, in at least one case with what was later found during revision to be a 20 cm (!) common channel: http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/AZ/4032574/Wound-Infection s/
Deveney: http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/amos/4224914/Lets-discuss- the-duodenal-Switch/
Deveney's associates at OHSU, e.g., Patterson and McConnell: http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/ds/4260243/Was-I-deceived/
And of course, Husted (there are at least 2 lawsuits pending by people who were later found to have a 20 cm common channel; he also has his own "special" and utterly UNPROVEN surgeries he sells to self-pay patients, the VERGITO and the HIT (?) Husted Ileal Transposition?): http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/revision/4345702/Who-is-th e-top-US-surgeon-for-RNY-to-DS-revision/#35934345
Please feel free to add your own information!
"I thought we were going to wait a day or two,"
I was too wrapped up in my other projects (Mom got into a couple of altercations over the weekend and had to be moved to another room and our daughter is moving, too...so I get confused) to realize that there was a project afoot on this topic.
And yes...it IS too soon. So if I "forced" a post bit too soon, I apologize. Your info, with an appropriate title, deserves its own thread.
Yes, we can share our knowledge, but people do tend to have a mind of their own. Many will continue to so this:

Revision #2 Dr John Rabkin June 21, 2013; First Revision DS - Dr Maguire 5-18-09; First DS 7-15-2003 Dr Clark Warden = Third time is the charm
Reconstructive surgery, under construction!
Lower Body Lift - 12/14/2011 - Atlanta VA Medical Center
Brachioplasty & Mastopexy w/Augmentation - 03/14/2012 - Dr Marisa Lawrence
Im recently new to the boards and i have to say all the vets do an incredible job educating us pre op newbies. Whether its given to us straight or with a little finesse ALL the vets on here REPEATEDLY warn lurkers, pre ops and even newly post ops of the dangers they may face.
In a recent post about Steph i did post that i wish the vets would hsve been able to talk her out of her surgery. I DID NOT mean you all didnt try your hardest to change her mind...I WISH SHE WOULD HAVE LISTENED!
Im on this board just about everyday and i try to pay it forward to pre/post op bandster because i know this hell and after my DS i will be on here paying forward to DSers also.
You cant fault yourself. Yes she was just a girl but at the same time she was a 26 year old adult that ultimately made a bad decision that ended her life.
Her situation has sat with me since ive heard about but am i going to cancel my surgery? NO because i did my research and ive listen to the vets on this board so I know what to expect with Dr. Smith my soon-to-be surgeon.
Revision to DS 11/9/11 LapBand 12/2006
SW 321/ CW 248/ GW 185 SW 330/ HW 348/ LW 300
Join me here: http://weightlosssurgery.proboards.com

After talking to her BF I know that they are aware of the situation. It's why they are having the autopsy done by a pathologist of their own. They are extremely angry at the situation having not been aware of it before. Hopefully if the wrong doing was in the hands of her surgeon (at the VERY least he wasn't skilled enough to do her revision) they are able to at least try and stop him from hurting someone else.
I praise the vets on here for this very reason. Without them I would NEVER have had this easy of a time post op. To think my biggest complaints have been nausea and a horrible hemorrhoid (YAY going to the doctor this morning for it

I'm sorry Stephanie had the result she had. She will be forever missed but I hope her story might scare the living crap out of some of the newbies and let them rethink their situation.
If she had let the vets in on the fact that her surgery was hastily rescheduled at the eleventh hour, that Husted skipped town and her surgery was handed over last minute to a surgeon inexperienced with the DS, she KNEW the vets would have begged her to reconsider. Besides her blog, she remained silent with this horrible information for the 9 days leading up to her surgery. I don't think there was anything anyone could have said to change her mind and she didn't want it changed.