confession time

on 8/16/11 5:08 am - TN
So I've been having a rough week. Just feeling pretty BLAH, you know? Today after getting on the scale I realized that I had pretty much stopped again and so that was just the cherry on my crap sundae. ANYHOO, to make a long story short I've had a very bad day on the diet.  I kid you not it has been carb overload!! I started with a double bacon sandwich w eggs and cheese on 2 peices of wheat toast.  At that point I was still salvageable.  Then I proceeded to snarf down a fried thigh (and totally left the skin ON) and 2 tater wedges.  THEN I ate about 6 huge onion rings.  I am now trying to refrain from eating the ribeye sandwich in the kichen.  It is all goopy and yummy on a big WHITE roll that will only further destroy the ozone layer tomorrow.  I'm having a HUGE stomach day and am making stupid choices.  OK, now that I've written it down and am accountable, it is water and protein for the rest of the day and begin again tomorrow. phew, I feel better now. At least until those carbs come back to haunt me later.  I VOW to do better!! I must get back to my basics ... Fluids, protein, carbs from veggies if there is room.  I can DO this!!!! I can DO this!!!
Julie R.
on 8/16/11 5:13 am - Ludington, MI
 At your stage in the process, don't be surprised if you step on the scale tomorrow and see a big loss!   When I was a newer-op, sometimes shaking things up in the carb department jump-started my weight loss.   That little "DS gift" usually doesn't last forever...nowadays usually carb binges, especially white carbs such as rice, potatoes or flour, cause a weight gain for me.    Let me know what happens on the scale!

If it makes you feel any better, if I were in your shoes, I wouldn't have stopped the moment I confessed, in the middle of the day, I would have made the binge last till sundown, LOL, so CONGRATULATIONS!   You are one step ahead of me.
Julie R - Ludington, Michigan
Duodenal Switch 08/09/06 - Dr. Paul Kemmeter, Grand Rapids, Michigan
HW: 282 - 5'4"
SW: 268
GW: 135
CW: 125

on 8/16/11 5:53 am - TN
I ate the ribeye OFF of the roll and threw the soggy pile of yumminess to my english mastiff who was quite grsteful.  I usually have that drop after a carb overload too about 3-4 days later when I have been compliant it just melts off.  Unfortunantly this is happening less and less.  I still have so much to lose that I don't want to screw with my tool or my window.  But you are right..I could have just kept going and forgotten my golden rules..thanks
on 8/16/11 6:53 am - AL
Most of what you ate or wanted to eat is perfectly FINE.  Just leave off the wheat toast from the double bacon sandwiches and ENJOY them.  The Skin on chicken?  What is wrong with THAT?  It's FAT!!!  You NEED it!!!  Onion rings?  Fried?  Go for it.  Some fried batter agrees with me and some doesn't.  I can eat fried KFC chicken all day long no problem.  Hardees?  No way.  But really fried onion rings are not terrible.  The ribeye sandwich?  Eat TWO of them just throw out the bread.

So very very little of what you want to eat is not DS friendly.  Basically you just have to get rid of the simple carbs in the bread and eat the rest of it guilt free.

And have a couple of protein shakes.  They will fill you up and help with your weight loss.



on 8/16/11 7:06 am - TN
true the fat is good.. the problem was all the flour etc they dip it in.  I need to leave it alone and I just was weak today.  I did manage to feed the bread from the ribeye sandwich to my fat dog.. she could use a doggie DS LOL.  She rolls and waddles when she walks.  I just want to catch myself before I slide too far down a slippery slope you know what I mean??  I am going to have a few protein coffees today and call it a wrap tho.. then start my day with that double bacon n eggs sans bread. thanks for the morale boost
on 8/16/11 7:39 am - Sedona, AZ
sounds to me like it is all just part of the learning curve. And look at all the weight you have lost! WOW Enjoy a splurge here & there - you've earned it! If you had the DS tho you have the tool to keep losing! I just dont think people are perfect so it's ok. Any perfect out there that has never done this??? Let us know!
1985 Verticle Banded Gastroplasty to DS revision 2010     sw 280 gw 140 cw 188 hw 360

“If the person you are talking to doesn't appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.?
Winnie the Pooh
Emily F.
on 8/16/11 9:48 am
I agree, it happens. Minimize the damage and move on. You didn't get a ds to get lectured.