Kids gone wild!!
So today has been a wild one. My 10 year old daughter ha**** the teens early and now knows EVERYTHING. But even worse my twin 5 year old bgoys got into a knock down drag out in the living room. So why am I telling you about this? you say. Because I was able to jump down on the floor and disentangle the little hooligans!! I'm not so tired all the time that I let my mouthy daughter get away with murder!! I am by no means a skinny hot mama, BUT I am a fully engaged, functional one. Thank you DS for allowing me to be the parent I want to be! Here is looking to the future when I run their little butts into the ground every day instead of vice versa.

That's great. At 11.5 years post-op, I don't live a "DS life" anymore, mostly I'm just a regular non-overweight person, but with a 6.5 month old baby I think about it more these days - and I cannot imagine what it would be like at my former 300 lb weight. I know exactly what you mean. It's a great feeling. Congratulations.
on 8/6/11 9:52 am
on 8/6/11 9:52 am
Look's like there's a new sheriff in town, kiddos.
Just one of the many victories brought to you by your DS.

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us." Stephen Covey
Don't litter! Spay or neuter your pet
This is my number one reason for having my surgery. I HATE the mom I've been. I mean sure I've been a great mom but I've also been a lazy, non-involved one too. I want to run and play with him. I want to go to theme parks and museums. I want his friends to be jealous that his mom does so much with him. Most of all I want to be a positive role model. Right now he is following in my footsteps of computer and inside time. No matter how much I put my foot down how is he supposed to learn how important exercise is if he sees his mom never move around?
Thanks for sharing! I love that one day I can be active like you! Even 4 weeks after surgery I've noticed the increase in energy and I'm loving every minute of it.
Thanks for sharing! I love that one day I can be active like you! Even 4 weeks after surgery I've noticed the increase in energy and I'm loving every minute of it.
I agree with Vanishing Mom... that's the whole reason I had the DS, was my daughter and wanting to be the best mom I could possibly be. I mean, right now and even before surgery, I was being the best mom I could be... but not nearly the kind of mom that she deserves. In fact, my psychologist actually quoted me in his clearance letter "I don't like not being able to get down on the floor to play with my daughter". I can't wait until I can jump in like you did today. Yay for the return of the awesome mom!