DS and Thyroid
Yep I did...It seems we malabsorb the medication, just like everything else. I had to up my dose from 75 to 112 to get my thyroid back in check. I was tired, but didn't have the symptoms of extreme fatigue that I normally get. I did have leg pain (cramping) which is what finally tipped me off (it also stalled my weight loss bigtime) so I called the doc to see what my lab test results were and I found out they forgot to test my TSH. Since increasing my dosage things have been fine and I'm still losing weight at 18 months out.
From what I've read around here this seems to be common among those of us taking thyroid meds.
The malabsorbtion applies to medication as well...with our shortened intestions the medication does not always stay in there long enough to be fully absorbed. It should be noted that anyone taking medication (thyroid, depression, anxiety, ect...) needs to be diligent about getting thier labs checked on a regular basis.
There have been several posts about this in the past, however they are not always easy to locate with the search function (esp since it's not always mentioned in the title of the thread).
I have hypothyroidism and I have to have mine checked every 8 weeks....well since my DS I have had to have the dosage upped every single 8 weeks... it's ALWAYS off..... my doctor was freaking out but I told her that its NOT my thyroid getting worse its my body malabsorbing the meds...and I am SURE of that!
You WILL have to keep a good, close eye on it forever now and meds will have to be adjusted accordingly!!
My DS surgeon is convinced we'll do a better job of absorbing the Synthroid if it is crushed, even if it is a small pill. I just can't bring myself to reliably take crushed pills, so I'd rather taker a higher dose and malabsorb some of it.
I do hope they can get your levels straightened out quickly. Also, are you taking the brand name or the generic? My Endocrinologist says that Synthroid is the one medication that there is a difference and will only let me take the brand name. For people that take the generic, the problem is if they switch the brand on you - the strength can actually be off a tiny bit making a big difference. I do hope you are seeing a good Endocrinologist.
You might also want to make sure they check your total and free T3 levels. When my T3 levels were low, I was put on Cytomel along with my synthroid and this actually helps the synthroid work better. Cytomel must be taken in the morning