6 Month Clinic Visit Today....Awesome!!!!

(deactivated member)
on 8/4/11 4:26 am
Hello DSers....

                Had an app't this morning at Clinic with NUT and Nurse to review my progress and go over my 6 month lab results....I already had an idea of my lab work from when I saw my PCP a couple weeks ago...To date I have lost a total of 85lbs...all my labs were awesome!!  No vitamins were added or increased so I must be doing ok!!  Life is good...I love my DS!!!! 
April M.
on 8/4/11 4:40 am - MI
That's awesome Gypsy  And 85 lbs lost, with only 25 to go... I'm super impressed. Way to rock your DS, girl!

~April~                                             5'7" 
       2 Part DS                   BMI: S/C/G    59.3/33.5/24.9   
 Part 1: 3/14/11                HW/SW#1/SW#2/CW/GW      
    Part 2: 7/14/11                  

(deactivated member)
on 8/4/11 11:52 am
Thanks so much April and Congrats too on your weight loss...both of us girls are Rockin our DS!!!!
on 8/4/11 5:09 am
85 Pounds!  That is awesome congrats 

5'6" -- HW 270ish/SW 153.6/GW 150/CW 138


(deactivated member)
on 8/4/11 11:53 am
Thanks Amber...We are sure lovin our DS!!!!
on 8/4/11 7:32 am - OH
How exciting!  85 pounds...wow!!  Congrats

RNY:  05/24/2005     SW:  270, lowest:  190,  Back up to:  230
Revision to DS:  07/24/2011  SW:230/CW:181/GW:140
"Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there!"
Will Rogers

(deactivated member)
on 8/4/11 11:54 am
Thanks so much Susan!!!!!
on 8/4/11 8:38 am - Telford, PA
CONGRATS!!!!!  Sounds like you are doing everything right!
DS on 8/15/11

(deactivated member)
on 8/4/11 11:56 am
Thanks so much Litebrite and best wishes on your upcoming surgery!!  Keep us posted on your progress!!
on 8/4/11 10:49 am
Glad you had such a good visit and that your labs are where they need to be.
Keep on working it, Gypsy.
You had surgery a week after I did. Wanna race to see who makes goal first?
                                      ~  Kim  ~

                             HW - 283        SW - 257.5     Goal - 156
Thanks to all the DS vets who have paid it forward - I <3 you guys!  
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