VERY Nervous

on 8/5/11 12:37 am - WI
VSG on 11/26/13
Hi Kathie,

You have probably already left for the hospital by now but I will be praying. I have spent much time praying also, along with sitting and staring into space trying to figure out whether this is the right decision for me. I know that you will do great. Please let me know how you are and I will be joining you as a fellow DSer hopefully within the next month.


 Height: 5'1" HW: 229 SW: 203 CW: 147.7


(deactivated member)
on 8/5/11 3:37 am
Hi Aleta,

I know that when I had my band in, I was excited until it became "real".  Then I absolutely FREAKED OUT.  I did it anyway and woke up regretting it.  BUT then I settled down and I haven't regretted the decision for surgery.  Can't say that I haven't regretted the band but the decision to have surgery was NEVER regretted.

If you're not nervous about having major surgery, then there's something wrong with you.  And you probably shouldn't have the surgery as you can't possibly be fully educated about what you're getting into without being even a LITTLE nervous!  ;)

You will do GREAT.  I'm excited for you!
on 8/5/11 5:04 am - WI
VSG on 11/26/13
LOL, that's exactly what I told the Psych yesterday. Are you thinking about switching to the DS? I'm so glad that I found this board before I actually went in for my RNY.

 Height: 5'1" HW: 229 SW: 203 CW: 147.7


(deactivated member)
on 8/5/11 7:53 am
See, great minds think alike.  ;)

That's the goal!  I'm glad you found this board too!  I don't even know how I found it or what attracted me to the DS information but once I learned about it, I think it's the one.  If I get revised, that's the only one I'll do.  I was originally thinking about the RNY but after being on here, I don't think so.  Don't want to deal with RH and regain (again).  It sucks being compliant and having the weight stay.  I want something that will reward my compliance! 

Happy for you and your upcoming date!  Exciting!
(deactivated member)
on 8/5/11 8:32 am
 If you weren't nervous, I'd be worried about you.  Sounds like all your ducks are in a row!  I hope all works out very soon and you have a definite date!  