Two year update.

on 8/4/11 1:18 am - Central, FL
 Another great update! I am so proud of you, Jessy. I hope you can get the pain after eating sorted out. It doesn't sound normal to me. Keep us posted!

 My DS   
SW/263  CW/136 GW/150

Blank Out
on 8/4/11 1:47 am
 So happy for you!  Your posts are always filled with such joy, and we can all tell you have great inner beauty!  You are stunning on the outside too!  The world is your oyster!  So happy and excited for you!
HW/ 302  SW/287  CW/140  GW/135

on 8/4/11 6:36 am - A Town, NJ
Jess awesome post.  About that pain, it's not normal so get it checked.  I used to have those same pains and like you ignored them.  Then a few months ago being 5 months pregnant the pain was so bad I was doubled over in pain.  It would last a few hours and then go away.  I began vomitting vile and the pain lasted longer and longer.  I attributed it to heart burn due to my preganancy.  Then I couldn't take it anymore and went to the hospital.  They did surgery as my surgeon said that what he thought I had wouldn't come out in a scan.  Well it turned out to be an internal hernia in my intestines and it got so bad that it caused my bowels to twist.  So I had surgery at 20 weeks pregnant. Since then I've never had the pain again.

Revision from Lapband to DS and Had healthy post-op baby, LOVE MY DS!

on 8/4/11 10:39 am
 Jessy, you are beautiful.  Always were and now I see the whole world before you.  Congratulations on the weight loss, the scholarship and all the wonderful years to come!

*   Take 1 DS, add a little p90x and stir :)
5' 3"  HW 293/SW 253/Goal 130/CW 128

on 8/4/11 2:47 pm - FL
I'll add my congratulations to the chorus!  You've done a remarkable job and have so many reasons to be proud!

Thanks for the update.  Please get the abdominal pain evaluated!
on 8/4/11 3:07 pm - somewhere, MI
 while we are all very special in our way I have to say that you are my favorite DS story ((((hug))))  GRATS BABY! :)  Yea for living life!!!  I am SO glad you are!  Happy 2 years!
5'5" HW-344 (10/4/09) SW-295 (10/7/10) CW-161 GW-144
Never give up, Never surrender! ~Galaxy Quest

First person to tell me I took the "easy" way out is getting a black eye!
(deactivated member)
on 8/6/11 8:51 am
 I'm so proud of you, Jessy!  I almost missed this post -- better late than never I suppose.  Congratulations on your many successes.  I do hope you get the abdominal pain straightened out soon.  Thank you for keeping us posted!
M ..
on 8/6/11 11:29 am
Jessy!!! I couldnt be any prouder! You look stunning. I KNOW you feel great.  Please get the tummy pain checked out.

Lots of love and tomorrow I'll post my 2 year update, since we are only a few days apart.


 Lilypie - (bM9u)


on 8/6/11 11:59 am
Congrats Jessy on your 2 yr surgiversary!
You've done such a great job.  You are beautiful and talented. Like everyone else has said, get to the doctor and fix your eating pain.  Keep us posted sweetie.  I can just see you riding that pink bike with your huge smile ear to ear...

HW/225 - 5'1" ~ SW/205/after surgery 215 ~ CW/145~ BMI-25.8~Normal BMI 132 ~DS Dr Rabkin 4/17/08
Plastics in Monterrey - See Group on OH Dr Sauceda Jan 13, 2011
LBL, BL, small thigh lift, arms & a full facelift on 1/17/11
UBL 1/21/13
Love my Body by Sauceda

(deactivated member)
on 8/6/11 12:59 pm

I am so proud of you!!! Congratulations on everything! I have seen some pics on FB and you are getting so small and have a great figure!!

Ditto what everyone said about the pain, get it checked!

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