So I signed up for Eharmony. I'm really scared to start dating again. I have not dated in 6 years. After my divorce I had gain so much weight. I was not happy with myself how would anyone else. Well now that I'm 84 lbs lighter I think I am ready to start dating. I'm just really scared do I tell them I had WLS? What happens when we get closer? I look like I'm melting.. I have my two teenage daughter helping me. They really want me to find someone..
I met my husband after my DS.
Now, my suggestion, go to Victoria's Secret and buy yourself a beautiful bra and panties--wear it around even if you're not on a date. You'll see that you feel great, just knowing what you're wearing and that you can actually fine it in your SIZE now!!! (and don't worry about sagging boobies. As a 20 year old, I'd lost all of my boobs and was a very saggy size A--went from a C to an A. NO one cared.)
Enjoy yourself. You deserve it! Congratulations on your success!
Hi Wendy :)
I work for and I can tell you from my experience that MANY MANY MANY people on online dating websites have had WLS. I wouldn't be at all surprised if you run into a few guys who have also had WLS. Online dating is the new standard, it's nothing to be shy or timid about- just smart and logical. owns a website called which is our Big and Beautiful website. A lot of people on there are people who have had WLS, or just like bigger gals in general, so they wouldn't be judgemental.
I'm absolutely not "plugging" any websites I work for, lol- I don't get commission or anything on sign ups, I wouldn't even know if you did, but I just wanted to give you my opinion as someone from the industry. Eharmony is a great website too and does things a bit differently than or BBPeopleMeet. No matter what website you try, confidence is KEY! And you know what? If you do meet a guy who is bothered by anything to do with your WLS, then clearly they aren't the guy for you and you can move on to the next guy :) Each wrong guy is one guy closer to finding the right guy (or gal)! :)
You are not even a year out from surgery so it is in the forefront of your mind. As time goes on, it won't seem like so much of an issue to you. You'll eat normally, just smaller portions and more protein. It's not even worth mentioning.
The time to tell someone is when the relationship starts to get serious.
Best wishes and good luck!

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DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"
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