BMI 41.1 - I want DS

Angie H.
on 7/29/11 12:34 pm - TN

I am 5'3" and my BMI is 41.1. I want to have DS. I have HTN, and I take NSAIDS for my fibromyalgia. I have GERD, but it is controlled with PPI (omeprazole), I have edema of my feet and legs. As far as my diet is concerned: I love carbs... sweets and starches, and I love my meat. I have been known to binge eat.

So in the opinion of all you experienced folks, what is your recommendation? Do you think my doctor will go along with DS?

Would appreciate all comments and advice
on 7/29/11 12:36 pm - Kennewick, WA
I personally feel that the DS is the perfect wls for everyone, so of course I'll say yes.

There is a lightweights board somewhere on here.

If your Dr. doesn't go along with it, I suggest you get another Dr. I wouldn't ever have any other surgery.
Elizabeth N.
on 7/29/11 12:45 pm - Burlington County, NJ
Sure the DS is a good idea. Just be sure you get a good surgeon. And if your doc doesn't cooperate, find one with an open mind.

on 7/29/11 12:46 pm - AL
I never heard of your doctor.  Most surgeons can't do the DS so if they can't do it they aren't going to recommend it to you.

If you see a surgeon who actually does the DS s/he should give you information on all four of your surgical options and then YOU should decide which surgery YOU want. 

This is one surgery where you pick your surgery type first THEN you pick a surgeon who has a lot of experience doing the surgery YOU want.

My highest BMI was 39.8.


Sher Bear Mama
on 7/29/11 1:45 pm
I'm pre-op but have been approved for the ds and my bmi is 41.6 I think.  I'm almost 5 ft 5 and I weigh approx 250.  I have to say though, that if you know that you binge eat, and that you love carbs, just make sure you work on yourself--that a surgery can't fix any of us.  I know that I too LOVE carbs and though I don't binge per-say, I do emotionally eat at times. I've already started therapy to deal with the issues that may or may not come up after surgery.  Just because I can get skinny and physically healthy from the DS surgery, I know I won't be healed and keep it all off with out some internal work.

Good luck with your journey.  I'm sure the DS is the best surgery out there.  Now it's a matter if matching yourself up with the right doctor!
Sher--the bear mama

on 7/29/11 2:56 pm
I'm just going to copy and paste my response to you on the main board:

I was about the same BMI at my surgery. There are plenty of DSers on the Lightweights board if you need further successful examples.

It is not your doctor's decision. If you are going to get a DS, now is the time to learn how you will be dealing with medical personnel.

FIRST, you research and choose a vetted DS surgeon. There's a list on Speak with or email him and find out his requirements. Ask him to fax/email lab/x-ray orders for whatever he needs to YOU.

Once you know what you need, make an appointment with your pcp and arrive with copies of the orders in hand. (when the results come in insist on a copy of your own. If your surgeon has trouble receiving anything, you'll be able to make sure he gets them. This is what you will do with post op labs, too. Might as well break him in now.)

Inform your doctor that you WILL be having the DS and you would appreciate him coordinating the pre-op testing as well as providing any post op lab work you request.

If he is uncooperative, fire him. Find another pcp.
Check out my profile:
Or click on my name
DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"

on 7/29/11 7:28 pm - VA
Welcome! I responded to you on the lightweight board too. Dr Boyce in TN is a possibility even though he's not on DSFacts yet. You might want to see if your insurance will accept him. Keep us posted.


5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
Join us on the
Lightweights Board!
DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

on 7/29/11 9:23 pm
I am a Dr. Boyce patient and he does LW's. Be careful tho as his partner does NOT do LW's for the DS, Dr. Williams only does them for 50 & above BMI.

I saw Dr. Boyce this week for my gallbladder surgery and he stated that the DS was the best one for any weight.

No, he isn't on DSFacts but will probably get on the list soon enough.

Oh, and I had to fight my insurance over my choice of doctors, and ended up checking every bariatric surgeon in TN, Dr. Boyce was only one of two that will do a LW and the other one was not in my insurance network.


Duodenal Switch (Lap) 01-24-11 | Surgeon: Stephen Boyce | High weight: 250 in 2002 | Surgery weight: 203 | Lowest weight: 121 | Current weight: 135 | Goal weight: 135


on 7/30/11 4:25 am
dsfacts is far from perfect.
Heather E.
on 7/30/11 12:00 am
My BMI was 40.9.  My surgeon was absolutely fine with me getting the DS after I proved to him that I had done my research and knew what I was getting myself into.  I also had (and still do have) GERD, and needed to be able to take NSAIDs  for my sciatica.  I was also pre-diabetic and had triglycerides that would've killed an elephant - both of those resolved by my 6 month labs.

I don't think having a lower BMI should be any sort of reason to not be able to get the DS.  My surgeon modified my DS to suit my "smaller" status by making my stomach extremely small, but giving me a longer common channel.  It has worked out very well for me - I never got super-low weight wise (my lowest was 136), and I don't have major issues with malabsorption, such as bathroom issues or vitamin levels.

My best advice is to research!!  Read everything you can get your hands on about the DS.  Find real-life DSers near you, and go hang out with them.  Find out how they live, what supplementing looks like for them, and what long-term maintenance is like.  Knowledge is power, and will only benefit you in the long run.


HW: 249/ CW: 130/ GW: 140

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