Joining the ranks of the anemic.
Talk to Dakota_80. She has some names of products that are used in this way. Also, try starting a thread asking folks who've had D injections to share their results. There are a few on here.
If you are on Facebook, you might ask Dakota_80 to add you to her Nutrition Matters group. She has a LOT of material posted and linked there about various ways to treat deficiencies. She's a NUT who is madly learning about DS nutrition needs :-).
If you are on Facebook, you might ask Dakota_80 to add you to her Nutrition Matters group. She has a LOT of material posted and linked there about various ways to treat deficiencies. She's a NUT who is madly learning about DS nutrition needs :-).
I had the Vit D injection. My first testing after the injection (48) was an increase of almost 15 and my second testing went up about 4 more points so I am at a total vit d of 52. Bear with me I don't remember my results before the injection and the increase of the D this time could be attributed to more sun and tanning. Received the shot in November first test around February and second test at the start of this month. Both of these number were higher then I had obtained from taking a pill. I will probably not test again until November which will be one year from the shot so we will see how that goes.
DS with Daryl Stewart 04/21/10 - SW 306lbs CW 140lbs
Plastic Surgery with Dr. Sauceda 11/06/12 - LBL, Thigh Lift, BL/BA, small Arm lift
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 6/15/11 8:22 am
on 6/15/11 8:22 am
Good luck with this. I don't blame you for going straight to infusions and the injection. Some things just aren't worth the dicking around if your health is in the balance. Like why horse around with something for additional months that only "might" help, when you can just do whatever you know will work.
I've had several specialists take a look at my spreadsheet (mine is a measly 3 1/2 years) with enthusiasm and state they wish all their patients were that proactive. The nephrologist wanted a copy of the blank form that he is going to give to some of his other patients as mandatory homework.
It's just nice to hear you found a practice that is open to our particulars, and easy to get into.
I've had several specialists take a look at my spreadsheet (mine is a measly 3 1/2 years) with enthusiasm and state they wish all their patients were that proactive. The nephrologist wanted a copy of the blank form that he is going to give to some of his other patients as mandatory homework.
It's just nice to hear you found a practice that is open to our particulars, and easy to get into.
Well, I don't mind if I do post to this one... FRIEND.
You haven't even told me about the anemia yet.
Can't say I'm shocked or displeased. Guess this means you will HAVE to make a trip down to Houston eventually. :) Maybe yearly so we can boost you up.
I am now thinking that an oral high-dose supplement is the way to go - we can put the same amount into a pill. This will reduce supplement intake as well as provide the opportunity to boost up some of the pre-ops quickly. :)
Iron, on the other hand.. I'd try out the bum thing.. lol
The 3 new forms of iron infusions claim that they can infuse >1000 mg elemental iron in less than 1 hour (technically less than 15 minutes) with little to no reaction and no test dose. I will test it out on Stormy!! LOL
You haven't even told me about the anemia yet.

Can't say I'm shocked or displeased. Guess this means you will HAVE to make a trip down to Houston eventually. :) Maybe yearly so we can boost you up.
I am now thinking that an oral high-dose supplement is the way to go - we can put the same amount into a pill. This will reduce supplement intake as well as provide the opportunity to boost up some of the pre-ops quickly. :)
Iron, on the other hand.. I'd try out the bum thing.. lol
The 3 new forms of iron infusions claim that they can infuse >1000 mg elemental iron in less than 1 hour (technically less than 15 minutes) with little to no reaction and no test dose. I will test it out on Stormy!! LOL
Into NUTrition? Then join our "Nutrition Matters" group on Facebook.
The information in this post is my opinion and not intended to be or implied to be fact or a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content and information contained in this post is for educational purposes only. I assume no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained in this post, and such information is subject to change without notice. You should confirm any information obtained from this post with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your MD. Never delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read in this post or on this web site. I am not responsible nor liable for any opinion, advice, medical treatment or other information you obtain through this post or web site.
The information in this post is my opinion and not intended to be or implied to be fact or a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content and information contained in this post is for educational purposes only. I assume no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained in this post, and such information is subject to change without notice. You should confirm any information obtained from this post with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your MD. Never delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read in this post or on this web site. I am not responsible nor liable for any opinion, advice, medical treatment or other information you obtain through this post or web site.
I suspect I will soon be joining you. After two months of heavy iron supplementation pre-op my iron improved 1 point. I am still slightly anemic.My calcium also went up only one point. On the bright side my vitamin D went up to 93 from 16 and my protein went from 6.3 to 7.5.
I suspect I will need to be very proactive where these labs are concerned.
I suspect I will soon be joining you. After two months of heavy iron supplementation pre-op my iron improved 1 point. I am still slightly anemic.My calcium also went up only one point. On the bright side my vitamin D went up to 93 from 16 and my protein went from 6.3 to 7.5.
I suspect I will need to be very proactive where these labs are concerned.
-Band to DS revision on 06/21/2011!
Highest known Wt/ Lowest Wt (Banded)/ Regain-Starting Wt/ Current Wt/ Goal Wt
379.6/ 272/ 342/ 169/ South of 200
oh sorry for this, I know you know there are a few with this issue and require infusions, my pcp (which is also a hem/onc) already told me that he would iron inf. in the future if my levels drop off too low. I understand about not messing around with it, and that is exactly what i told my pcp, he is on board. good luck to your increasing levels in the future, hopefully very soon