Recommended dodages to improve deficiencies?

on 6/3/11 11:16 am - Atlanta, GA
Caliing all hardcore (and not so hardcore) vitamin/lab gurus out there. Can you suggest dosages for improving deficiencies. I know there are some because I've had m head up my . . . nevermind, for a good while. I go to doc week after next, so I'll know how low after labs. But it can't hurt to amp it up now. I can adjust with more teedback after labs.

Suggestions, especially for A, D, E,K, Calcium and B's. . . but any recommendations are welcome.

I do understand these are recommendations until I have the official data, but I want to get headed in the right direction and the standard dosages will not do that

Diva Jojo:   SW:  440lbs -- CW:  274lbs  --  GW:  240lbs

on 6/3/11 11:20 am - VA
I used Vitalady's basic recommendations except went with 100,000IUs of dry D since I was still a little low when I started her plan. Here's the link. Let me know if you have trouble getting it to work. 2010.pdf


5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
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DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

on 6/3/11 11:37 am - AL
I also agree with 100k of D.

The Iron listed on that link that Gina gavie you is incorrect (typo I believe).  If you use the Tender Iron it is 10 tablets, not 5.


on 6/3/11 12:04 pm - Atlanta, GA
Thanks. I am fine with my iron. Monitored with my hematologist through quarterly check ups.

Diva Jojo:   SW:  440lbs -- CW:  274lbs  --  GW:  240lbs

on 6/3/11 7:49 pm - VA
Wait, Becky. The new Tender iron in capsules is 60mg of carbonyl iron +vite C, so 5 capsules to equal the old 10-12 Tender chewables, which are 25mg of carbonyl iron each. The list is using the new capsule. 


5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
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DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

on 6/4/11 1:17 am - AL
Oh. Okay.  Shutting up now.  Thanks for clarifying.


Elizabeth N.
on 6/3/11 12:09 pm - Burlington County, NJ
Were you the person who was having obnoxious pain troubles? Sorry, I lose track sometimes? Anyhow, I strongly recommend 100K IU vitamin D3 daily and at least 2 grams (2,000 mg) calcium CITRATE daily starting ASAP. If you are the person in pain, I probably already told you that bone pain, often felt in the hips and thighs, is frequently a sign of low D and leaching of bone material.

on 6/3/11 9:06 pm - Atlanta, GA
No, I am not the person that was in pain, but thanks for the input. I have only been dealing with a run down feeling for the past couple years actually. Not exhausted, but not great either. The only other thing is irritation in a sensitive area. Gyn has tested for yeast, etc., but nothing shows. I think now it is a rash or skin irritation like others have experienced due to deficiency, but concentrated in one area.

Diva Jojo:   SW:  440lbs -- CW:  274lbs  --  GW:  240lbs

Elizabeth N.
on 6/4/11 5:30 am - Burlington County, NJ
Be sure to get the full gamut of lab work done. Use Vitalady's recommended list that someone else linked, then see who's around here to help you go over results. You cannot trust your surgeon to be proactive on the nutrition stuff. Surgeons are cutters, not dieticians, hematologists, endocrinologists, or DS vets for that matter :-) .

Better yet, take up correspondence with Vitalady (in addition to sharing here if you are so inclined) and follow her recommendations. She's pulled a lot of very deficient people back from places ranging from merely bad to downright life threatening.

I get annoyed skin bits if I drop off the zinc for a while. Am currently cranky about one of those spots under an empty tube sock, I mean under a boob. It's correlation, not causation, but hey, it seems to work for me, and far as I know I'm not poisoning myself with zinc. (I don't take enormous amounts of it, just 100 mg daily.)

Kathleen F.
on 6/3/11 1:15 pm
Make sure you take magnesium citrate. You need it with both the calcium and the D. I believe the formula is 2:1 (calcium:magnesium). I would also take K2 to help regulate the calcium balance in the body and makes sure it goes into the bones and not deposited elsewhere in the body.
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