X-Post/Main Forum--Question about Greenfield Filter/IVC Filter

on 5/13/11 10:15 am
My husband is starting to have nightmares about losing me during my DS surgery. My family is supportive, but worried because a few years age we had a friend die unexpectedly after surgery due to blood clots....stood up to get some water, and just fell over.

I am not worried (lol...how long that will last if my hubby continues to have nightmares...), but I am not stupid. I know there is always a risk with any surgery. But I also know that my diabetes can kill me, or I can get into a car accident, etc. To avoid these scenarios I take my diabetes meds, and wear my seatbelt...you know...precautions.

 I had a heart cath at the request of the surgeon I consulted with about the RNY (before I knew about the DS). The results were that I had no evidence of heart disease...good for me. Other than the diabetes (type 2) and being overweight, I am healthy. But my mother has had pulmonary embolisms (just out of the blue...but she is diabetic and overweight too) twice in the last 3-4 years. She is on cumidan now.

Now to my questions...

1) Even though I have had no problems with PE's, should I ask if the doctor(either DS surgeon or cardiologist) would insert a Greenfield Filter as a precaution (and to ease my hubby and family's minds....and maybe mine to a lesser extent)?

2) Has anyone here who has had the Greenfield Filter placed before surgery had it done at their request...not necessarily by the dr's recommendation?  

When push comes to shove....shove hard!


Never regret anything, because at one time it was exactly what you wanted.

on 5/13/11 11:39 am - Haslet, TX
This is one of my jobs, I work in a heart hospital.
most of our Dr's will insert a removable ivc filter, if you are prone to clots, have had them previously or family history...

Being overweight is enough to be a risk, being diabetic is two, and if family history,,, would think it would ease my mind ,,,

Good luck !!

on 5/14/11 8:35 am
I have a clotting disorder (low platelets) and my surgeon mandated a filter and the lovenox shots. He just posted this video on his blog, worth watching, the filter saved this patient's life:
http://bariatricsurgeryblog.blogspot.com/2011/05/blood-clot- prevention-before-bariatric.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_m edium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+DrMyersBariatricSurgery+%28 Bariatric+Surgery+Blog%29
Lisa A.
on 5/14/11 12:31 pm - Windsor, NY
I actually had a filter put in at my request. My surgeon didn't care either way. With some patients that have a certain BMI he requests they get the filter but I wanted one anyways. I had an interventional specialist (radiologist) place my filter. I just didn't want to take the chance of having anything happen. I also have lovenox shots every day for a week after surgery.

If you feel that you want to have one for ease of mind then you should do what you feel. I had to have the filter in place for one month before I had surgery. It did not hurt me to have this filter put in and you are awake (twilight). I had to stay in the hospital for a few hours (sitting up in hospital) bed after I had this done before they would let me go home and I was able to go back to work the next day.
Elizabeth N.
on 5/14/11 10:03 pm - Burlington County, NJ
He put mine in :-).