Need suggestions re: cold coffee drinks
Sure, I could make ahead of time and put it in the fridge maybe, but I'm lazy and that sounds like work. And I'm not sure how that will taste.
Anyone have a quick solution? My first insinct is to make instant coffee double strength. But I thought I'd see if others had some awesome process I hadn't thought of.

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My Iced Coffee Protein Shake Recipe w/ Pics
I wanted to share with you my process for making my *absolute* favorite recipe with my Champion Nutrition chocolate protein powder. When done, I feel this rivals Starbuck's iced caramel frappucino. I no longer go to Starbuck's for their fraps, now I just go there to buy the syrup! Believe me, $7.95 per week on syrup is an incredible savings over what I used spend at Starbucks!!
These are the ingredients I use:
*Decaf coffee brewed (Can be used hot or cold) Regular coffee can be used of course.
(I brew a pot a day, and just keep it in a large cup in my fridge or on the countertop)
*Champion Nutrition Pure Whey Stack in the chocolate flavor (Best price at
*Starbucks sugar free caramel ($7.95 for 32 oz, purchased from Starbucks, of course)
*Stevia sweetener packets (or any sugar substitute) (TrueVia is my fave, I get this from Costco)
*Heavy whipping cream (Best price is at Costco, half gallon for less than $6)
*Large blender bottle, the 28 oz size (Best price @
I don't have any exacts, so I've put this into pictures to make it easier to duplicate.
All of the ingredients I use.
Start by filling a Blender Bottle full with ice
Next fill your shaker about 3/4 full of coffee (I use the verticle stripes along the side to measure)
Next, add desired amount of heavy whipping cream
Now add two pumps of sugar free caramel syrup
Next add two packets of favorite sugar substitute
Now add 1.5 scoops of Champion Nutrition Chocolate protein powder (2 scoops if you like it more chocolate flavored)
Now just put on the lid to the shaker and shake until smooth
No joke guys, if you're having trouble drinking protein, this is the BEST tasting recipe I've come up with yet. I CRAVE my protein shakes and can't wait until it's time for the next!!!!
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I've been on a vanilla protein kick lately...tastes so good with the coffee and carmel syrup. Sometimes I use one shot vanilla and one shot carmel for just a bit richer taste. I like the fact that you can mix the coffee stronger when you want, or just have a hint of flavor. This morning I had a chocolate carmel iced coffee. Now I'm wanting one and I've had two already and from work!
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I just fill a shaker cup with ice, fill 2/3 with half and half, add a little water, two scoops of Champion chocolate, a tablespoon or two of the instant espresso, and a dash of cinnamon. SO tasty!
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