Dates..and not the surgical kind :)
I definitely have that butterfly feeling right now, and I haven't had that feeling in SO long!! It makes me happy :)
I can't even believe I initiated! I am SO incredibly shy! He is not someone I have known for a long time, it was someone I had just met, and I knew I would be seeing him again 1 time, and that 1 time was the only time I'd have to give him my #. If I didn't initiate then there would be a chance I wouldn't ever see him again, lol. I'm really surprised though that he was so receptive to it. I'm not use to guys being like "Ok great, let's go out!" lol.
I can't even believe I initiated! I am SO incredibly shy! He is not someone I have known for a long time, it was someone I had just met, and I knew I would be seeing him again 1 time, and that 1 time was the only time I'd have to give him my #. If I didn't initiate then there would be a chance I wouldn't ever see him again, lol. I'm really surprised though that he was so receptive to it. I'm not use to guys being like "Ok great, let's go out!" lol.
Ms. Cal Culator
on 5/6/11 4:51 am - Tuvalu
on 5/6/11 4:51 am - Tuvalu
When you wrote "not the surgical kind," I immediately knew you meant these. My mom made them every Christmas, but with powdered sugar instead of granulated:

In any group of a hundred people, there are probably 2 or 3 sociopaths. In a group of a thousand, more like 20-30. They function very well in "affinity groups," where people have things in common and tend to trust strangers. I am NOT saying not to trust anyone. I AM saying that there are probably two dozen sociopaths hanging out here and looking for victims. Most are NOT serial killers.
As the only guy to respond to your post so far, I'll simply say that the quote in your signature line says it all. Guys can be easily intimidated and may need a little nudging before they'll build up the nerve to ask you out. If you know what you want, I say go for it! After all, it's just a date! You deserve to be living life to the fullest NOW.