So much pain still.. lost faith in ER's, DRs and my surgeon

on 5/1/11 7:35 am
I am so sorry for the continued pain your are going through.  I can help you with correct documentation of requesting your records, ALL your records,  anything that you have had done including lab work, tissue pathology, radiology, operative reports, anesthesiology reports, chart note, pharmacy, etc are YOURS not the hositals and certainly not the requesting md, the information is sent to the requesting md, but they are yours, but you must know how to request them.  You can have the requesting md, request the records you are looking for and this way you will avoid the fees (or you can have your records sent to the ordering md to avoid fees) if this becomes an issue you will need to request them.

1.  contact the location you want the report from and ask for medical records, ask the procedure for requesting your reports.
2.  send the request via certified mail, this way you will have a date of when they recieved the request
3.  every state is different in how much they are allowed to charge for copies of reports, get the info from the state you are requesting from, not where you live, also make sure you know who to contact when/if the location you want your records from does not comply. it does not matter what state you are requesting from the records are yours, procedures may be different, but make no mistake in knowing they are your legal right -to get them, and everything you had done.
4.  they must comply within a certain time frame or recieve a hefty penalty.

on 5/1/11 7:36 am - Upstate, SC
So sorry you are going through this!
I agree with OP who suggested a gastroenterologist - they can do wonders, and most know (or will research ) the DS.
I had endometriosis for years prior to a hysto, and that pain for me was chronic, but never sharp...always an ache.
Sharp pain...I was thinking kidney stone. You are just about as far out as I was when mine started up. That pain was awful - and tests showed my stones were oxylate, and my rapid weight loss likely contributed. But you did say you had xrays, so that may be a no go...
Another thought...bowel again, but rather than a stricture or blockage, some postops have had twists or partial stricture or issues as the gut resettles during weight loss. Or an internal hernia? A gastro could explore these possibilities.
Tip: if you notice that the pain gets worse if you take opoids (Lortab etc), the issue may well be bowel-ralated. Narcotics slow down the bowels and can flare pain issues there, IMHO.
{hugs} I hope things improve soon!

 sw 286/  cw 180ish  BMI 28
Thank God for the DS! It saved my life, literally & figuratively! 

Emily F.
on 5/1/11 8:57 am
Okay, just to throw something else out there, I had pain in my stomach for years, was told it was endo, had lap surgery said there wasn't much but he lasered, still had pain, I went ahead and got pregnant thinking it would help, STILL had pain. Come to find out I had hernias in my groin going down to my legs. 5 of them. Surgeon put mesh in, lasered some more endo and haven't had a pain since. Can you ask your surgeon if he looked that far south?? I used to have studies where a percentage of woman were diagnosed endo but the pain was really hernias.

Good luck.
on 5/1/11 4:01 pm
Revision on 06/21/13
I am sorry you have so many problems getting your records. Definitely a HIPPA violation here. I would call the supervisor of the hospital legal dept. Tell them what you need. Tell them y ou will be there in an hour.. or two hours, whatever works for you and that you expect your records to be ready in Medical Records when you arrive and you will resign whatever is necessary to pick them up in FRONT OF THEM... since they have not abided by any of the rules. This is bull crap ! No matter what state you are in, you are entitled to these records. I have always been able to walk into any medical records in a hospital and pick up what was needed. I often call ahead and ask them to be ready and they always are ready.

 Revision #2 Dr John Rabkin June 21, 2013; First Revision DS - Dr Maguire
  5-18-09; First DS 7-15-2003 Dr Clark Warden = Third time is the charm   



on 5/1/11 5:09 pm
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DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"

on 5/4/11 1:14 pm - VA
 Updating this thread as well:

Sorry I havent been on in a few days. I went back to the ER and was admitted on Monday after not being able to keep food, water and meds down. I was also throwing up blood. So far my Potassium is low again and my blood pressure has been pretty low as well. 

I had an EGD yesterday, but it didnt show anything. I also had X Rays and a U/S on Monday night. 

I have been on tons of stuff in my IV and on constant fluids. I havent went to the bathroom in 4 days (#2 that is) so they have been giving me stool softners and hoping I go on my own. They did an X Rays and an U/S of my gallbladder and abdomen area and my gallbladder looks ok. They did not see an obstruction but have not totally ruled it out yet since I am still not going to the bathroom.

Today has been the first day that I have been able to keep liquids down and even had a little broth. Right now they are treating me for dehydration, low potassium and I am on antibiotics as they think I might have a bacterial overgrowth. The ER and the hospital staff has gotten medical release forms from me and once again are trying to obtain my records. I did have my husband call to verify the fax number and it was correct and he asked if they were getting the many faxes sent from my Drs, hospitals etc and told them that I am in the hospital and they need my records. They told him Alex is the one who gets the faxes. I havent had much strength but will be calling again tomorrow and ask someone to be in the room with me if I cannot hear to try and see what is going on.

GI said they will re evaluate me tomorrow and once I can keep stuff down without getting dehydrated and get my pain controlled they will release me. They have asked the bariatric surgeons here to come in and consult with me as well and hopefully that will be tomorrow. 
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