I need some Vitalady anecdotes please!
It was only a couple of months between when I had decided on the DS and was scheduled for surgery. I had so much to learn in such a short amount of time, I gave myself a pass on learning about the labs until after I had absorbed the basics. When my first labs came back, three months post-op, Michele went back and forth with me by email in great detail analyzing them and giving her opinion and answering all my questions. And she never tried to sell me anything.
She is incredible.
I also still laugh at a post I and some others didn't understand and you translated because you spoke "VitaSpeak."
She is incredible.
I also still laugh at a post I and some others didn't understand and you translated because you spoke "VitaSpeak."

Or click on my name
DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"
She has been a Godsend to me!
Pre-op i went out to her place to visit and took my pre-op (seriously deficient -- effed up labs) with me so she could get a starting point. This after bleeding for a month and getting transfusions.
She freaked when she saw my B12 and made me take two of her sublinguals right away while we were chatting. She spent about 2 hours getting together a customized plan for me, even told me where I could get things cheaper if I wanted to shop around.
my vit D was in the tank as well, normal for us Pacific Northwesterners. She knew i was taking a 50k D2 sup once a week and she told me to take hers and how many times as a normy leading up to my surgery.
If it weren't for her help going back and forth with me to this day I think i would be in a world of hurt.
My PCP is awesome and dedicated but I am her one and ONLY DSer. She thinks I am a one and only in our area. So she is learning as fast as she can and is depending on me for a lot of my care with regards to my DS.
HOpe this helps. sorry i was slow in responding. I have been frantically getting ready for Africa. I have about 3 weeks til I leave. =0
Pre-op i went out to her place to visit and took my pre-op (seriously deficient -- effed up labs) with me so she could get a starting point. This after bleeding for a month and getting transfusions.
She freaked when she saw my B12 and made me take two of her sublinguals right away while we were chatting. She spent about 2 hours getting together a customized plan for me, even told me where I could get things cheaper if I wanted to shop around.
my vit D was in the tank as well, normal for us Pacific Northwesterners. She knew i was taking a 50k D2 sup once a week and she told me to take hers and how many times as a normy leading up to my surgery.
If it weren't for her help going back and forth with me to this day I think i would be in a world of hurt.
My PCP is awesome and dedicated but I am her one and ONLY DSer. She thinks I am a one and only in our area. So she is learning as fast as she can and is depending on me for a lot of my care with regards to my DS.
HOpe this helps. sorry i was slow in responding. I have been frantically getting ready for Africa. I have about 3 weeks til I leave. =0
Hey little missy! Don't you dare take off for Africa without saying good bye. I need to be able to concentrate on keeping you safe during your trip. How long will you be there?

Or click on my name
DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"
hahah oh kel!
I would never ever leave without saying goodbye to you. =] ever. I am flying out from Seattle on May 25th at 6:45pm PST. We fly into London and stay there for the day. On the night of the 26th we fly out of London to Entebbe, Uganda. This is all British Airways. I could give you more info via email so you and EN and the guys can know where on the planet i am. i am going to try and get on Facebook when I am there... I don't know how often I will get to, they have internet cafes, but they are few and far between.
I am going to be staying in Mityana, Uganda and working in a village called Mwera.
We will be there until June 8th. On the 8th we will head back to London. I will be in London for 24 hours and then catching another flight back to seattle on the 9th and from there driving back to spokane. I have never been to Europe so i am hoping i will get to see everything i can squeeze in on our lay overs.
It should be amazing. I am going to be taking lots of photos and video. So i will be able to post my memories for everyone.
They took this trip back in 2008 and I couldn't go because i was just not healthy enough. I am so excited to start living again. SOOO excited. This is one of my first major experiences with the new me.
I love you and will keep you posted. Too bad i can't land briefly near you. Maybe we should do a cruise or something cool. =)
I would never ever leave without saying goodbye to you. =] ever. I am flying out from Seattle on May 25th at 6:45pm PST. We fly into London and stay there for the day. On the night of the 26th we fly out of London to Entebbe, Uganda. This is all British Airways. I could give you more info via email so you and EN and the guys can know where on the planet i am. i am going to try and get on Facebook when I am there... I don't know how often I will get to, they have internet cafes, but they are few and far between.
I am going to be staying in Mityana, Uganda and working in a village called Mwera.
We will be there until June 8th. On the 8th we will head back to London. I will be in London for 24 hours and then catching another flight back to seattle on the 9th and from there driving back to spokane. I have never been to Europe so i am hoping i will get to see everything i can squeeze in on our lay overs.
It should be amazing. I am going to be taking lots of photos and video. So i will be able to post my memories for everyone.
They took this trip back in 2008 and I couldn't go because i was just not healthy enough. I am so excited to start living again. SOOO excited. This is one of my first major experiences with the new me.
I love you and will keep you posted. Too bad i can't land briefly near you. Maybe we should do a cruise or something cool. =)
You both need to come to MT in July and party with mh, Pycca and me, that's what you need to do. If we figure out the logistics, we maybe can even meet up with Vitacouple in Grand Teton National Park!
BTW I'm jealous you're flying BA. I've always had terrific service when I used them, better than any other airline I used to fly into Germany.
You both need to come to MT in July and party with mh, Pycca and me, that's what you need to do. If we figure out the logistics, we maybe can even meet up with Vitacouple in Grand Teton National Park!
BTW I'm jealous you're flying BA. I've always had terrific service when I used them, better than any other airline I used to fly into Germany.
We haven't nailed it down yet. I guess it depends on what folks want to do. There's the Montana Folk Festival July 8-10. www.montanafolkfestival.com . Of course, every community with more than ten residents has a 4th of July shindig and that's always fun. My sister suggested that folks might enjoy spending a night or two in Philipsburg and getting loads of scenery on the Pintler Scenic Loop (not to mention shopping or digging for sapphires!). We could do a hot springs tour, something along the lines of Bozeman-Norris-Boulder-Fairmont-Jackson, with eating, shopping and partying available in each location. We could do ghost towns, say Virginia and Nevada Cities, Bannack and Elkhorn, for totally different takes on ghost towns. `
Oh, and I dare not forget! Vitacouple will be in Grand Teton National Park, WY 7/31-8/3! They will be at the Moran RV park, but it would be doable to find lodging within an hour or so drive of there (maybe a bit further, like south or west of Jackson) and spend time with them. That would be a significant road trip, though, from where I'll be, like a good eight hours. I'd possibly be game for that depending on my sis and BIL's needs and the vehicle options. They are very generous in how they let me use their vehicles, but I suspect they might consider that a bit far (unless, of course, I can talk my sister into coming along, but I wouldn't be too hopeful about that--it's farming season and she's a very big part of the farm work).
Maybe I should post this in a new thread....
Oh, and I dare not forget! Vitacouple will be in Grand Teton National Park, WY 7/31-8/3! They will be at the Moran RV park, but it would be doable to find lodging within an hour or so drive of there (maybe a bit further, like south or west of Jackson) and spend time with them. That would be a significant road trip, though, from where I'll be, like a good eight hours. I'd possibly be game for that depending on my sis and BIL's needs and the vehicle options. They are very generous in how they let me use their vehicles, but I suspect they might consider that a bit far (unless, of course, I can talk my sister into coming along, but I wouldn't be too hopeful about that--it's farming season and she's a very big part of the farm work).
Maybe I should post this in a new thread....
I am so excited for you! What a wonderful opportunity!
As soon as I win the lottery (and it's coming soon, I feel it), I'm renting out a tropical resort and flying everyone in first class.
As soon as I win the lottery (and it's coming soon, I feel it), I'm renting out a tropical resort and flying everyone in first class.

Or click on my name
DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"