Ortho doc update on the new knee

on 4/18/11 1:57 pm
Revision on 06/21/13
Had a check up on the knee replacement today. He is happy with all the progress I have made. He was thrilled I went parasailing on the last cruise.  I asked him about zipline on the next one and he said to go for it. I am now officially released to do what I want. I do not have to go back to see him unless a problem develops, but he said x-rays, range of motion and strength are all very good. I have been riding the bike daily, almost up to 5 miles now.

There are a bunch of  talking about  ziplining all as a group. Please fell free to come and join us for the fun. There is more info on the facebook page and the link is in my siggy.

 Revision #2 Dr John Rabkin June 21, 2013; First Revision DS - Dr Maguire
  5-18-09; First DS 7-15-2003 Dr Clark Warden = Third time is the charm   



on 4/18/11 2:02 pm - AL
I am SO going ziplining in July 2012.  I am STILL mad at myself for not going parasailing with you guys on the last cruise.

I am going to knock out these items on my bucket list one at a time.  And ziplining is going to be a BLAST!!!!!!

I bought a cheap lounger to get some sun this summer since the cruise isn't until NEXT summer and it has a weight limit posted on it.  I was OVER that limit before my DS.  And now I'm not even close to it haha. 

I wish there was someway to explain how great it was to cruise with so many fellow DSers.  I can't wait to do it again!!!!  Is there anywhere to parasail on our itinerary?  Maybe I can do BOTH!!!!!!!!!


on 4/18/11 2:15 pm
Revision on 06/21/13
Glad you want to zipline Becky. DH is excited about zipping. I do not think he will parasail again, but he said I can anytime I want to ! LOL 

I am trying to keep my tan going that I started on this cruise. My goal is to stay tan until the next one. Wonder if I can do it ? !  Cool on the lounger, I have been laying out a little every day the sun is out.

Your right it is so hard to explain for the others to understand how much fun we had ! It is similar to a larger scale of local meetings, but we just all had a blast ! It was so cool to do things together that many were unable to do before their WLS. Now we are doing them and doing them with HUGE smiles and lots of laughter !

 Revision #2 Dr John Rabkin June 21, 2013; First Revision DS - Dr Maguire
  5-18-09; First DS 7-15-2003 Dr Clark Warden = Third time is the charm   



on 4/18/11 2:07 pm
Tres bien!  I'm just hoping to eliminate the pain and burn my handicapped parking tag.  Para sailing does sound like fun, though. 

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."  Stephen Covey

Don't litter!  Spay or neuter your pet

on 4/18/11 2:16 pm
Revision on 06/21/13
We can help with that ! We could give it a burial at sea !  I loved the parasailing.. it was awesome. My DH was not as thrilled BUT he did it ! LOL

 Revision #2 Dr John Rabkin June 21, 2013; First Revision DS - Dr Maguire
  5-18-09; First DS 7-15-2003 Dr Clark Warden = Third time is the charm   



(deactivated member)
on 4/18/11 8:24 pm
WOW! I am in total awe of you. Still puttering around with a cane here. But, I'm getting there. I see my doc this Thursday. I don't know what he'll think or say, I just hope it's good.

You made me smile this morning. Thanks.

on 4/19/11 12:26 am
Revision on 06/21/13
You will get in there in time. You have to remember my knee replacement was EIGHT months ago ! You just had yours recently as I recall. I bet you are making more progress than you realize !  I feel like I had a slow recovery..but I can tell you it is wonderful to walk and not have that feeling of "is the knee going to give out" . You will get there as well. You are on a cane already as well. I needed a walker for over 2 months ! I had a bad experience with PT as well. The doc pulled me out at one point and just had me so exercises he gave me at home. Will look forward to your report after seeing the doc on Thursday !

 Revision #2 Dr John Rabkin June 21, 2013; First Revision DS - Dr Maguire
  5-18-09; First DS 7-15-2003 Dr Clark Warden = Third time is the charm   



on 4/19/11 12:12 am - Central, FL
 That's a great report, Ginger! I'm so happy for you.

 My DS   
SW/263  CW/136 GW/150

on 4/19/11 12:27 am
Revision on 06/21/13
Thanks Renee, I am so happy to cross a doc off the list ! 

 Revision #2 Dr John Rabkin June 21, 2013; First Revision DS - Dr Maguire
  5-18-09; First DS 7-15-2003 Dr Clark Warden = Third time is the charm   



on 4/19/11 1:36 am - Salt Lake City, UT
That is great Ginger, and the zipping sounds like a blast!  So glad to see things with your knee have progressed so well.  Way to go!
Duodenal Switch 4/29/09
Loving my DS!!
