Quickest block history!

on 4/9/11 5:21 am
Yesterday, I sugested to SexyBBW86 that she might want to change her profile to reflect that she had the DS rather than the RNY, which is what it was showing. She BLOCKED me!!!

Is this chick over-sensitive or what? (*grin*)
on 4/9/11 5:39 am

Give me some knucks.  That's GOT to be a record.  I was once accused of having sand in my vagina for suggesting someone get the DS instead of the Ruined Why. 

I checked, no sand. 

I.  am.  not.  a.  doctor.

HW 250ish  SW 219  CW 110  LW 100


on 4/9/11 5:40 am
LOL! I remember that. We'll just call you 'Sandy'. (*grin*)
Ms. Cal Culator
on 4/9/11 6:55 am, edited 4/9/11 8:30 am - Tuvalu
On April 9, 2011 at 12:39 PM Pacific Time, Sheanie wrote:

Give me some knucks.  That's GOT to be a record.  I was once accused of having sand in my vagina for suggesting someone get the DS instead of the Ruined Why. 

I checked, no sand. 


Just  a damned minute, Missy!  I am the one that some drugged-out redneck and her chronically unemployable friend keep accusing of having a sandy vagina because my kidney stone got pulverized and...I guess...they pee out of THEIR vaginas and think we all do.  (I know there are some miswired folks out there, but to assume that miswiring exists in others would be a bit odd...uness that's what they live with day to day.)

Do we now have to share the title?

on 4/9/11 4:21 pm
Not sharing.  Already have an awesome nickname:  Maggie.  From the most traumatic experience of my life, in which I showered in an old cabin and ended up covered in tiny maggots from the septic system.  If I wasn't crazy before that, I certainly was after.  And try not sounding like a nut case when trying to find out if maggots can enter a female's body and survive there or not.  All I got was referrals to psych units and shrinks. 

I.  am.  not.  a.  doctor.

HW 250ish  SW 219  CW 110  LW 100


on 4/9/11 11:51 am - VA
 This made me LOL! 
Linda .
on 4/9/11 12:33 pm - Gilroy, CA
I like to joke about having cobwebs in my vagina, but that's a different story. 
on 4/9/11 4:00 pm - NY
I love that. Give me some knucks. You rock the body that rocks the party.
We Are A Fever. We Are A Fever. We ain't born typical. ~ The Kills
If you have any g-ddamn sense and want WLS, think about the DS.www.dsfacts.com
on 4/9/11 5:44 am - Central, FL
 I think it might be as quick as the block I got from MyLadyHeidi awhile back. She posted one of her long drawn out whine fests of how she hates constantly dieting with her RNY. I simply made the suggestion that exercising might help her in having to diet less. She promptly replied..."Oh, is that all there is to it?" She informed me that she does NOT exercise and NEVER will because she never breaks a sweat. I was then immediately blocked...LOL

 My DS   
SW/263  CW/136 GW/150

on 4/9/11 5:50 am
I know. I think I'm blocked my Heidi now---or will be, in a few minutes...

www.obesityhelp.com/forums/amos/4369706/Why-I-Bothered/#3610 6454