8 hours spent in the ER and still nothing =(

on 4/9/11 1:01 pm - VA
It may be a HUGE inconvenience for you to come see Dr. E, but your life and health could be at risk. Have you talked to him on the phone? That might be something to consider before making the trip to see him. If you continue to get worse I think you should come to see him.

Can your mother come stay with your pets? Or do you have a friend that can take you to see Dr. E so your husband can stay with your pets?

I just do not have any faith in other health care professionals who are not familiar with the DS. You can explain it to them until you are blue, but most of them just don't "get it" because it is not the RNY and that's what they all know. Personally, I would be skeptical with the results of any test they are taking.

Anyways, I hope you start to feel better. I am very worried about you because you haven't been doing well for a couple of days now!

Duodenal Switch on February 21, 2011

Surgery weight: 276; Current weight: 122; Height: 5'5

Plastics scheduled for 10/3/14: BL/BA, LBL, TL




on 4/9/11 1:13 pm - VA
 I am worried too, really worried. I am sitting here in bed in tears because I am so scared that I have been in so much pain and no one seems to know whats going on. I cant even comprehend why they gave me pain meds when I went in for possible hemmroids and fissures but didnt at either ER (yesterday and today) when I was in so much pain.

I have always heard that my surgeon is an amazing surgeon but that after care isnt the best which was ok because my PCP is amazing and has done a ton of research with the DS but right now you are right that its not enough and I need someone who knows their stuff.

I will be honest the last time I saw him for my 1 week post op visit I wasnt too happy and there were a few things floating around about my liver that had me scared to death. My PCP and 3 different liver specialists all told me not to worry. My PCP has tried to stay in touch with him regarding my labs especially the ones sinking but he has not responded. 

I know he does endo's which I need for the reflux and to see whats going on but I am going to try and see when I can get one done here as if I go to him for it its going to be a ton more. I am not sure about the hiney issues but will call on Monday to see if they plan on doing something on Wed or if that is just an initial appointment. I also dont know the test or what it involves that the ER Dr was talking about with trying to see if my esophagus was having spasms. 

I did call the after hours surgeon line and talked to Dr F. before the ER visit yesterday and he didnt seem too concerned but said to call if it got worse or go to my local ER. I thought it was too late by the time I got home so I will call again tomorrow. I dont hear well on the phone and both Drs have accents so it makes it hard and my husband keeps saying he doesnt know what is going on and wont call. He is making my life more difficult. He also doesnt trust my mom or anyone else to watch the animals and I dont have any friends who would go with me who live around here and with being in so much pain there is no way at all I can drive myself. 

Going to try and get some sleep. Thank you all for caring and listening to me moan and groan. 
on 4/9/11 7:01 pm
You poor dear.

YOU are more important than ANY animal, for crying out loud. Throw down some newspaper and kibble and leave them alone if need be. If they survive (and they will), great. If not, I'll repeat: YOU are MORE important than ANY animal.

Ordinarily, I'd tell you to just drive yourself, but deep pain is probably too distracting for it to be safe for you to be behind the wheel. Can your Mom drive you?

Hang on there, but if the intense pain continues you need to at least get to one of the hospitals with DS surgeons on call. Please don't wait too long. This could be dangerous.

Check out my profile: http://www.obesityhelp.com/member/goodkel/
Or click on my name
DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"

on 4/9/11 1:13 pm
Revision on 06/21/13
I think you need to See Dr E as well. He will figure you out and get you fixed up. It sounds like a combination of things. Let him figure it out and stop screwing around with docs who do not understand.

 Revision #2 Dr John Rabkin June 21, 2013; First Revision DS - Dr Maguire
  5-18-09; First DS 7-15-2003 Dr Clark Warden = Third time is the charm   



(deactivated member)
on 4/9/11 2:28 pm
on 4/9/11 2:56 pm - CA
I agree with Becky,,,,, I am sending you hugs sweetie! Big ones and prayers too!
2005-Revision from Lap-band to RNY, 12/2010 Revision from RNY to DS
HW-305  DS,SW-262  CW-slowly going down  GW-140/160
on 4/10/11 1:32 am - VA
 Just called the surgeon on call and again had a hard time understanding him. Its not my surgeon but one who works with him. He said to try and stay on liquids and or mushy foods. He told me to call tomorrow and schedule an appointment for either Wed or Fri but that Wed would be better. I tried to understand if they wanted to do anything to me if that would be done then but he said to ask the scheduler tomorrow. He said to also make sure she knows to call and get all the copies of what was done to me so they can take a look at that as well. 

Only bad thing about Wed is that I have the GI appointment but its at 7:30-8am so I might still be able to make it work depending on when they can see me. I still have no idea if they plan to do anything to me if its only a 30 minute appointment with a NP and this is for my hemmroids and possible fissures issue. I will be calling tomorrow to see, but does anyone have any ideas? My PCP had to pull strings to get me in so fast as they are always booked up so if it is for an actual exam and not just a consult I really want to try and make it. 

My husband was fine about driving me up there and taking off on Wed if needed but I need to figure out if they want to do their own testing if its going to be a day thing or if I need to make arrangements to stay there or if I am going to have to come back. 

I am guessing I should start taking my vitamins, but I am unsure about the Iron. Due to not eating yesterday I am trying to remember it must be normal not to have my morning poop right? I am still taking a stool softner and lax as they told me too. 

The surgeon said if the pain kept getting worse and I could make it to drive up there and go to the hospital they are affiliated with. I just dont know how bad I should let it get to before going there. He said there are lots of possible things it could be and I just want to get down to the bottom of this and figure out what is going on. 
Blank Out
on 4/10/11 1:43 am
 Call your surgeon and tell him you are coming and checking in at his hospital.   You will tell the hospital to call your surgeon.  If possible, travel with your CT scan and hand deliver it.  Or, they can request it when you get there.  This waiting thing is ridiculous!  In fact, I would go today, and check in at his hospital.  Demand to be taken seriously.  If you are in this much pain, something is not right.  They keep blowing you off, and you keep letting them .    I am sure you can find a friend who can watch the dogs, or check in on them, or hubby stays home and find a friend to take you!  Make it happen!
HW/ 302  SW/287  CW/140  GW/135

on 4/10/11 2:05 am - VA
 The pain comes and goes in waves. Right now I am just have a little pain and its not feeling like contractions at the moment. I however have not gone to the bathroom and cant remember if thats normal as I havent had anything to eat in over 24 hours.

He said they do surgery the other days so they wouldnt even be able to see me but on Wed or possibly Friday. He said if I went to Fairfax then they could see the labs/tests since they were affiliated, but that sounds like it. 

I asked for a copy of the CT scan and my blood work and they said my PCP/Surgeon could request it and they didnt have a copy for me. The hospital before that said the same thing. 

If I go there today I am pretty sure they are just going to do the same thing they have been doing and release me. They said all the tests I need (endoscopy, colonoscopy or something for my tush, and whatever the test is to see if my esphagus spasms) are done by appointment only and only on an outpatient basis. I somehow need to have my surgeon and or PCP schedule these tests but in the past it seems to take forever to get an appointment with any of these GI Drs or specialists to have these tests done. 

I would have prefered to be admitted and have these tests done and taken care of to try and get to the bottom of this but the ER said they do not admit people for that and to get my PCP/Surgeon to order those tests and they will be done outpatient. 
on 4/10/11 3:34 am - VA
 Ok well I cant take this anymore the pain has gotten worse again so I am going to go to Fairfax. 

I spoke with the surgeon again because the pain is now feeling stabbing and crampy. He wants me to come to Fairfax. Making arrangements for the pets now in case I am there overnight and trying to figure out someone will watch my son or if he is coming. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers and if you want to come visit me let me know. Gina (MajorMom) and Leslie have my cell if you would like to text me. I will be at Fairfax after I get some stuff packed and get stuff ready to go. I really hope they will be more help.

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