Dr. Pomp

Janine P.
on 4/4/11 7:13 am - Long Island, NY
Sue is far from a troll - She was truly looking out for your best interest.  Just because she called you out for flipping your BMI around doesn't make her wrong.

If you didn't lie the first time, 29 is way too skinny for a DS. 

If you're not lying now, 35 would close to guarentee you a 1 part surgery with Pomp. 


Janine   Me on Youtube 


Rena H.
on 4/4/11 8:16 pm - Spokane, WA
WOW!! are you KIDDING ME?!

You are calling Sue a troll? That is almost funny... almost. She doesn't lurk. She is here, day in, day out helping people and giving advice and guidance. Without her I don't really know where I would be. 

So here you come all pissed because she showed some concern about the possibility that this surgery might be overkill for you... YOU did ask for opinions when you started this thread. If you didn't want opinions then why didn't you just keep it between Dr. Pomp and you? 

Good luck, you will need it.
HW - 395 / SW - 358 / GW - 150

Elizabeth N.
on 4/4/11 9:56 pm - Burlington County, NJ
Can you imagine wanting a DS when you were never any bigger than an 18-20 in the first place?
Rena H.
on 4/5/11 7:52 am - Spokane, WA
seems a bit extreme to me. She would get skinny.... but at what expense? having 100 extra pounds or so stored up gives your body something to eat besides your heart and other muscles until you are able to eat enough to satisfy it.
HW - 395 / SW - 358 / GW - 150

on 4/5/11 9:50 am - NY
On April 5, 2011 at 4:56 AM Pacific Time, Elizabeth N. wrote:
Can you imagine wanting a DS when you were never any bigger than an 18-20 in the first place?
If you are referring to me I was a 22/24 size. I could only shop at Lane Bryant. So yes, i know what its like to be fat just like everyone else here.
Elizabeth N.
on 4/5/11 10:36 am - Burlington County, NJ
Let's see. You started out, by your words, before your crap band, at 5-6 and 215, which according the NIH BMI calculator is a BMI 34.7.

Now you weight, um, WHAT, exactly? You keep changing your story. When you posted that before pic, you said 18/20. Now you say 22/24. See, your story is so changable as to be completely untrustworthy.

Then you twist the words written to you. You say you were told you have to be DYING to qualify for a DS. That's a lie, unless someone not on here told you that. You're full of **** and it's obvious to everyone.

So what's going to change next? Did you miraculously shrink two inches?

Give it up already.
Ms. Cal Culator
on 4/5/11 10:40 am - Tuvalu
On April 5, 2011 at 5:36 PM Pacific Time, Elizabeth N. wrote:
Let's see. You started out, by your words, before your crap band, at 5-6 and 215, which according the NIH BMI calculator is a BMI 34.7.

Now you weight, um, WHAT, exactly? You keep changing your story. When you posted that before pic, you said 18/20. Now you say 22/24. See, your story is so changable as to be completely untrustworthy.

Then you twist the words written to you. You say you were told you have to be DYING to qualify for a DS. That's a lie, unless someone not on here told you that. You're full of **** and it's obvious to everyone.

So what's going to change next? Did you miraculously shrink two inches?

Give it up already.

I sadi it...it was a bit hyperbolic.  (Moi?)

I sadi "It is a DESPERATE, LAST CHANCE thing for someone who is DYING FROM MORBID OBESITY. "

Mea culpa.

(Don't you love how I answered ONE post in THREE languages?)

Elizabeth N.
on 4/5/11 11:04 am - Burlington County, NJ
That's what ANY WLS is supposed to be, Crap Band Maladvertisers notwithstanding.
Ms. Cal Culator
on 4/5/11 10:46 am - Tuvalu
On April 5, 2011 at 5:36 PM Pacific Time, Elizabeth N. wrote:
Let's see. You started out, by your words, before your crap band, at 5-6 and 215, which according the NIH BMI calculator is a BMI 34.7.

Now you weight, um, WHAT, exactly? You keep changing your story. When you posted that before pic, you said 18/20. Now you say 22/24. See, your story is so changable as to be completely untrustworthy.

Then you twist the words written to you. You say you were told you have to be DYING to qualify for a DS. That's a lie, unless someone not on here told you that. You're full of **** and it's obvious to everyone.

So what's going to change next? Did you miraculously shrink two inches?

Give it up already.

Yes, she did say 18/20.  I think what she doesn't get is that many people here are in a situation where they can't fit into Lane Bryant clothes.  They are so heavy that they can't find anything to wear EXCEPT through mail order or online.

That doesn't mean that only the highest BMIs should be allowed to have the DS...but that it IS a BIG GUN and if someone is 40-50 pounds overweight, they are most likely trying to kill an ant with an elephant gun...and the collateral damage may be more than they expected.
Elizabeth N.
on 4/5/11 10:57 am - Burlington County, NJ
Well hell, We'll save her life for her when she comes back with that collateral damage, right? So why SHOULDN'T she get her DS with a micro mini sleeve and a super short common channel? She might have to be in PLUS SIZES again OH HORRORS!!! And of course you, of all people, have NO IDEA what horrible torture it is to have back pain and permanent injury.
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