How long after surgery did you need....

on 4/2/11 12:51 pm from others? What I mean is, how long should my husband ask off of work to help me after surgery? Or will I need someone around to help me after I get home from the hospital? I ask because my husband works at the nuclear power plant and has to ask off way in advance since they are short handed. I really wanted to have my surgery in the summer when my 15 y/o son was home from school, but since my stupid insurance co. wants 6 months of dr supervised dieting  it will be closer to October before I can get it. I tried searching the site, but too much other stuff poped up with I typed in help at home.

Thanks so much,


When push comes to shove....shove hard!


Never regret anything, because at one time it was exactly what you wanted.

on 4/2/11 12:56 pm
 I didn't need any help at all.  It was no problem.

If I was arranging for time off work, I would ask for the week after you return home from the hospital.
on 4/2/11 12:59 pm - North Lauderdale, FL
I think alot will depend on if you have it Open or Lap.  I had my revision done Open so I had alot of incisional pain and couldn't wipe myself or shower without help due to the drain balls.  My mom helped me for the 2 weeks I was in CA and when I flew home to FL both my Mom and my partner John helped me pick things up from the floor, do chores, etc....

I think John got tired of me asking for stuff so he went and bought me a "Grabber" - that tool that you squeeze and pick stuff up with - LOVED it!!  He also bought me a shower chair so I could just sit and wash myself and not need them.  It made me feel more independent too. 

So - I would say a minimum of 1 week...but I needed mine for about 2-3 weeks...but I milked it because I could!!   :>)

Kerry J                   Stillhopefull (Terry) is my Angel!!!! 
                                                    Angel to Baylady35310 (Linda)
7/9/01 RNY - 354 HW down to 192 LW
12/6/10 DS Revision - GW 170
DS HW 353
DS SW 332

DS CW 184 (-148 since surgery / -169 total) 
Plastics completed by Dr.Sauceda in MX 8/9/13 - LBL w anchor cut, long thigh lift, breast lift, butt augmentation and arm lift.               


Lisa A.
on 4/3/11 11:40 am - Windsor, NY
I agree with you. I had mine open and I stayed at my parents house for a week after surgery. Then when I went home I had my husband and kids to help me. My mother and daughter had to help me also with the wiping and shower part. I just couldn't bend over. I am so independent that I felt so bad that someone had to help me with the little things.

I also had the grabber for picking up things and I had the thongs for when you are able to start wiping yourself. I bought a shower chair but didn't end up needing that. I was just very careful taking a shower and someone was always outside the shower door if I needed them.

It is a slow recovery when you have open. I also couldn't sleep in bed for about 3 weeks. I had to sleep in a recliner. It just hurt too much to try to get out of bed. If it is just your husband helping you then I'd say you will need him for at least 2 weeks (one if you can really count on your son). But I wasn't able to drive for at least 3 weeks so don't forget that.
on 4/2/11 1:00 pm
It is helpful but not absolutely necessary to have someone at home with you. I was discharged 2 days postop and went to an hotel where I was alone. Prepare beforehand to have the liquids and protein drinks you will need postop as well as chewable or liquid vitamins.

start 315lbs lapband feb2006-196 lbs night Reflux bc esophageal dilation,216 lbs band replaced may 2008. Gained up to 286lbs still reflux and regurg Ds March 2011   cw 165 lb    

on 4/2/11 1:01 pm, edited 4/2/11 1:01 pm
I do not work. I was going to school, but will be taking the fall semester off. So that's good then if I won't need him to take extra time off. Thanks!
When push comes to shove....shove hard!


Never regret anything, because at one time it was exactly what you wanted.

Former Elizabeth
on 4/2/11 1:56 pm
I like your quote!

I didn't have any help at all.   My hubby didn't take any days off and my daughter was HUGE with her second child who was born 5 weeks after my surgery.    I was in my mid 50s when I had my surgery, and quite sick.   Oh and my surgery was open.

But I've had two C-sections and didn't have any help after those either.   C-sections were MUCH worse as far as postop pain and weakness, not to mention I had enormous children to tote around (the reason for the sections).  


 "It's so beautifully arranged on the plate - you know someone's fingers have been all over it. ~Julia Child"

(deactivated member)
on 4/2/11 2:51 pm
I was 52 and had open surgery. I didn't need any help at all.

Samaro ..
on 4/2/11 3:37 pm
I was 51 years old and had an open DS.  I was fortunate to have my best friend come out to stay with me at the hospital and also for another 9 days after surgery.  It was very nice having help around the house with dishes and laundry and what-not.  However, if I had not had help I would have been able to take care of things myself, with some advance planning.  I never needed any help with any personal hygiene needs or dressing.

For the first couple of days after you get home from the hospital you should plan on being a couch potato and only getting up to got to the bathroom, take several short walks around the house or out to the end of the driveway, refilling your glass, and grabbing a bite or two of whatever it is your post-op diet will allow.  Let somebody else do the dishes and the cooking.  Have your laundry done before surgery so that you don't have to deal with it for several days after you get home, or have somebody else do that bending and lifting.

If your husband doesn't cook, plan to have meals in the freezer that can just be popped into the oven or microwave.  I cooked in advance and froze food for the family so that it was easy for everyone involved.  I made sure that I had water, yogurt, soups, popsicles, etc. on hand for me.

If you have help, it's great.  If not, it's doable.

on 4/2/11 6:47 pm - TX
My hubby took off 2 weeks. It was convenient because it was over the Holidays so he would have had a few days off anyway. I had a Lap DS and his help was greatly appreciated. If we had no children or older children, I don't know that I would have "needed" the help as much but with me having three younger children I definitely needed the help.

I was very tired the first week I got home and it helped to have someone taking care of me and helping me get my walking in. It was also convenient having someone else prepare meals for both me and the children.

If your husband can't get the time off, see if there is someone available to spend a few hours with you while he's away. It may make things easier BUT from reading some of the responses you may not need any help at all.
Jamille            ~If it's God's will for me, then it will be~
                                            I Being A Mommy!!