NSAIDS and Mickey's death

on 3/7/11 4:43 am

It bothers me so much to hear of anyone passing on this board.  Mickey was taking diclofenac--an anti inflammatory for her TMJ.  She posted prior to her death wondering about drug interactions prior to her tummy tuck.  This drug causes sudden cardiac arrest in some people.  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0000882/

From reading the posts she had a cardiac arrest due to excessive bleeding during her surgery.  I wonder when she last took that drug.  I'm so sad.


(deactivated member)
on 3/7/11 4:49 am
I'm so sad too.  It breaks my heart and I can't think of words of wisdom or comfort.

on 3/7/11 5:09 am
I'm not a doctor.  I'm hoping someone could chime in though that may have answers.  I wonder if prior to having any surgical work done a DSer should know what their blood clotting time is.  Prothrombin time? Vitamin K level, E level???  Whatever those blood thinning vitamins are...  E and K are two of them I think and whatever test needs to be done to prevent excess bleeding if it is even possible to prevent-- especially if taking an NSAIDs on a long term basis.  Like I said, it bothers me to hear anyone dying on this board.   Rest in peace, Mickie. 
Former Elizabeth
on 3/7/11 5:17 am
I'm not a doctor, and I don't know who did Mickey's surgery.   So I have no idea what they did.   But as a nurse in Nashville, TN, I never saw a patient who was going to or had been to surgery without blood clotting tests done.  Most of them had a PTT and INR run and at least one who was having surgery from a doc I didn't know (GI guy) ordered a bleeding test that I'd never even heard of.

And, as a nurse, if I DID see a patient that was going to surgery and no clotting tests run, I'd call the doc and ask about it.   There's that extra level of checking.

Mickey and her family are in my prayers and thoughts.   This is a horrible situation.


 "It's so beautifully arranged on the plate - you know someone's fingers have been all over it. ~Julia Child"

(deactivated member)
on 3/7/11 5:21 am
You're kind of jumping to conclusions here aren't you?
on 3/7/11 5:25 am - AL

Everyone processes death differently. I think she is processing this in her own way whi*****ludes reaching out for some answer. Some reason. Someone/something to blame.

As for me I am just angry as hell and taking it out on anyone who crosses my path today.

Others may be crying or in denial or in shock.

This is just a horrible day for a lot of people.


on 3/7/11 6:38 am - IA
People can and do process things differently.  That doesn't give anyone carte blanche to post whatever they feel like without thinking about whether or not it is helpful or hurtful to those that loved her.

However there is a time and place for that - and here and now is not the time and place for this.  She can question or blame all she wants - in her own mind, to her friends, in her journal or wherever she wants.  But out of respect for her and her family - this is not the time and place for it.

There may come time to seek answers but the day she passed away is really not the time for it.

I for one, am also offended by it.  I am very much saddened by her death and wish that there was more that we could for the family.  If I was a member of her family and saw this post, written by a stranger, questioning her death, I would be very, very upset by it.
(deactivated member)
on 3/7/11 6:55 am
Well said, Marci.
NoMore B.
on 3/7/11 5:23 am, edited 3/7/11 5:23 am
 Is it just me who is offended by this?  

For God's sake the poor woman just passed away this morning, let's not go second guessing her or her doctor.

This is in bad taste, too much, too soon.  And you also didn't spell her name correctly.
on 3/7/11 5:25 am - AL

See my post to Inge.


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