It's never lupus!

on 2/17/11 9:18 pm - BF-Nowhere, United Kingdom
Soooo this hideous rash on my arms seems to have decided to grow and spread and set up a little tissue love in on my elbows and my fore arms.  After dicking about with fluconazole, andti-fungal creams, steroid creams I've realised it is not a normal dermatological condition that can be treated by topical means.  The evil ****** must be a part of a whole i.e. a disease process or an adverse drug reaction.  Firstly I'm ruling out over supplimenting next week when I get my blood draws.  Next I have a GP appointment with a Registrar from ym hospital who specialises in dermatology.  Aside from this I've been pestering the living **** out of the Consultants at work who are now trying to out posture each other with working out what is festering on my arms.  So far they've come up with Karposis sarcoma (gee thanks guys), pustule something or other (no pus not changes so we can rule that baby out), psoriasis (no sclaing nor changes aside from widening of boarders).  No prizes yet.

In annoyance I went Googling and raked through the dermatology annals and came up with a direct match to the character and likeness of my rash.  It looks and behaves exactly like discoid lupus.  It also explains the mallor rash I had the three months before surgery, the constant fatigue, the sore throat the kidney function that is always slightly off and the muther ******g rash!!!

Sooo it lupus?  Is it ever lupus?

Right arm

Left arm


RIP Mickie aka Happychick.  You will be missed deeply.
Janine P.
on 2/17/11 9:39 pm - Long Island, NY
Om'goodness Kirmy!  I don't know what it is, but it looks awful. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this crap!


Janine   Me on Youtube 


on 2/17/11 9:43 pm - BF-Nowhere, United Kingdom
Oh its a pain in the arse!  The worst of it is that it looks like festy ring worm so you can imagine how pleased patients are when festy ring worm girl has to examine them!!!

RIP Mickie aka Happychick.  You will be missed deeply.
P. Poster
on 2/17/11 9:40 pm
 I think you may just have this one pegged Kirmy.  Lupus is a ***** to diagnose, took about 3 years to finally get my diagnosis.  I DO get rashes, however not like that per say, but I have SLE, not Discoid.  Have you had a CRP, ANA and the like tested?  Keep pushing.  Are you able (do you have over there?) Rheumatologists?  I'd be running to one sweets :)  Hope you can find an answer, and soon!
on 2/17/11 9:47 pm - BF-Nowhere, United Kingdom
Ohhh SLE is a dirty rotten slag!  Sorry to hear that you're living with that hideous house guest.  I'm hoping I haven't got her boarding with me as well.  Unlikely with the skin thingy but it is me we're talking about!!!

Yeh I'm going to get a referral to a Rheumatologist as soon as I get the ****** biopsied and a fluorescent test or other done. I am really bummed out that I'll be scarred for life if it is discoid Lupus and it will never go away.  It is just vanity but ******g typical that as soon as I reach my ideal body weight and start to feel like an attractive woman again I turn into someone that looks like she's been fighting the Kraken!

RIP Mickie aka Happychick.  You will be missed deeply.
P. Poster
on 2/17/11 10:27 pm
 Oh, do I ever hear you on the skin leper deal...  I have some pretty hideous scars from various dealies, as well as Keratosis Pilaris (a pretty severe case that spans my arms, legs and parts of my chest) so my skin definitely leaves MUCH to be desired.  I'll never have that smooth glowing beautiful skin, but I'll look damn good in my size 10 jeans!  

And my dear, you will ALWAYS be attractive :P
on 2/17/11 11:09 pm - West Haven, UT
Oy!, I hope they get this fugered out, no words of wisdom, just that I hope they find out whats going on and its not bad.
HW/298 ~ SW/285 ~ CW/161~ GW/140
OnederLand & Century Club - 11/29/2010
on 2/18/11 2:23 am - BF-Nowhere, United Kingdom
Cheers love.

RIP Mickie aka Happychick.  You will be missed deeply.
on 2/17/11 11:51 pm - bay area, CA
Kirmy, I hope it isn't lupus, but I also hope that you will finally get an answer (and that it will be something treatable!!)


Pupcake !.
on 2/18/11 12:35 am - Stranded in, IA
I have this.  My doc Dx it as Nummular Eczema

If you search images in google you will see.  She also thinks it has something to do with nutrient malabsorption.

I was thinking Lupus for me as well.

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