Terrible upper Gi experience.. some problems found.. any ideas?

on 11/15/10 11:50 am - somewhere, MI
you'll be ok...I believe everybody has freak outs like your original post but most people dont post them...and its ok that you did.  :)  everyone has different needs and if you needed it right then that's alright.  You seem a lot better now. LOL  Hang in there!!  ;)
5'5" HW-344 (10/4/09) SW-295 (10/7/10) CW-161 GW-144
Never give up, Never surrender! ~Galaxy Quest

First person to tell me I took the "easy" way out is getting a black eye!
on 11/15/10 12:16 pm - VA
Thanks again. I guess I just posted because I feel like if anyone can understand or has insight it would be members of this board and people who went through it. I appreciate your support =)

Star Jones
on 11/15/10 11:51 am - National Harbor, MD
Awwwww, first ((((((hugs))))). It sounds like if they were nicer to you this could have gone over way better. You were already anxious and they were jerks.

As for the results I'm not really sure. My surgeon didn't have me do one pre-op. I will say the leak test after surgery sounds like what you went through. It really wasn't so bad. You'll prob be less anxious because you're on some good drugs lol.

Do you think you might need a lil valium or something for the day of surgery? See I didn't say IF you have surgery, but WHEN you have surgery. Stop thinking the worst. Lots of people have health conditions pre-op and are still able to have surgery. Don't claim the worst, right now you did the formality GI and you've jumped through another hoop. That's all

I say go back to going over your surgery checklist, getting your protien and vites lined up, and looking online at all the skinny hoochie clothes you'll be able to fit lol. You got lots of MADS hanging out to do!!!

I've been pudgy, chubby, thick, and now fat........Imma give thin a go round!!!

SW-262, size 18W, 5'6"
CW-168 1/15/2010
94 Lbs down...6 more to go...changed goal to see Onderland for a hot second!

on 11/15/10 12:24 pm - VA
 You are too sweet and crack me up with the skinny hoochie clothes... believe me I cant wait! 

I totally agree if they were nicer to me it would have went a lot smoother. Also if I was able to take my meds in the morning it might have went a lot smoother as well lol.

I asked about the post op leak test and they said its usually like the thinner barium but its water soluble. I was able to get down the thinner liquid much easier than the thicker. I have heard my surgeon does a leak test while you are still under, but if he does it the day after that is fine too. I just expect to be treated with some compassion.

Actually that is a good idea. I need to put a call back into my PCP and see if he will write me a script or if I need to ask my surgeon to do it. I have taken Valium before getting on planes and it helped a lot. Right now I take meds to prevent anxiety attacks which work well but my body has pretty much gotten used to it and I am still always anxious. Just part of who I am and something else I need to deal with. 

Thanks for all the help! 

Star Jones
on 11/15/10 1:05 pm - National Harbor, MD
No prob!

I was going to ask what hospital you were at. I'll look up where Fairfax hospital is. The closest butt doctor to me was in Arlington and I have my follow up on the 23rd to see if I'll need surgery or not. My appt is at 4P, I could come after that if you're up for company

I've been pudgy, chubby, thick, and now fat........Imma give thin a go round!!!

SW-262, size 18W, 5'6"
CW-168 1/15/2010
94 Lbs down...6 more to go...changed goal to see Onderland for a hot second!

on 11/15/10 8:32 pm - VA
 That would be wonderful! I will message you my information as well =)
on 11/15/10 12:01 pm - NE
I really hope you report how they treated you! That is uncalled for
on 11/15/10 12:54 pm - VA
 Yes, I def. plan on letting them know how he treated me. I hope someone will have a chat with him and that his future patients will have a better experience than I did with how I was treated. 
on 11/15/10 8:13 pm - Canada
An idea:  Next time you have to go in for a test, can you ask for one of the hospital social workers to come with you for support and advocacy?  It would make it easier for you, and easier for the medical personnel (who do not understand what it means to have aniety, they're just trying to do the job they were trained to do).  I hope you're able to find a solution to help you with further procedures you're most likely to encounter. :)

Start weight - 287
Lowest - 123
Current - 130's
Height 5'7"

on 11/15/10 8:35 pm - VA
 I will def. ask about that and see if they do that. I brought my mom along with me who has had awful stomach issues since she was a little girl. She has been through tons and tons of these kind of tests and much worse. Anyhow they wouldnt let her back there with me which I dont see why as no one had to step out of the room to do the x rays. I am unsure why she was not allowed back there with me, but if she was it would have been 1000x better. 