
Fair Food. What's your fix?

(deactivated member)
on 7/21/10 11:52 pm - Minneapolis area, MN
I said "OIC" in an email to a colleague.  He was passing by my desk later and said, "What's 'OIC'?"  Then he said, "Ah!"  And we had a good laugh.  Guess some of these, you have to hear them out loud before they make sense.  :-)

Karen, are you asking about the free-form amino acid blend I posted about the other day?  No news yet... someone from that site told me "about a month" on June 30th, so I probably won't start pestering them again until around August 10th if it doesn't show up on their site by then.  Don't worry, I wil post my report here the instant I am able to obtain the product.
(deactivated member)
on 7/21/10 11:54 pm - Minneapolis area, MN
It sounds like it's really a fried pastry that has some butter in it, and they just call it fried butter for the publicity.
on 7/21/10 9:43 am - NY
I have never been a cookie dough fan, so deep fried cookie dough has almost 0 appeal to me but I am finding the deep fried butter to be fascinating.

Is the butter flavored? Salted? Is it like a gooey liquidy center?
You got a fast car
But is it fast enough so you can fly away
You gotta make a decision
You leave tonight or live and die this way
- Tracy Chapman - Fast Car

on 7/21/10 7:31 am
That sounds so unbelievable! I was wondering (since I'm newly post op), how long it takes for your body to react with gas and dairrhea, after eating high sugar, high carb, high fat. Like, if I'm at a dinner and they serve something that I am fairly sure will cause me problems later, how much "time" do I have to get back home??
(deactivated member)
on 7/21/10 7:45 am
on 7/21/10 1:45 pm
You must be in heaven at your state fair. We have nothing like this. The fried butter has me amazed. I am keeping my eye out for it. Texas State Fair is now on my bucket list. Karen
Bonnie R.
on 7/21/10 2:17 pm - Stratford, CT
deep fried butter!!!????  Holy Carp!
on 7/21/10 7:04 am - Alexandria, IN
Hey Feeder!  What county?  I'm in Madison.

My fair food list:  corn dogs, sweet corn, elephant ear, cat on a stick, walleye sandwich, more sweet corn, hand breaded tenderloin . . . good thing I have only been once and just nailed the sweet corn, cat on the stick, and tenderloin (shared with my wonderful husband).  My dd wants to go tomorrow for bracelet day, so maybe the elephant ear and walleye sandwich tomorrow.  Then one more trip before Saturday for anything I forgot!  I love fair food!

Danielle ~ GRDS~ Dr. Ara Keshishian ~ 7/5/05


10 pounds under goal!! 

When life hands you lemons, stuff them down your bra to make your boobs look bigger."

on 7/21/10 1:57 pm
I live in Tippecanoe County. Man do you have a list. What is cat on a stick? When I was in Haiti we often seen stands with dog on a stick, this made me sad and I walked on by in disbelief.

Now Tenderloins I know a little something about. My husband and I owned a small bar and grill for several years, can ya believe we neither one drink, but we were voted No.2 best breaded tenderloin in the Midwest for 5 years. Kooler Keg it was called. Love these things and when I travel outside Indiana can't find them on the menu. Yep, getting home to my Sweet corn and breaded tenderloins are always high on my list. Karen
on 7/23/10 2:25 am - Alexandria, IN
Cat on a stick . . lol!  It is a shish kabob!  But I do not know what it is made from, so my family jokes that it is cat on a stick.  Of course, that is what all Chinese/Japanese food is made from, right?  I think it might be beef, but it just doesn't have the right texture. 

Heading to the fair tonight . . . wonder what I will eat?

Danielle ~ GRDS~ Dr. Ara Keshishian ~ 7/5/05


10 pounds under goal!! 

When life hands you lemons, stuff them down your bra to make your boobs look bigger."
