I was also very quick to point out in any new conversation that I was not a native German speaker and to please excuse any miscommunications.
For most people, having DS requires an extraordinary amount of persistence and determination, yet you are giving up just because you got angry on a forum?
I sincerely hope you turn out to be one of the rare 3% of morbidly obese people who manage to keep the weight off by dieting alone.
Good luck to you.
The Good: very few people have serious and unmanagable bowel (gas/ poop) issues after the first few months of life with the DS
The Bad: most people do have to do some active management to avoid poop/ gas issues, such as giving up white flour products
('Bad' is subjective I suppose, but if the surgery were 100% perfect, we could eat anything, anytime, and never gain weight or have any other issues....but this is not what life offers us.))
The Ugly: A small number of people do have ongoing poop or gas issues that persist depsite diligent management and other approaches. This is quite rare, but it is possible.
In toher words, it is a lot like having children. You expect to have some issues and do a lot of work. Maybe you'll get lucky and have a really perfect kid that makes you look great with hardly any effort. But maybe you will experience a real tragedy, with a child with severe handicaps or something.
You have to decide if it is worth it, to take that risk in the hope of what good it can bring you. The same goes for the DS surgery. There is some real risk- you can't wi**** away. But it isn't that likely to happen, and the gains are also huge. But only you know how well you can handle the risks, and what the rewards would mean to you.
SOOO, you can do like I did and wait until you are nearly 60 years old and your kids are grown up and it is too late to be fully able to enjoy all the fun parenting things that I missed out on
Well, that was a fun afternoon read.
Nik | 36 | 5'3"| HW 305 | SW 286.3 | CW 234.2 | GW 180 | Surgery Comparison Chart
Samaro is my

I can just imagine calling up the Dr H and saying, actually after further research I have decided that I'd much rather be obese and basking in my tropical sugary goodness than get this life saving surgery. No Sir! No DS for me Mister! This was a deal breaker, I must be able to consume my one crappy beverage on an occasional basis.
A psych eval proves once again it can't weed them all out.
5'1 HW 298 CW 118
"Making America skinny, one slap atta time!" -Slap Chop Dude
"Although, I have lost the weight has been difficult for me to learn to adjust. I do avoid certain situations, because I do not want to have an accident. This is an adverse affect from the duodenal switch, however it is the best surgery in my opinion."
It isn't this way for most DS'ers. I am sorry if this is the case for you. Have you tried to chase down the cause? Have you tried eliminating lactose for a while to see if you're lactose intolerant? Tried a couple rounds of Flagyll to rule out bacterial overgrowth? Tried eliminating gluten to see if you are gluten intolerant. I am not trying to be condescending or to blame you. I just think its a shame to have to adjust your life around bathroom habits/issues- especially if there is an easy fix.
You may want to start your own thread to get some feedback and advice from those more experienced than us. Please don't settle for this experience. I really think it could be much better for you!
SW / BMI / SIZE: 312 / 49.5 / 26-28W CW / BMI / SIZE: 159.1 / 25.1/ 10-12
I need to lose about 2 more pounds for a normal BMI . I still seem to be slowly losing at over 2 yrs may get there yet.
Ummm, you've been a member for around 2 years, have already had the DS, and this is your first post on the DS board?
And it's to volunteer that you have a lot of problems with gas and multiple trips to the bathroom each day?
It's too bad that you didn't post on here sooner. You could have gotten some good advice to address that distressing situation.
I certainly hope you are able to get relief from that.
Edit to correct -- You've had the surgery for 2 years, but just joined today. Right.