Is the DS destined to be the red-headed stepchild of WLS?

on 1/28/10 2:38 pm
Honey, you don't KNOW from red-headed stepchild.

When I first came here six and a half years ago, this forum was TWO PAGES LONG. A question posted today MIGHT have one reply tomorrow. Rarely was there more than one new thread per day, and ofttimes there were none.

And hear the DS mentioned on the MB? It is to laugh. Back then, there wasn't a RNY board---because the MB WAS the RNY board.

We've come a long way, baby. (*grin*)
on 1/28/10 5:59 pm - BF-Nowhere, United Kingdom
To be honest chick the DS is kinda like being fed into a combine harvester and then spat out the other side!   Do you think some of the RNY and Crapbander folk could handle the sheer size of the surgery?  I mean it isn't like going to town with a staple gun and a pot of glue.

After serious introspection (and melodrama) I am glad that this surgery is only done by a select few as the mill Dr's will kill an awful lot of us future Dser's with bad practice and follow up.  I say let the RNY be the gold standard and we'll just stay slim and mysterious like Matahari of bariatric surgery while everyone else fluctuates!

I've been around a lot of surgeons and trust me not all of them are capable or willing to invest their time and energy into doing a surgery that has massive inter-operative bleed risks not to mention follow up.  We as DSer's need to admit how huge this surgery is and how much effort it is to recover from it and how poorly equipped loads of folk are to deal with this.  Even with my knowledge of medicine I had no real idea how hard this was going to be.  Don't get me wrong I am keeping my DS but it is HUGE and painful and challenging. 

I'm all for encouraging people to know about the DS but lets face it, it is a surgery for those with big old balls not for the faint hearted and after seeing some of the Main-board posts I live in fear of numpties getting it then spiraling out of control and blaming the surgery not themselves! 

I vote for keeping it top shelf, like single malt whiskey, good balsamic vinegar, and hand pressed olive oil.  Let the plebs have the other stuff!

RIP Mickie aka Happychick.  You will be missed deeply.
(deactivated member)
on 1/28/10 8:11 pm

I cannot believe the amount of DS'ers here now compared to 2004.  There wasn't even a DS board when I first came here so there is some progress.

I agree with Krissy and Kirmy!  I am afraid what would happen if there was such a thing as a DS mill like the RNY mills.  I shudder to think of some of the people I have seen posting on the MB having a DS.

I also agree that it's all about the $$$.  DS surgeons tend to care more for their patients and there just aren't enough out there that care to that extreme.

There used to be a Dr. at Mayo that did the DS, but I believe he stopped doing them.  I really think that most doctors have a valid fear of non-compliant patients but I also believe that if they had decent aftercare and instructions it would help that issue. 

Happy to be a 'step-child',

on 1/28/10 10:14 pm
WHATEVER!!!! I am a lightweight and I did not have 100's of lbs to loose.. they are just jealous..


Denise T.
My Angel is MAJORMOM!!!

 MY DS!!!!
I see stupid people everywhere!!!
on 1/29/10 12:54 am - Suburbia, CA
I wouldn't mind at all it remaining the red-haired step child of WLS (I kinda like that ) EXCEPT...

when I remember how close I came to believing that load of crap the bait-and-dont-switchers shovel out to MO people seeking WLS.  That is scary to me down to my bones. 
8.5 months post DSNormal BMI, woohoo!
on 1/29/10 3:12 am - Huntsville, AL

I don't think it will take off.  It's more work for the surgeons to do, and patient compliance is required.  There ARE going to be more malnutrition issues, and surgeons abandoning the DS because dumbasses will get it and not take their vitamins and do their followups and eat their protein.

I think the DS is for those of us willing to do our HOMEWORK and seek out the procedure, not for the general public as a whole.

on 2/1/10 2:24 pm - Urbana, IL
As I see it, a lot of insurance companies will not cover DS.  We want to have surgery so bad because we are tired of being unhealthy for so long, so we take what our insurance companies will 'give' us OR we start thinking of ways to make a lot of extra cash to pay for our choice in weight loss surgery.  I think as soon as insurance companies start covering it, people's eyes will open and there will be favorable recognition.  Until then, as long as I have it, I don't care if it's not on a poster or the most widely performed WL surgery . . .  I will just be glad I did lots of research and was able to see through the slick marketing campaigns (Lap-Band, anybody?) in order to come to the perfect surgery for me!
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