lap band to DS 4-wk post-op udate

on 1/25/10 12:47 am - Fort Myers Beach , FL
I just got home from my 4-wk post-op visit with my PCP.  My B/P was 130/82 and Dr. Young said it was probably lower before she weighed me lol.  My B/P was stroke level pre-op.

I have lost 40 pounds.  I was 412 pre-op diet and went into surgery at 399.  I weighed 372 this AM.  I almost cried but I did hug everyone in the office cause I honestly did not think I lost that much. 

I am getting in all my vitamins and fluids.  I average 60-70 protien a day at this point.  I have trouble getting to sleep at night do to back pain and muscle pain from the weight I still carry around but it is getting way better.

I have diarrhea off and on and sometimes can't figure out why but its not too bad.  I get up and move around in the AM and I will have 3 -4 times to the bathroom and then I am done for the day so loose or formed I really don't care. 
I can breath and move around more.  I noticed I can get in and out of my car better.  My cloths fit better and some are loose.  I have even started sleeping little bits of time in the bed next to my hubby.

I am eating hamburger only if it is fresh.  I cannot do bacon yet but I do eggs if they are fluffy with cheese.  String cheese is my friend lol.  I stay to the soft foods but I am getting ready to go outside the box a little. 

Sugar alcohols and white four is definately the devil and I avoid with all cost.  I am starting to fall in love with my DS (we are still dating lol). 

Dr. Greenbaum rocks and I thank God everyday for him because he gave me my life back and it has only just begun.  

on 1/25/10 12:54 am
Oh Carla!!! FORTY pounds! You go girl! That's fantastic and it's just in one month! You're doing wonderfully. I'm glad you had a better reading on your BP too. When you lose more weight I think your bp will go even lower! You are really doing wonderfully!

As for the diarrhea, I have found that when I eat too many carbs that I get really loose watery poos. Try cutting back on them a little, if you can. Your milage may vary.

Congratulations on your loss. I'm so very happy for you!

                   HW (pre RNY) 430 HW (pre DS) 302 / SW 288 /
                          Lowest weight 157 / CW 161
GW 150
                "I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight"
on 1/25/10 1:02 am - Fort Myers Beach , FL
Oh Maddie

You know how skeptical I have been.  I was so nervous going to see my PCP this AM cause I wanted to see a good result.  I really needed this boost especially after such a failure with the lap band. 

I try hard to eat hardly any carbs but I will watch alittle closer.  I think TOM and nerves was a culprit this AM.  

I am so excited to see what happens next.  I have to go back every 4-wks to get weighed at the office.  I am staying away from the scales because with the lap band the scales dictated my world and I vowed to not do that again. 

Thanks, Carla
on 1/25/10 1:14 am
Well, you are doing so well and I am so proud and happy for you. I notice too that around TOM I tend to be more frequent and rather loose.

Good idea about the scale. Just go every four weeks. I am a scale ho. I'm on it everyday. I do curse at it sometimes, but I don't worry about it too much because I know that I will lose weight. It's all good.


                   HW (pre RNY) 430 HW (pre DS) 302 / SW 288 /
                          Lowest weight 157 / CW 161
GW 150
                "I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight"
on 1/25/10 12:53 am - Haslet, TX
You are doing faantastic !!!  Good job !

I still have the 3 to 4 trips too.... and like you at least it is done for the day LOL
I have only lost 33 but then I am a revision.... so I am slower...drats

But like you off bp meds and feeling a little better,,,,, "dating"  DS can be a bit different,,,, we sometimes don't know how things are gong to react !!!

Keep doing good !!!

on 1/25/10 1:04 am - Fort Myers Beach , FL
Thanks Debi
I needed this loss.  I felt like I had lost some wt but never thought it would be 40 pounds.  Now I can't wait for week 8 to roll around. 

You are so right, we don't know from day to day this early in the game what the DS will bring.  Its kinda like Christmas hehehe. 

Janine P.
on 1/25/10 1:02 am - Long Island, NY

As a bander, it's really encouraging to read this.

Best of luck to you going forward!!


Janine   Me on Youtube 


on 1/25/10 1:08 am - Fort Myers Beach , FL
OMG Janina
The DS is so different from lap band.  I can swallow my own spit.  I don't have that hard ball heavy feeling in my chest all the time anymore. 

I don't have acid reflux in a sitting position.  I freakin lost 40 pounds and with lap band your lucky to loose 8 pounds a month. 

Beleive me I have been so skeptical for the past 5-wks and in my head I just knew I would fail at this too.  Holy Cow I eat food now and I still lost wt. 

Bring life on.
on 1/25/10 1:28 am


Enjoy your dating, you'll be head over heels in no time!
Since I've lost 94lbs my blood pressure is so muhc lower, on Friday it was 102/70!
40lbs!! Nice start!


      Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says "oh crap! she's up!

on 1/25/10 2:13 am - Fort Myers Beach , FL
Dear Lisa

There are so many emotions you go thru with DS.  I am amazed at the changes that occur one day at a time. 

I have noticed that after losing 120 and regaining it all back that the skin does not snap back like it was before plus the fact I am a few years older. 

I want to love my DS and I know I will someday, it is just hard to go thru this stage cause sometimes it feels like time is standing still. 

All I know is I am happy today whoooohooooo

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