Need a minute to vent about the forum, & advice/links for all newbies inside

on 8/13/09 4:38 am
Girl crushes on Sia and Lori!

I admit I am a surgery newbie who gets afraid to post at times. While I have been lurking for eons even before I got an account a year ago, it can still be intimidating to start my own thread - especially when I am still a fresh post-op. I do have questions, the search feature can be a pain in the arse and confusing when medicated. I desperately needed to ask a question while still in the hospital but didn't ask because of the drama on the forum at the time. I needed my hand held from someone who has been there, not a nurse who had too many patients to deal with *****ally has no clue about what I just went through, or my husband who would have freaked out because he was worries about me.

Sorry, took my meds before posting.

I honestly do not mind new posts being started on old topics because sometimes someone comes along who missed that old thread and has new insight, which I think is wonderful. It also gived new vets a chance to step up and share their knowledge and insight.
SW 280 / GW 150 / CW 128.8

Reconstructive surgery, under construction!

Lower Body Lift - 12/14/2011 - Atlanta VA Medical Center
Brachioplasty & Mastopexy w/Augmentation - 03/14/2012 - Dr Marisa Lawrence

Guate Wife
on 8/13/09 6:47 am - Grand Rapids, MI

OK, 10 lashes for you for not posting when you needed us --- don't let that happen again!!

I just want this to be crystal clear --- nobody expects that questions (especially certain ones) aren't going to come up over & over again.  So many of us learned by reading what *someone* else posted and we just got the benefit of.  *I*, still to this day, rarely start an original thread, but that is just me, and I truly appreciate those that did --- I read every single thread, multiple times, for the entire first year I was here and didn't post my own questions even once.  Do I expect that of others?  Of course not!!!  How the hell would I have learned anything??

I also completely agree with you that seeing these things over & over again gives a fresh crop of people their chance to teach what the learned --- thank goodness, because there are just some things that I (and I am sure many others) just won't answer anymore.  Or, I won't answer something if someone else already said what I would have said.

Anyway, that really was a long way of saying exactly what I intended to say --- which was only the first sentence!

       ~ I am the proud wife of a Guatemalan, but most people call me Kimberley
Highest Known Weight  =  370#  /  59.7 bmi  @  5'6"

Current Weight  =  168#  /  26.4 bmi  :  fluctuates 5# either way  @  5'7"  /  more than 90% EWL
Normal BMI (24.9)  =  159#:  would have to compromise my muscle mass to get here without plastics, so this is not a goal.

I   my DS.    Don't go into WLS without knowing ALL of your options:

on 8/14/09 1:07 am
I doubt there's a vet amongst us that resents answering the same question over and over again.  It's why we're here (some more than others).  Newbies/pre-ops/post-ops should feel free to ask questions they need answered.  But if a newbie asks FIVE questions in 10 minutes that are common knowledge topics, it's obviuos they have not lifted one finger to help themself in the time they've been researching.

Repeat!  We don't mind answering the same question over and over again.  But have a clue about what you've gotten (or are getting) yourself into - we WILL help you with the rest.

5' 5" -  317.5 / 132 / 134  SW / CW / GW

on 8/13/09 3:41 am, edited 2/11/12 1:45 am

on 8/13/09 3:21 am
Thank you again Lori for taking the time to pour out your heart & all of the links you've posted.  They've not only proven to be invaluable to me, but to my DH & family too as it has helped them to learn what to expect as well.  I only hope I garner the same level of wisdom & endurance as those who've traveled this road before me, and some day be able to pay it forward to one in the future. 

PS-  Does Val have a toaster oven she could pass...?? 
Every opinion we share, every favor we perform, every moment we intently listen to someone talk about themselves is our opportunity to pass along something positive to a person who needs us.

on 8/13/09 3:31 am - Philadelphia, PA
 AMEN Lori!!!  Thank you for so eloquently putting into words how I have also felt, I do get that there are a few trolls around causing alot of issues, but I remeber when myself and few of my surg sisters were fresh out and asking questions and getting reamed for not knowing everything.  It wasn't personally directed to me or anyone in particular, but I still felt like DAMN!!! You know you can study and research all you want but unitl you actually go through the experience you don't have a clue, and the trauma and pain meds make you fuzzy and forgetful, I think.  

I have really kept quiet on this but I think you hit the nail on the head and I just had to finally chime in.  


~Kat~     ~hw-305~cw-130~gw-140   my DS!!












on 8/13/09 3:42 am
Lori, this is why I'm a member of your fanclub!  I think you'll be helping a lot of newbies through this post.


RNY 11/00
with starting BMI of 57. Most lost was 52% EWL and BMI of 41.
Gained back every single pound.
Revision to DS 12/08 with starting BMI of 57 (again)
Over 3 years DS post-op, currently BMI of 26.3 
200lbs. gone as of 6/27/10 !!  I'm HALF of the old me as of 10/8/10 !! ONEderland 3/7/11 !!

LadyDi1970 and I are Angel buddies! 

on 8/13/09 3:57 am, edited 8/13/09 4:12 am
Lori, thank you for your post and also, I added some to the bowel obstruction link...that really falls far too close to home for me.  As many of us know, I too had a small bowel obstruction 4 years ago.  I had blogged my experience and a list of symptoms but somewhere on the innernets it got lost...I took the time to read each link and these are each valuable in the entirety of the research towards a wonderful and knowledgeable DS life.  You are truelly an angel out here!

ETA:  I just wanted to add that as for the recent posts regarding *blasting* of atleast one of the pre ops that I rarely would have ever had harsh words for anyone but this person is not only dangerous to herself as well as her husband, she is dangerous to the uneducated newbie looking to research for the first time this wonderful tool known as the DS.  Many pre ops or newbies can and often do take in consideration what these kind of people spout as the gospel!  These people are detrimental to the learning process and I feel do need to be called out as so those just learning for the first time dont read what nonsense is put out by these people and think that they are knowledgeable and follow a path of utter destruction. 

Any newbie or pre op can and should ask questions!  But again should do some research here or elsewhere and take what they can to form educated opinions then enhance the new knowledge they gain with more questions, or if they dont understand what they have researched, ask and seek more advice/help.  We all do learn differently, some can read the info and absorb much, others have to have it read to them while reading on thier own, others need the hands on learning.  We are all different and each one of us are a vital part of this experience...

second edit to correct post ops to pre ops! 
on 8/13/09 4:05 am
Thank you for all the hard work you do! I do appreciate it!
As a newbie I've always been given great answers to any questions I may have had, I thank everyone for that!!!

      Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says "oh crap! she's up!

on 8/13/09 4:09 am - NY
We Are A Fever. We Are A Fever. We ain't born typical. ~ The Kills
If you have any g-ddamn sense and want WLS, think about the
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