Some of you newbies and DS wannabes **** me off. LONG rant about life and death here.

Star Jones
on 8/11/09 2:16 am - National Harbor, MD
I wrote my whole post out and it got lost sigh.....

What I wrote was that I kinda disagree with that (I you care LOL) I am one of the people that posts that they eat whatever they like. When I get a fish filet, I eat the whole thing. My trial mix always has choc covered almonds and peanuts. I always have dessert and always eat the bread at restaurants. That's just what I want to do. Granted I run 3-5 miles 3xs, do 2-3 strength training sesssions, and at least 2 other cardio sessions per week.
This works for *me*. Now the problem comes in when the  doesn't go off. If this lifestyle ever stopped working for me (gaining weight or adverse digestive effects) I would adjust it accordingly. This is where the fault lies. I do me.....I don't worry about what someone else is doing and wouldn't take anything someone said on a message board as the gospel.

I've been pudgy, chubby, thick, and now fat........Imma give thin a go round!!!

SW-262, size 18W, 5'6"
CW-168 1/15/2010
94 Lbs down...6 more to go...changed goal to see Onderland for a hot second!

(deactivated member)
on 8/11/09 2:22 am, edited 8/11/09 2:22 am - NE
On August 11, 2009 at 9:16 AM Pacific Time, Star Jones wrote: I wrote my whole post out and it got lost sigh.....

What I wrote was that I kinda disagree with that (I you care LOL) I am one of the people that posts that they eat whatever they like. When I get a fish filet, I eat the whole thing. My trial mix always has choc covered almonds and peanuts. I always have dessert and always eat the bread at restaurants. That's just what I want to do. Granted I run 3-5 miles 3xs, do 2-3 strength training sesssions, and at least 2 other cardio sessions per week.
This works for *me*. Now the problem comes in when the  doesn't go off. If this lifestyle ever stopped working for me (gaining weight or adverse digestive effects) I would adjust it accordingly. This is where the fault lies. I do me.....I don't worry about what someone else is doing and wouldn't take anything someone said on a message board as the gospel. This site is acting up for me today too. Lost a couple replies today! But you misunderstand me...I'm not saying someone posting that it works for THEM To eat like XXXXX I'm saying the ones that post that anyone after surgery can eat like this. It's very misleading and will lead to newbies in trouble. I understand some people can eat like that but the way some people have posted about it makes it seem like all post ops can.
Star Jones
on 8/11/09 2:35 am - National Harbor, MD
OOOOOOOH.  My bad. I thought you were saying that the people that do eat whatever they like shouldn't post that. Ha! Reading is fundamental LOL

I've been pudgy, chubby, thick, and now fat........Imma give thin a go round!!!

SW-262, size 18W, 5'6"
CW-168 1/15/2010
94 Lbs down...6 more to go...changed goal to see Onderland for a hot second!

on 8/11/09 1:45 am, edited 2/11/12 3:59 am

Aimee F.
on 8/11/09 2:28 am - CA
Nicolle,  this was such an awesome post.  I cried a bit for you b/c of your friend Norm.  That is such a shock and so sad.  A friend the other day told me a family member had WLS and died on the table - so I'm especially sensitive this week.

Anyway, the other thing that concerns me about all this was I had heard from my original bariatric surgeon that he wouldn't perform the surgery because of the risk of complications and that he didn't want the responsibility of a non-compliant patient.

Ditto that for Dr. Crookes - he won't do it unless you convince him that you will do what you need to do to keep healthy.  I know he gets bashed around here because of this attitude, but clearly, his concern is rooted in real life experience with dumb ****s who don't know how to handle a DS.

If the surgeons keep operating on these kinds of patients and they get sick, malnourished etc from it, I'm afraid the surgery itself will be performed less and less - even by those who currently do it.  Dr. Crookes is a perfect example.

I think the root of the problem is with the psych eval - this should be where people who aren't willing to be compliant or who have extensive delusions about WLS should be eliminated.  That's the point of the process - but I see very few people being taken out of the surgery game by that.  What we can do about that, I have no idea.  I think the process is too fractured by insurance, by the limitations of the surgeons' offices and the self-delusions that people hold, and tell themselves to get the surgery.

Anyway, great post, and something I've been thinking quietly to myself for a long time.


Aimee :)
SW: 222  GW:  150
Weigh-in date:  11/1/2009

Lisa (LuvMyKd) is my angel.
(deactivated member)
on 8/11/09 2:34 am
I try to help whomever I can. But even I am a bit worried by some of the new posts I've been reading. This is not cosmetic surgery people, this is a life changing event. If you **** it up, YOU WILL DIE. It's nothing too play with and should be taken seriously. 

Vitamins, labs, water, etc. Life long commitment. I'd hate to see this wonderful operation lose it's ability too help others *****ally need it, simply because surgeons are 'churning them out'.

The DS is not for everyone. Sure it works, but hey. If you don't take care of yourself afterwards, why bother doing it in the first place.

What I love about this board is the honesty. No sugar coating or empty promises. This is what to expect, this is what you have to do. If you can't comply, go elsewhere. Please.

Thanks for the post Nicolle. I didn't know Norm. i'm sorry for his passing. I remember the passing of someone who had the RNY about the same time I did. She was losing and living life and died of something unrelated to surgery. I was shaken to the core. I still think of her and her husband. Who said it was the happiest time of their lives.

One final word to Newbies. Think long and hard before you jump on the DS bandwagon. It's no quick fix. It's a life altering operation with serious consequences if you don't comply with what you need to do in order too stay healthy.

on 8/11/09 2:38 am - bay area, CA
What an awesome post, Nicolle! I also remember Norm, though I didn't have the privledge of meeting him IRL. Even so, his passing saddened me as well. All he wanted was a chance for a normal, healthy life.
     While I have never blocked anyone, there are several people who post regularly (and frequently, over and over !) on the DS forum that I have chosen to ignore. They are the very people that you describe - ignoring their surgeon's simple instructions, ignoring good advice they get here, just looking for validation for their willful ignorance and ultimately self-destructive behaviors. I can't help these people because they don't want to be helped. Unfortunately, they can be dangerous to newbies by creating the impression that with the DS, you can stuff anything and everything into your digestive tract and it will all be ok.
    Well, it ISN'T ok! Without adequate protein, vitamins, calcium, etc etc you can and will get sick, and it's very difficult or impossible to repair the damage once it's done.  Anyone reading this thread who isn't willing to make the relatively easy lifestyle changes required to maintain good health with the DS, don't get it! You will be better off with another operation, or with no operation at all.

on 8/11/09 2:41 am
Hi Nicolle -- hugs from Spring Valley!  I didn't know Norm, but I know from the depth of feeling he generated in people I love and admire he must have been someone quite special.  Such a tragic loss.  RIP Norm.

For the record I consider myself a newbie at only 7 months post op -- and as much time and work as I put in to learning about the procedure prior to having my DS revision, it's drops of water in a bucket compared to what I've learned by interacting with folks who live with the DS day to day.  Thanks to all the vets who have helped me along the way!

I think a large part of the problem is what I call the OBLIVIOUS factor -- folks have very little insight into their own body.  You need to be AWARE of how your body is responding:  KNOW your levels and make adjustments to vits/supps/food/liquid as warranted.  What's right for me might not be right for you. 

In my case fluids is a great example -- some folks do well with 64 oz a day; but not me!  If I don't take in close to double that amount I need an IV about every 4 weeks.  WHY?  I don't know, but I know it's a fact and so I adjust my lifestyle to accommodate.  We all have our own physiology and each respond to things in our own way.  I'm also sensitive to carbs -- so I watch them closely and keep my count down; many DSers don't need to.  That doesn't make it right/wrong to count carbs -- it's what works for you.  The point is YOU have the responsibility to know how to care for yourself after this major life changing surgery. 

Some of the recent newbies seem like really lonely people who post to have human interaction more than with real questions.  I feel sad that they don't have a good support system in place more so than angry at their posts.  Then there are the self-sabotaging folks that should never have undergone the procedure.  You don't have to know them in real life to see they have real issues and will have major complications as the years go by.  We're unfortunate in that we have several who like to share their version of the DS 'truth' -- which is hurtful to folks doing research on the DS....

Deb H.



on 8/11/09 2:42 am - Middle of, TN
"The average DS'er on this board could draw you a diagram, label the parts, and include sizes and lengths for a lot of them."

That made me truly laugh out loud, Chad, 'cause it's so freaking TRUE! I agree with you that the level of knowlege on this board is very high, and that is quite special. I'm so grateful for Nicholle's post, as others have noted, and I hope any newbies reading take it in the spirit it is intended. Honest questions are always welcome. Attention-whoring questions in which you ignore good information 'cause you don't like it, not so much.

I do want to add that the search function on OH is lousy, and I do understand that it can be difficult to search older posts. So here's a tip: Use Google advanced search to limit your searches to this board, and get the answers you want. In the advanced search box, paste in as the domain to restrict the search to. (Why OH can't just license a better search function is beyond me . . . )

RIP Norm. I didn't get to know you, but in this post alone your death is serving a larger purpose, as I'm sure your life did, too.

Type 1 diabetic, 26 years
With great power (the DS!) comes great responsibility.

on 8/11/09 2:43 am
**** chick, hope I never **** you off!!!!!!!!! BTW, thanks for picking those clothes out for me the day of the bbq, they are AWESOME. I wear those penguin pajama bottoms like they are going out of style.
I know I have stupid questions sometimes, but I try to research it before I post. And actually, just called vitalady to help me out with an order cause I think I'm deficient in a few places.
Hope you got to vent and feel better. I totally did not see that coming out of you!!!!!!!!!!! Take care and I hope to talk to you soon.

Living the Dream!

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