POLL: How Many helped by DianaCox & Larra, etc?


At first, I was a little intimidated by Diana's posts on the main board. BUT they got my attention, I came over here, and the rest, as they say, is history.
And if I don't stop sneaking around on OH while I'm at work, I'm gonna get myself in some trouble!

5' 3" HW 293/SW 253/Goal 130/CW 128
I have benefitted greatly from Diana's and Larras posts. Just reading them is educational and allows me the ability, desire, and knowleged to also pay it forward when I can. I am still a pre-op but I beleive so strongly that the DS is the platinum standard for WLS that I want peeps that haven't heard about it to know that they have another option!
There is a great big list of peeps that have helped me along the way that I owe a great big thank you to - first and foremost is Lori Black b/c she is so kind, caring, and helpful no matter how many times she has been asked a question. Plus she throws one hell of a KICK ASS PARTY!! I actually owe my change from RNY to DS to MsBatt and tazmaddy34 b/c they were the first two to educate me that there was another choice out there!! Off the top of my head those that also deserve kudos: Nicolle, Kimberly, MajorMom, Red, Colene, OMG my brain is broken this morning, I know there are others out there that deserve props from me!! I'm sorry I forgot some of you - but just know that I owe parts of my sanity to y'all!
On a side note....Diana has to be one of the most intelligent persons I've seen on these boards. She has many titles attached to her name....attorney, biochemist to name a few. The information she provides is factual, She always has stats to back it up.
A lot of people here probably don't even realize the fact that Larra is a doctor. She's pretty dang smart too and I always follow her posts. These ladies won't steer you wrong. You may not always like their approach but the information and the facts they provide are priceless.

SW/263 CW/136 GW/150
THANK YOU TO DIANA COX AND LARRA AND ALL THE OTHERS who have been here and shot straight from the very beginning!
I get pissed off sometimes by the attacks against Diana and some of the other vocal renegades, who spend their free time informing newbies through post-ops. Even if one person learns about the DS and is able to make an informed choice because of the surgery wars, the wars are worth it.
How many people go into surgery without even hearing about the DS? (think about that for a moment)
How can people research all their options if they are not given all the information? These ladies perform a valuable service.
If you don't like the surgery wars, then don't freaking participate--we all have freedom of choice.
HW 318/ SW 308/ CW 116/ GW 125 (updated 11/11/09)
Follow my journey at: http://savoringmyjourney.wordpress.com/
Get all the facts at www.DSfacts.com.
Century Club 03/27/09 Onderland 04/15/09 Goal Met: 02/26/10
I learned quite a bit from Diana, but more so from Larra and Larra was my angel when I was getting the surgery done.
I was so out of it, I don't think I ever talked to Larra when she came to visit and she came to visit more than once. Larra was a huge help and support for Barb, when Barb really needed someone to lean on and talk to. I really owe Larra, she was just so great to come and visit with Barb and my family that was at the hospital reassuring them that all would be OK. And being the example she was of what was to come for me once I healed up and was recovered.
Thank you Larra; you're one special person in my book!