food aversion

on 4/24/09 10:19 am - Canada
Eat the carbs girl.  Whenever I get like that (now, for instance) I have what I think I can tolerate.  I ate pizza tonight with a really thin crust, but left as much crust as possible.  Some days I can do lots of meat and cheese, other days I can eat lots of it!!!  Good luck!!

Start weight - 287
Lowest - 123
Current - 130's
Height 5'7"

on 4/24/09 11:16 am - plymouth, MN
 I go through this quite often actually! I am really not a big meat and cheese eater but I love salads. So one thing I do is make a salad with italian dressing, lettuce, some feta cheese or shredded parmesan cheese (more salty to me than heavy), croutons, and some nuts. Its light and I get some veggies and protein. It just sits better in my stomach and eventually I can up the protein. ( I make another salad for the next meal and add chicken, it seems to help to work my way up to it) If you make a shake add some frozen fruit. I also go for celery and peanut butter and add some raisins if you want to sweeten it. Good luck! Lately all I want to eat is sugar free banana popsicles and pickles... too bad they don't have protein!
Georgina R.
on 4/25/09 5:01 am - Bakersfield, CA
A pickle sounds really good to me!  Too bad it doesn't have protein, lol.

I like the idea of working my way up toward protein.  I'll try that.  :)
Jackie W.
on 4/24/09 11:33 am
I go in cycles!   I found early out, when I wanted some carbs...I ate them.  I didn't eat as much as pre op, because just a bit will tide you over!!!  I ate/eat pizza, but I find about 1/2 way through....I'm eating just the top, because I've had enough of the carby crust to satisfy me!!!  You mentioned the bread with butter &, that brough back memories!!  I use to love to eat that when I was little, or the peanut butter on toast with sugar!!  Heck, pre op I ate toast with butter and peanut butter all the time!!  That may be breakfast tomorrow! 

Choke down the protein, you need that.  But also, indulge in a bit of carbs.  Besides....if you eat to many carbs and get gassy like might not crave the carbs as much!

Good luck!

There are never any problems, only solutions.  quoted by a dear and special friend!!!

My stats:
Starting weight 234 lbs    Height 5 ft 6 in
Goal in 7 months (127 lbs)
Currently: 120-123 lbs
Tops Small   Bottoms size 2!!!!
UPDATED: 11/11

on 4/24/09 2:37 pm
*giggling for right now*     just wanted to say thanks a whole bunch here....I was craving fry bread after this post and just couldnt take it any more.....I made it and not only did I make it-----I ATE IT TOO...LOL.  I know I will pay the consequence later but OMG  it was so good....even put some butter and honey on it.
Georgina R.
on 4/25/09 5:10 am - Bakersfield, CA
Thank you EVERYBODY for your ideas and support!

I ended up having orange chicken and some rice yesterday.  That's ALL I could eat the whole day besides the protein shake I had in the morning.  I went to bed without dinner.

When I woke up I had lost 2 pounds overnight.  I guess that's what not eating for a few days will do to a person.  Lol.

Today I had some cereal, bread, and half a cheese danish for breakfast.  Seems like at least the quantity is coming back.  I expect to pay a price for all this white flour, but hopefully I'm getting back to normal.  I've even got a little cheese craving going.

Thanks, guys!  :)
on 4/25/09 1:04 pm - Kew Gardens, NY
Do you have a Trader Joe's near you?  Their soy and flax tortilla chips are fantastic and taste better than a corn chip but still have low net carbs and seven chips has 6g of protein.  Not a lot but a decent way to feel like you're splurging on some carbs.  Maybe that with a mashed up avocado with some lime and salt?  (only 3 net carbs in one whole avocado and a couple grams of protein)
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