food aversion

Diamond Girl
on 4/24/09 7:05 am - Ham Lake, MN
Georgina, what were your labs like?
I just got my results back, and the one thing in my surgeon's letter was that my Vitamin B1/Thiamin level was low. And that it may be causing nausea or vomiting.

Just thought I'd mention that in case there's something more here than meets the eye.
Georgina R.
on 4/25/09 4:45 am - Bakersfield, CA
I haven't had my first labs yet!  I get them done next month.  I hope it's just a funny head trip though...
on 4/24/09 7:19 am, edited 4/24/09 7:19 am - Dayton, OH
I honestly think we all go through these phases.. Eat that big chunk of crusty bread with butter and sugar. EAT IT!! Maybe thats what you need to get over this hump. Eat whatever your heart desires... Just get the protein in... Down some protein shots.. drink some shakes. But EAT that bread. :) 

On the days I don't want to eat.. Champion Nutrition Chocolate protein shake!! It helps! It's almost sinful. LOL Heck, I am thinking for summer... Some Bryers Carb Smart ice cream and throw in some powder and milk and have a nice shake! :) 

Plus like Anna said, find a protein that is tried and true for you. For me, crab legs and Bacon (NOT TOGETHER)... I find myself on those days where I just don't want to eat, frying up 2-3 packs of bacon and eating it. Much easier to get them crab legs.

**ETA- Changed Cryers to Bryers.
                            HW- 333 SW-306 CW- 144 GW-150     
on 4/24/09 7:59 am, edited 4/24/09 7:59 am - Garland, TX
 Our tastes usually go through some LSD-type stuff during the first few months after surgery ..      Foods that I loved before surgery sometimes made me nauseous to even think of eating afterward, and some foods I really didn't care for much as a pre-op not only might taste good, but I actually had a hankering for, at times afterward ..   This "sensory disruption" even seems to sometimes occur to our other senses, such as smells and even sounds ..   

  I remember for almost a year out I could not stand to eat off of anything but real china or porcelain dishware, or drink out of anything but real glasses ..      I would seem to be unusually susceptible to smelling "plastic" and/or the chemicals in them, and that "discomfort" would keep me from eating out of anything made out of it ..  

  Back before my surgery, I remember our surgeon had one patient that could not stand the smell of the floor cleaner (Lysol?) used in the hotel that his patients stay in while in Brazil for their surgery, after her DS.   Although the smell was generally very faint, it seemed overwhelming to her .. 

  Don't worry ..   probably a couple of years out of so, I would bet that most of your post-op sense changes will return to "normal" , and you'll be able to indulge in your favorites once again .. 

Frank talk about the DS / "All I ever wanted to be was thin, like that Rolling Stones dude ... "

HW/461 LW/251 GW/189 CW/274 (yep, a DS semi-failure - it happens :-( )

on 4/24/09 9:23 am - bartlesville, OK
Wow i am so glad to read this thread. I have been struggling so bad with these issues. My tastes buds are psycho. I think i want something then i get it and I look at it like YUCK! I am so frustrated. Very litlle tastes like i rmember. Also textures are freaking me out. I tried to eat a turkey lunchable and I threw it back it. it was so "slimy" in my mouth. I used to knock out 2-3 of them at a time pre op. I am scared to try things because i don't want to be grossed out at them after this passes (please please tell me this will pass) I am going to try the peanut butter crackers. Also what is the deal with sunflowers?
Mz jojo



Lori Black
on 4/24/09 9:05 am - , IN
Oh honey, I'm STILL like this!  On those days that I crave carbs and NOT protein, I eat the carbs that I'm craving.  In between I have protein shakes.  I know most that are as far out as me have nothing to do with shakes, but I usually don't miss a day with my shakes.  Almost always have one, often times have two, on my protein aversion days, I have three.  It may be time to explore some new protein shake options for you to get yourself through these tough days.  I'm a huge fan of Champion Nutrition Chocolate Stack protein, but with warmer weather arriving I've been sorta having issue with the chocolate.  (I know, weird).  I bought some Nectar protein powder in the Roadside Lemonade flavor.  I take 8 oz water and 5 frozen strawberries and mix that well in my blender.  I pour that into a cup, add 1.5 scoops of the lemonade protein and stir.  I also add a few ice cubes and a straw.  It's my own version of a strawberry Italian ice.  It's VERY refreshing, and if you like tart flavors you'll LOVE this!!!  At nearly two years out, there are days that I eat like a homeless person eating their first meal in a week and I savor every flavor, and there are other days that I curse the fact that I have to eat to survive.  YUCK!  Don't get me started on my newest and hard to break aversion to sweets.  BLECH!!!!  I was THE biggest sugar addict pre-DS!!!  Even at 18 months out I was putting away some sugar.  But now?  Nada!!

You'll be back to normal in a few days honey!  Do what it takes to choke down SOME form of protein!!!  Have you tried the queso blancho cheese we've been talking about around here?  That's another way I trick myself into eating protein.  Oh, and sunflower seeds too.  Yum!


on 4/24/09 11:18 am - plymouth, MN
 Lori, I never thought of sunflower seeds! That would be a great thing to put in my purse. Is there really that much protein in them?
Georgina R.
on 4/25/09 4:59 am - Bakersfield, CA
I might just have to get some of that Lemonade Nectar protein, Lori!  Sounds really good and I have a big bag of frozen strawberries I can't figure out how to use!

I'll make sure to choke down those protein shakes in the meantime though.  And keep my eyes open for queso blanco.  :)
on 4/24/09 9:40 am
Georgina if you are craving some carbs....have them.  Its not going to be every day and every single meal that you will want these....just once in a while.  Theres nothing wrong with once in a while giving into the carb ****you do need to eat.....
on 4/24/09 9:59 am - TX
"...and that is when I discovered the sinful joy of a grilled cheese sandwich on low carb bread soaked in butter..."    ARustyRose


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