MADS Gathering 3-14-2009 Picture
You go right ahead an put it on your profile! I put it on mine.
You bet I'll be missing you guys, but I fully expect to see you occassionally. I'll have plenty of opportunity to be back in the DC area. AND, I make a point of staying in touch with my peeps across the country.
See you in April ....... and then it will be your turn!
Thanks for coming! Hope you had a sucessful shoping trip and a great evening with Ms Star!
I'll look forward to seeing you again in April .......... you'll be able to make it for that date, right. The thing 'bout goin to a restaurant is that if we hang out as long as we did at my house, we'll have to pay rent.
I'll look forward to seeing you again in April .......... you'll be able to make it for that date, right. The thing 'bout goin to a restaurant is that if we hang out as long as we did at my house, we'll have to pay rent.