Got the exercise lecture this morning

Kerry J.
on 1/28/09 11:14 pm - Santa Clara, UT
So, Barb and I are sitting at the bar eating our breakfast and she says, so how is the weight loss going, is your carb counting working? I say; I weight the same as I did back in Dec., when I was eating all the chips & dips and other crap. She says well it's because you're not exercising enough and you have to burn more calories that you eat if you want to lose weight.........

Well duh! I say; yes, that's true, but there's something else going on with me, I'm eating between 1300 and 1800 calories a day of which I'm absorbing between 800 and 1100 and that's not enough calories to maintain me at 220 pounds. I'm sure that more exercise would help and it sure wouldn't hurt, but I really doubt that's why I've been stuck at 219-221 for so long. 

It's like she doesn't believe I have any malabsorbsion and I just need to diet and exercise!

Anyway, I just agreed with her and went to work. Sheesh, I sure wish this stall would run it's course and let me off the hook!

Kristi H.
on 1/28/09 11:20 pm - Killeen, TX
Oh Kerry, I can feel your pain.  My hubby is half way around the world and still gets on my case about me not exercising!!  I know I need to, in my heart (or somewhere) I want to, but I just can't make my mind make my body get on the treadmill.  I have been wanting to get below 170 when my  hubby comes home in now 37 days, and a few weeks ago I thought heck it will be no problem but now I am beginnig to wonder!!  The truth is, I want to be at my goal weight and never exercise a day in my life =(  but I know thats not what I should do....
Kerry J.
on 1/28/09 11:51 pm - Santa Clara, UT
Yeah Kristi, we have to move; at least I have to, if I'm going to be healthy.

How's the weather in Killeen this time of year? Seems like from what I remember it's pretty nice, but I could be wrong, it's been almost 10 years since I was there last.

Kristi H.
on 1/29/09 1:46 am - Killeen, TX
Killeen is usually pretty nice, but the past few days it has been freezing! Schools were delayed yesterday because of it, but i think it plans to warm up some soon.
on 1/28/09 11:21 pm - Levittown, PA
LOL ... The DS will only take you so far.  Getting active will help you long term Kerry so she is right in bugging you

BUT ... I wonder if your eating enough.   Have you pumped up your protein since you last posted?  Just reducing the carbs might not do it.  Boost that protein to 150 and see what happens. 

And stop counting calories!!  

HW 341/SW 309/CW 169/GW 190   172 lb. loss with my DS -  Subscribe to me on YouTube!
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Kerry J.
on 1/28/09 11:37 pm - Santa Clara, UT
I'm pretty active, I play racket ball two or three times a week and I'm out walking our job sites every day, I just don't have a regular exercise routine.

I'm usually eating 150 or more grams of protein a day. I don't count calories, I just keep track of them so I can compare, but all I really look at to decide what to eat is the carb and protein counts.


on 1/28/09 11:51 pm - Levittown, PA
OK .. then that was a lecture and tell her to stop it!    

HW 341/SW 309/CW 169/GW 190   172 lb. loss with my DS -  Subscribe to me on YouTube!
Plastics with Dr. Sauceda 1-11-11 Lower Body Lift, Thigh Lift, Upper Body Lift, Arm Lift and Male Breast Reduction

If you are a MALE and are interested in MALE PLASTICS AFTER WLS click to join our OH Group!

Kerry J.
on 1/28/09 11:55 pm - Santa Clara, UT
LOL!!! Are you married?

Kerry - Married 35 years and planning to stay that way.
on 1/28/09 11:36 pm
What Tom said.  And I've found since I took up running and work construction full time; I can for the first time postop, eat pretty much what I want.  I still weigh too much and would like to lose more but I'll take what I can get.
Kerry J.
on 1/28/09 11:47 pm - Santa Clara, UT
I'm sure it would be good for me to exercise more and I'll do that, it's just a matter of finding a way to work it into my daily schedule. I get up at 5:00-5:30AM take my vitamins watch a little news, show, shave etc. eat breakfast and then go to work. I'm on the go all day at work and usually get home between 5:30-6:00 PM, fix some dinner and watch a little TV, then it's off to bed around 10:00-10:30 and here we go again.

I suppose I could do some exercise between dinner and bed or before dinner, but I need a shot of ambition to git er done. When I get home, I'm pretty beat and don't feel much like doing anything, but I know I would feel better if I could just make myself go exercise and work up a sweat.

The thing that so weird about all this to me, is that it doesn't seem to matter what I eat. If I eat a bunch of crap I weigh 219-221, if I low carb, high protein it, I weigh 219-221.

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