**HELP 3 week stall 2 months post op!

on 9/1/08 10:37 am
You are very normal.  You body needs a chance to catch up to your weight loss so far.  Congrats on the 50lbs.  I've just lost 51 in 4.5mo... so you are doing fantastic.  I try to measure every 2 weeks.  The month that I only lost 4lbs, I lost over 7", to me the 7" was much more important.  You may even have a couple of low loss months, then your DS will pick back up.  It's not broke... sometimes it's easier to put the scale away or don't worry when it doesn't move.  Mine goes down and I record my lowest weight.  Then it bounces up 2-3lbs, down 1, up 2, down and up, until about a week later, I'm back at the low point, then it drops another 1-2lbs again.  I've figured it's my system and will continue this way until I'm at goal.  So I quit just worrying about it.  When it moves back down I celebrate!  keep measuring.  Eat your protein.  Somedays I can eat more, others not as much, then I supplement w/bullets or shakes.

HW/225 - 5'1" ~ SW/205/after surgery 215 ~ CW/145~ BMI-25.8~Normal BMI 132 ~DS Dr Rabkin 4/17/08
Plastics in Monterrey - See Group on OH Dr Sauceda Jan 13, 2011
LBL, BL, small thigh lift, arms & a full facelift on 1/17/11
UBL 1/21/13
Love my Body by Sauceda

on 9/1/08 11:53 pm
Thanks for telling me I'm normal !!!!  I know that 50lbs the first month was amazing I thought I'd be to goal in a few months.  Then of course I was worrying about losing too much.
on 9/1/08 10:48 am - Chicago, IL
50 pounds in five weeks in AMAZING!! What you are experiencing is totally normal. Just hold on and enjoy the ride!

Phase 1 Plastic Surgery Completed 9/9/09 with Dr. Siamak Agha.

on 9/1/08 11:55 pm
Thanks Jillian, I will hold on for the ride, I'm down 2lbs this morning, maybe I'm on my way down again.
on 9/1/08 11:48 am - Dayton, OH
Exactly what everyone else said... I am enjoying losing inches not weight since memorial day. I am frustrated my weight is not going down, but soooo enjoying the clothing. I was a 16 memorial weekend and here is it labor day and my 12s are sliding off and I keep pulling them up.

HEY... sneak off to McDonalds. It's good!!! Just take the bread off... Or treat yourself to some fries and shake things up a bit, just make sure to get your protein in.
                            HW- 333 SW-306 CW- 144 GW-150     
on 9/2/08 12:02 am
That is crazy no weight loss since Memorial day but you're lost lots of inches.  You must be building up your muscles!!
Somebody did suggest I try to get in a little more fat so maybe McDonalds will be a place I'll sneak to and put my body in total shock.
on 9/2/08 12:09 am - Dayton, OH
I doubt I am building my muscles. LOL I think my body is just trying to catch up. Well... Memorial day was almost 8 months out. And in 8 months I went from 333 to 175. So my body needs a rest.  And honestly, if I lost nothing more and could just get my body lift, I would be happy. I think the size I am in a good size for me.

McDonalds is not a bad place for us to eat... As long as you take off the bread and not eat fries til you are done with your protein. My favorite is a 6 peice nugget kids meal. Sometimes I get apples instead of fries, they have alot less carbs as long as you don't use the carmel sauce. Always eat your nuggets first, then anyting else. I also enjoy double cheese burgers with no big or one of the buns removed. Taco Bell is another one of my favorite places. :)
                            HW- 333 SW-306 CW- 144 GW-150     
on 9/2/08 1:01 am - AL
Hi Janet,
I'm glad you posted this.  I'm doing the same thing and I was about to post about it.  I was getting a little down myself.  I'm going to just take everything everyone said to you and pretend like they were saying it to me, LOL. 
If I count my pre-surgery wl I have lost about 40 lbs. but I have only lost about 25 lbs or so since my surgery, so you are doing very well to have lost 50 lbs.  I'm jealous!  LOL 
I guess it will eventually happen for us.  We'll get there!!

Ronnie HW~205/SW~191/CW~119/GW~120-115

on 9/2/08 1:28 am
It is frustrating isn't it. I guess I knew it was Ok I've read about other stalls.   I think I was feeling sorry for myself and needed to hear it was normal from all the veterans!
We will get there, can't imagine any other diet  we'd lose that much weight so quickly!!!

on 9/2/08 3:25 am
step away from the scale!
the first few montses are a fast spiral down then the reality of the long-haul comes in.

It is very normal to stay the same, lose a few, gain a few more, then suddenly drop quite a few and then cycle again.

The real trick is not eat enough. If you do not eat enough your body will think it is starving and hang onto all weight by slowing your metabolism way down. So the irony is that the more you eat of fat and protein the more you will lose.
It concerns me when you say you can't eat. Can't because you get full to fast..... then eat every two hours or more. Are you drinking with your meals or before your meals. We are not like the RNY we do not wash food down, rather we can fill our pouches up with fluids and have no room for the food. So try not drinking for an hour before eating and wait until the end of the meal to have a few sips of fluids. The point right now for you is to get the food in.
Then it concerns me because you have no desire to eat. No desire because nothing tastes good?? No desire to make the effort to cook and then eat so little?? Or is this a fear of food in general???? Hopefully it is not fear- fat is your friend , repeat fat is your friend. So how about a ham slice filled with cream cheese rolled up.... all protein and high fat.
Gratitude is my attitude

Amanda-DS October 2001
highest >350/342 start of wls journey/ 192 @8years

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