**HELP 3 week stall 2 months post op!

on 9/1/08 9:58 am
Thanks for the explanation.  I'm bookmarking it for the next stall.
on 9/1/08 9:32 am
Yeah What EN/Diana said

I too stalled out and fretted over my "broken DS" LOL

it's all good and it'll happen....have you caught the posts lately on protein shakes though?  Might be something to consider!

Look for Lori B's posts about them - should be at least 2 worth reading!

   MY DS  
 labrats.jpg picture by Frozen_Peach

Get the facts about Duodenal Switch at DS Facts
DS Recipes can be shared HERE <~~link




on 9/1/08 10:03 am
I am so glad to hear others thought they a "broken DS" I have been getting in more protein and I guess that's also taking up my tummy space.
on 9/1/08 10:13 am
yup and as I said, do be sure and find that post from Lori about protein shakes

I'm following the routine now and so far am liking the results

   MY DS  
 labrats.jpg picture by Frozen_Peach

Get the facts about Duodenal Switch at DS Facts
DS Recipes can be shared HERE <~~link




S. B.
on 9/1/08 9:46 am - Canada
Hi Jan,
Your DS will work and you will lose weight. You are just in a "catch up" phase where your body is readjusting to the weight lost. I know what it is like to have no appetite. That caused me a fair amount of despair during my first 5 months or so. I remember when my stomach "woke up", to use Val G's words. Your appetite will return. In the mean time, you just need to put something in it every 3 hours or so. Just something small - a couple spoons of yogurt, cottage cheese, etc. Good for you for getting your water and protein in. You really are doing amazingly well.
on 9/1/08 10:07 am
Thanks Sherry for your reassurance.  It just seemed to be going on for soooo long even my husband couldn't believe it, he got on the scale himself this morning to check it.  He weighs the same as the day we got married 25 years ago.
Thanks again.
(deactivated member)
on 9/1/08 9:57 am - Wichita, KS
I went through the same thing at a month out. I just seemed to be fighting with the same reading on the scale for like 2 weeks! I just allowed myself to eat some carbs and it started up about half way through the third week. I am now able to eat a lot more and you will get there too. Another thing was I know I was still loosing inches when I wasn't loosing pounds. I am sure you are also. Start taking measurments and you can see if that's true. I need an actual number to tell me I am loosing! LOL
on 9/1/08 10:16 am
Hi thanks for the advice and positive words.  I think I am losing inches my pants are getting a little loser and I should have taken measurements.  I'm the same as you, I need to see my loss in numbers before I believe it's happening!!!!

Congratulations on your weight loss you're doing great.
Roxx Z.
on 9/1/08 10:35 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
Hey darlin...I can't think of anything else to say that these awesome people already haven't, but you are doing AWESOME! Trust your DS....it will work for you! I stalled too for 3 weeks, just like the majority of people...it sucked and it was a downer, but don't worry, it will pick up...you are doing great!!! Keep doing what you do, lady!
Rox :0)

                  Thanks to my amazing Angel Jan135    

SW: 320 lbs  CW: 170 Lbs  GW: 150 lbs     

on 9/1/08 11:50 pm
Thanx Rox!! I dropped 2lbs this morning, so maybe all the positive words will get me going down.  It is a bit of a downer, but with your inspirational pics this weekend I know it'll get working soon.
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