This "Diet" Is Driving Me Crazy!!!!!

on 8/25/08 11:38 am - Cherry Hill Area, NJ
On August 25, 2008 at 4:50 PM Pacific Time, bigbeautyCA wrote:
Right now I've been living with 50g or so of carbs a day.  I've been avoiding carb-heavy foods.  Carbs for me usually come from things I might use to cook protein with (like some onions, or some low carb ketchup), from a few bites of a relatively low-carb fruit like watermelon or honeydew, maybe a few slices of tomato, or from a protein drink usually made with soy milk.  In counting carbs, I don't distinguish between fiber, sugars, and complex carbs.  I count them all.

People talk so much about the "honeymoon" period and keeping carbs low.  I'm trying as best I can.  But like I said, I'm feeling nuts.

I'm afraid to eat bread or any sweets, because I'm afraid I won't be able to stop!  I'm afraid I'll end up craving them even more!

If you want to cut out some carbs to use somewhere else..use the water for your shakes not milk or soy.

go ahead and try eating what it is you want. Worse case scenario you throw up if you eat too much to fast, or you get horrendous gas/diahrea. Best case you are able to put that deprivation feeling aside.

I can understand the frustration..what I wouldn't give for one day to be able to eat like I used to! You are still early on and what you are going through is all part of the process. I dont think you will have the issue about not being able to'll pay one way or the other for an over indulgence!!!

I have gotten to the point where if something sounds good I will have it, and most times that equals a few bites..I cant physically tolerate more than that.

Don't beat yourself up..water, protein and then try new stuff.

Ht 5'9" HW 389 / SW 385 / CW 192/ LW/ 164 / GW 180-190 

Jenn W.
on 8/25/08 9:48 am - Hudson, OH

I agree with the previous poster… My situation is a little different because I was told by my surgeon and nutritionists that I can eat whatever I want as long as I get my protein in. I honestly did not hear about eating low carb until I came on here post –op. I personally do not count carbs. If I want a bagel I eat it. (usually half, and I only have whole wheat because of the gas issue.) When you tell yourself there is nothing you can’t have….. it doesn’t feel like a diet. I still eat mainly protein most days. So far today I’ve eaten a high protein yogurt with splenda (22 gr of protein) with granola mixed into it. I later had 2 turkey hot dogs for 20 gm’s of protein…. And I’ve had about 4 flourless peanut butter cookies today. (made with splenda) So…. As you can see, you don’t go hog-wild and crazy everyday…. But I’ve eaten all sorts of things over the last 5 months.  I’ve had potatoes and corn often. I eat fruit, in fact I eat fruit on purpose for nutrients and because it’s good for you! I eat pop corn, pretzels, and a few corn chips here and there. I eat bread on sandwiches, but usually leave half of it to get all the meat in. There is really NOTHING I’ve craved that I’ve said no to. And you know what? I’ve lost 94 pounds in 5 months so….. as far as I’m concerned, it’s not about deprivation, it’s about balance. Toss aside the old diet mentality.

on 8/25/08 10:12 am - Chicago, IL
Diet is a four letter word!!! For god sakes, if you want a slice of toast, have it and put lot's of butter on it! Just limit yourself as much as possible to get the best results, but a slice of toast isn't going to kill you. If you approach this from a "can't have" stand point, you are going to go crazy. Just be smart about the carbs you do eat, make them complex and enjoy!! Don't drive yourself crazy, it isn't worth it. This will all get better over time!

Phase 1 Plastic Surgery Completed 9/9/09 with Dr. Siamak Agha.

Big B.
on 8/26/08 8:25 am - Palo Alto, CA
Hi Kennedy,

I'm looking forward to that slice of toast with butter!  In fact, today I bought a "light" bread that has half of everything (and the slices are sorta half sized!).  But I did this because psychologically, 2 slices are better than one!

And 2 will hold more butter. 
~ Julie ~   

Kayla B.
on 8/25/08 10:22 am - Austin, TX
The high protein thing is non-negotiable.  You have to eat it.

We recommend slowing down on the sweets because it'll help you reach your goals.  If that's not important to you, you are more than welcome to eat whatever the heck you want after you get your protein in.  If that's a cookie or a milkshake, so be it.  Your DS will still help you lose weight, just maybe not as much as you'd like.

I don't really know how to advise you here.  I'm not into being the food police.  But, you do kinda lose your ability to whine about slow weight loss, 'cause you already know what we're gonna say.

If you do want some help with lower carb options, I'm more than happy to help.

This is the bread I use:
Nature's Own Wheat 'n Fiber.  9g carb, 2g fiber, 5g protein

If you can't find it, just look at all the breads available and see what you can find.  Your best bet will be with whole wheat, whole grain, high fiber labeled products.

Ice cream options:
Breyer's has a line of carbsmart ice creams and bars.  Try to find them in your grocery store.  Otherwise, look for stuff that says no sugar added and check labels.

Check out for interesting carb-conscious options.  I've never tried any of the muffin mixes or anything, though, so I can't personally vouch for the taste.
5'9.5" | HW: 368 | SW: 353 | CW: 155 +/- 5 lbs | Angel to kkanne  
Anne S.
on 8/25/08 10:23 am
Thanks for asking this question, Julie. I've had the same thing on my mind, and my "diet mentality" has been robbing me of eating guilt-free again.


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on 8/25/08 10:37 am
even pre-op, i'm supposed to be kinda low-carbing...  and it does get frustrating.  i cook for my family regular meals (and just omit stuff from my plate or whatever)...  and i'd love to try out some of the recipes around here, but i sorta feel like...  why bother if it's just for me?  but i guess i DO need to bother...  so i don't start feeling sorry for myself and stuff.
on 8/25/08 11:09 am
Why not feed your family the same thing you eat? Carbs aren't good for anyone, except the complex ones like veggies. You'd be doing your family's health a favor and make life easier for you.

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DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"

on 8/25/08 1:04 pm
yes, i know...  but i figure completely changing thier diets instantly will be met with some resistance...  so i figure i'll make it a more gradual change and use up things i have right now (like white rice - have a bunch of it).  it's also really difficult to just change my mentality...  i was raised where meals had a minimum of 3 different types of food - a meat, a veggie and a starch/bread of some kind.  and why is it that 'easy' meals are loaded with simple carbs?  and family favorites are going to be difficult to adapt, like jambalaya...  what's jambalaya without rice?  or chicken and dumplings with no dumplings?  although...  i'm trying...  the other night i made a thai-style curry with chicken, veggies, and white beans... no rice.

i'm glad my kids aren't picky tho, that would make things a billion times harder.  my son is almost 2, and he'll take broiled fish over candy any day...  weird, huh?
on 8/25/08 6:22 pm
You can eat the meat in jambalaya and chicken and dumplings, just skip the rice and flour. No need to make anything separate there. Start making meals that consist of one meat and two veggies. There's no need to cut starch out of your family's diet completely. Just make potatoes or mac and cheese a once or twice a week side dish instead of every night.

I think there are even some good low carb mac and cheese recipes floating around out there.

You'll all adjust just fine.
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DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"

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