OH Surgeon List

on 11/9/07 3:50 am - Mouseville, FL
I jsut noticed they have reworked the surgeon list.  Now I guess to be listed a surgeon must pay.  It used to be that the surgeons were there -- but there just was not a lot of information.  Now I notice Anthone, Rabkin, Anderson and Crooks are no where to be found on the list.  Those are the only ones I looked for -- but it was enough to convince me the surgeon list on this site is now less than useless! Red




on 11/9/07 4:01 am - Manteca, CA
Wow, that really sux Red. It is too bad that a site such as this where so many come to communicate, get information, and read about surgeons, are not getting all the help that could be gotten. Something should be done about the surgeon list for sure.




Check out
www.dsfacts.com  and www.duodenalswitch.com
 for all the accurate information on the great DS, and find surgeons in your area or around the country or out of the country.

I couldn't have done without all the great peeps on this board.

SW: 234.5     CW: 157   GW: 140 - ish 


on 11/9/07 4:25 am - Mouseville, FL


It is something we have complaining about for years and now it has gone from bad to worse.




Lori Black
on 11/9/07 4:02 am - , IN

Obesityhelp should rename itself if they aren't going to provide up-to-date information on surgeons, (regardless if they pay or not).  It isn't much "help" if they don't completely disclose all of the names of surgeons doing particular surgeries.  Thank goodness for Duodenalswitch.com and the more complete surgeon list there.  Too bad it seems to always revolve around the almighty dollar.....

on 11/9/07 4:25 am - Mouseville, FL
I agree and of all the surgeons listed only a handful really do the DS.




on 11/9/07 4:06 am
I checked my surgeon and the numbers are the same as they were when I first looked in 2004.  He's done wwaayyyy  more DS's since then, and who know's if those numbers were right in 2004.  Sheesh,  I hadn't realized it was this out of date!   Mary C

DS Part 1 (VSG) 11/14/06 DS Part 2 12/18/07
HW 430 SW 400 CW 210 GW 170 Blog: lifeisgood-mc.blogspot.com

on 11/9/07 4:32 am - Mouseville, FL
Out of date isn't the half of it. 




Valerie G.
on 11/9/07 4:19 am - Northwest Mountains, GA
Thank goodness for the DS Information Zone!!

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 11/9/07 4:31 am - Mouseville, FL
Melanie's site is a blessing to all DSers.  It is factual and accurate and I for one am truly grateful to her for the DS Information Zone. 




Stefanie P.
on 11/9/07 6:06 am - Los Angeles, CA
I agree 100% that the OH lists are basically a waste - especially the listing of "DS" surgeons who are really "B&S" - bait and switch. [The following is for information purposes only - I'm not, repeat NOT defending OH!  So no flaming please.] But I'm not sure how much it's really changed, compared to when I first started looking for a DS doc over a year ago - meaning the lists were just as much of a waste before this latest revamping.  The problem is that the OH list isn't a comprehensive listing of WLS docs.  But you wouldn't really get that unless you read between the lines.  They market to get docs to register, but it's completely up to the surgeons to register (i.e. pay) or not.  For each state, there's a list at the bottom for surgeons who haven't registered.   Both Crookes and Rabkin are on that list, same as they were a year ago, which means they chose not to register.  (Maybe they were in earlier years.)  If you click on their names under someone's avatar, you still get a limited profile, and their patient testimonials.  (That, I think has changed - you used to get the testimonials if you clicked their names on the unregistered list.) What should change (aside from the misleading DS listings) is they need to make it clear that the lists are NOT comprehensive, AND that who's on the list, and who isn't, is completely dependent on who decides to pay and NOT on qualifications!
STEFANIE    Totally lovin' my DS!!
HW 336/ SW 326/ CW 147/ GW 160   13 lbs. below goal!
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