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on 7/16/12 1:13 pm - GA
Topic: RE: Transitioning to a pump

I am a type 2 and on pump. Medtronics  Mini Med  over 3 years.  It is much better then shots IMO.
If you are carb counting you will not have any problems  adjusting to a pump.  the pump helped me to keep my sugars level. 
on 7/12/12 12:53 pm
Topic: RE: Transitioning to a pump
 Im a pumper too. I use the same one and I have the sensor that I use weekly because I'm a brittle diabetic.  I have been on a pump for 24 years. First female child on a pump when I was 11.  I believe it saved my life and they have come a LONGGGGG way.  Freedom comes with a pump.  You only gain weight if you take advantage of the freedom tho LOL  Heck, I have been on a pump so long that I wouldn't know how to give shots if I needed to do it!  Another thing that is cool with the pump is that you can reduce or increase your insulin by percentage also. I think this will be very helpful when I have surgery (Im preop).  I can just cut the whole thing by 50% and see how it goes.  Ask me ANYTHING!
on 7/12/12 6:52 am
Topic: RE: Whey protein running up sugar???
I'd check in with your doctor again about it all, but I am betting it's just the stress on your body from surgery that is still playing some tricks on you.  Also, if you used to only eat 3 times a day and are now eating more frequently, your body is probably having trouble keeping up with that.  Those of us on insulin usually cover meals and, in those early weeks after surgery, the only way to get in your protein is to do it fairly constantly.  If you are downing carbs (as you were with milk) along with that, you are likely not efficiently covering the post "meal" spikes.  I dealt with this a bit after RNY myself - nutritionists were telling me to eat/drink all the time and I just couldn't cover that with insulin. 

Get some more guidance on how to manage it all and remember that the stress of surgery is still working on your body.  It will settle down eventually, but your body will react and there isn't always a lot you can do to cover it. 
on 7/12/12 12:56 am - Jackson, NC
RNY on 06/27/12
Topic: Whey protein running up sugar???
I am two weeks out from RNY.  I'm type 2 diabetic and was sent home on about a fourth of the insulin I was taking before surgery.  The whole 1st week after surgery, I drank nothing but 100% whey protein shakes mixed with skim milk...2oz 6xday for meals.  Water and diet V8 Splash in between.  Sugars ran over 300 with several spikes over 400 the whole week.  Added a little more insulin.
The second week I added chicken broth with unjury protein to 2-3 meals.  Sugars started dropping below 300, but still over 230.
At 2 wk checkup, PA told me to stop using milk for shakes and start pureed foods.  Yesterday I only ate pureed food and sugar was below 200 all day!  YAY!  I felt so much better but felt like I didn't get the whole 70g protein in for the day.
This morning sugar was 165 at 7::30.  I drank some black coffee.  An hour later I mixed a shake with water (to add some extra for the day), drank about 4 oz.  I started feeling dizzy and nauseous, checked my sugar and it was 350!!!  It had jumped 200 points after drinking that shake!!  Protein powder only has 2g sugar per scoop and I used 1 1/2 scoop in 1 cup water and drank half of that.
What in the world is going on???
on 7/10/12 2:38 pm
Topic: RE: Did having the RNY surgery help with Diabetes?
 I have a question for those of you who have had the procedure done.
I had a telephone appointment with the nurse practitioner for this coming Thursday and it got reschedule until after I see the surgeon.  I am wondering if this will affect the decision of when I will have the surgery done.... 
on 7/10/12 12:05 pm
Topic: RE: Transitioning to a pump
Denise - thank you SO MUCH for this info and your experience.  It's so helpful.  I'm just not getting good results, despite carb counting and ratios and charting and on and on.  I guess I am very afraid too of weight gain, but I'm really so diligent about all this that I think it will be ok.  My CDE joked about how, when he first went on a pump, he headed right to the bakery, loaded up and then bolused like mad.  If I start doing things like that, which I really can't even FATHOM, I guess I will gain weight.  But, if I continue to work diligently, I hope to be OK.

I'm 10 months out from RNY with a weight loss of 75 pounds to date.  I have stalls for weeks, but then they break lose and I get a big weight loss.  Then another stall.  I likely have another 20-30 pounds left, but who knows.  Currently weighing in around 177 at age 55 and 5'4". 

Thank you - truly!  This is exactly what I need - and the info about CGM was also very helpful as I've wondered about that too!
on 7/10/12 10:51 am - FL
VSG on 07/12/12
Topic: RE: Transitioning to a pump
 I use a Medtronic Paradigm Minimed pump and have been for 3 + years. I was on Lantus and humulog pens for years prior to the pump. My overall control and a1c improved. I had deveoped antibodies against Lantus and it stopped working. Being on the pump makes carb counting a breeze. Once you get your settings right, you put in your fsbg then your carbs. Then the pump suggests a dose. You can choose to give all at once or do a "square" dose that lets you choose how long to let the bolus inject. This is helpful for covering the slower effect of fat and protein on your sugar.You can choose to give a certain amount to cover the carbs and the rest of the bolus is given slower and you can choose how long .
Continuous glucose monitoring is possible to track trends and patterns .I did that for a while. The sensors were difficult to keep on. I kept sweating off the adhesive and had to use creative taping methods to keep the sensor from falling out. I live in Florida and I sweat a lot! Anyway pumping is the way to go. If you have good insurance to cover pump supplies, go for it! 
on 7/10/12 10:26 am - FL
VSG on 07/12/12
Topic: RE: pre-op sleeve type 2 pump user

I saw my endo. She is great! Gave me some new pump settings and advice to manage during transition. I will have surgery on Thursday,July 12. My sugars have been really good. I hope to decrease or get off insulin with continued weight loss, but no guarantees of course. My knees are already feeling better after losing 31 lbs.Thanks for your interest!   Denise 

on 7/10/12 8:49 am
Topic: Transitioning to a pump

Do we have any pumpers out there?  I had RNY about 9 months ago, and am in the process of deciding about a pump.  I've been injecting for 25 years and am finding that my blood sugars and hbA1c's are just not getting much better.  On the advice of my CDE, I'm strongly considering an insulin pump.

I'm concerned about the transition and just the overall change.  I also have anxiety about possible weight gain, although I am religious about carb counting now and keeping all of that in check.  I am still losing - and think I probably have about 20-30 more pounds left - not sure though.

What pumps do people have?  How has it been to use?  I'm really interested in any experience anyone is willing to share.

FYI, I am a type 1.5 - knew surgery would improve my health, but also knew that coming off of insulin would not be possible.  I have insufficient insulin production due to the autoimmune disease that destroyed my beta cells.  Any type 1's out there on pumps?

Thank you!

on 7/10/12 8:19 am
Topic: RE: pre-op sleeve type 2 pump user
 How are you doing now? Please keep us posted:)
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