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H.A.L.A B.
on 9/12/12 9:39 am
Topic: RE: X-Post- High Blood Sugar but NOT Diabetic?
if you are a dumper - a GTT will not be a good idea... I know I would get seriously ill if they try to give me that one.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 9/11/12 12:06 pm
Topic: RE: X-Post- High Blood Sugar but NOT Diabetic?
I have to agree with Jean here.  Your hbA1c might be normal, but it is a measure of the PAST 3 months as an average.  If your elevated blood sugars are a recent development, the test will not reflect that.  Your next one in 3 months should, but if you have enough good days in the 3 months, they will average out the elevated ones.  It's not a good measure for you in this case.

If you can't get to an endocrinologist, I'd suggest to the family doc that you have a 3 hour GTT (glucose tolerance test).  If you are not familiar with the test, it starts with at a lab with a fasting blood sugar.  You then drink a measured amount of carbohydrate and your blood sugars are drawn at one hour intervals.  This test reflects what you body is doing with the processing of glucose - which, actually, is the definition of diabetes.  Lots of people have normal FASTING sugars, but they cannot normally and effectively process carbohydrates.  It's a simple lab test that takes a number of hours. 

If you want to check your meter (which I doubt is the problem), you can take it along and do finger sticks when they draw blood every hour.  Write them down and then compare them with what the lab results say.  That will tell you how close your meter is to an actual venous draw. 

You are on the right track here.  The good news is that it's early and once your blood sugars are brought under some control, they may be relatively easy to keep there.  Since you watch sugar now, you may be able to be sustained on something that either makes you a bit more insulin sensitive or helps your pancreas make more insulin.  Metformin is a very common first line diabetic medication and is typically very effective.  It might take some getting used to, but it works and works well. 

Good luck - check back and keep us posted!
(deactivated member)
on 9/11/12 7:04 am - GA
Topic: RE: X-Post- High Blood Sugar but NOT Diabetic?
I agree with your that your after meal reading are high.  i was always told to test 2 hours after meals and my sugars should be under 140.   If you doc thought your meter was broken did he give you a new one?.
Also look at your carb intake when you have high sugar readings. we all have certain foods that can wreck havoc with blood sugars.

 if i were you i would continue to test and watch your intake.  Go to an endocrinologist and get checked out.

on 9/10/12 5:26 pm - Keller, TX
Topic: X-Post- High Blood Sugar but NOT Diabetic?
   Someone on here has to know some answers for me.  Last week I started feeling really bad; shaky, clammy skin,cold sweats, dizzy, blurred vision, excessive thirst, nausea...the whole nine yards.  My husband is diabetic so I knew the symptoms I was having screamed that my blood sugar was out of whack.  I used his meter and tested myself.  It was first 240, an hour later it was 282!!  This was after having been on nothing but clear liquids (sugar free jello, water and chicken broth) for a day due to a stomach bug.  So I called my family doctor.  They had me come in the next morning for a complete fasting A1C test which would show him my average sugar levels for the last 3 months.  He told me to check my sugar three times a day and keep track of it for a week, so I have been.  I wait at least and hour and a half to two hours after eating anything to test.  It's been spiking in the mid  to upper 200's since Friday.  I got the call from my Doctor with the A1C results this morning, saying that I am NOT diabetic.  When I told him that I had been testing on average around 220's he simply said, "Oh, you're meter machine must be broken. Come see me again in 3 months."  First, I do not eat any sugar.  It makes me sicker than a dog.  Second, I'm really careful abou****ching the natural sugars in foods.  I've found they make me just as sick as processed sugar.  Third, I may be wrong, but a fairly normal, healthy diet should not drive my blood sugar up that high, right?  I called my bypass surgeon's office.  He doesn't deal with anything of that nature and will only refer me to my family doctor.  Great.  So I am fresh out of ideas as to what to do here.  All I know is that I feel like baked dog crap and it's affecting my studies at the University (I've missed classes due to this)!  Any words of wisdom here.  I gotta admit, I'm a little scared.
on 9/9/12 2:57 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: Hypoglycemic? I think so!
I'm glad that you're feeling better today.  You can make a decision today to start dealing with your issues.  You have that control.  So good luck to you.  You deserve happiness and peace of mind.  I hope you resolve your blood sugar issues soon.
on 9/9/12 1:36 pm - colchester, CT
RNY on 03/30/04 with
Topic: RE: Hypoglycemic? I think so!
i'm not sure what behavioral therapy would be for anxiety. but i'm willing to give anything a try. i'll be sure to talk to my doctor about it at my next visit.
the day i wrote the posting was a hard day when i had to buy size 16 clothing. having lost so much and to have gained enough back to make clothes sizes go up and up is so discouraging.
the odd thing is that when i think about how hard i've worked to get to were i am andnow  seeing it go back to where i'd been. sometime syou wonder if it was all worth it. the surgery was a pip but i flew through that without any major difficulites. like i'd said i did everythiong the doc's said to do.
so now with the low blood sugar...
things have down a backwards flip.
i use to live for food years ago and found such enjoyment in all that i ate.
then food was not my focus in life. all of the other wondeful things for over 8 years food wasn't one of them.
now with the low blood sugar food is now my focus again!
that is just insane.
i have a little notebook that i carrry and write everything down that i ate the times that i ate them and how i felt to track the calories but also to see what mnight be triggering the issues.
it is a help.
my weight is holding again but i'mworkingon finding the right things that i can eat that won't mess up the blood sugar that keep me running on 100% and will help me to lose weight again. i will be very hap;py if i can lose 15 pounds. that keeps me at a normal weight for my height but not that crazy weight that the charts say i should be. thats way to low i don't look good and i don't feel good at the chart weight.
i'd be happy not at my lowest size wise but if i could drop 2 sizes that would get me to a 12 and thats fine with me.
today i am more positive. i'm looking forward to the week and what it will bring.
thank you foryour kind words.
Member Services
on 9/8/12 1:46 pm - Irvine, CA
Topic: Meet Our Speakers: Colleen M. Cook

Meet Our Speakers: Colleen M. Cook


Hope & Help for the Pain of Regain

Join 17 year WLS veteran Colleen M. Cook for both a shot in the arm and a kick in the seat as she shares lessons from long-term losers and imparts insight, inspiration, and hope for WLS patients struggling with extended plateaus or weight regain. Her thoughts, stories, and personal experiences will inspire and motivate you to reach and maintain your optimum weight loss.

Also, don't miss her Keynote on Friday: Nothing Succeeds Like Success

We hope to see you in Atlanta, GA October 5th and 6th! Click here to book your ticket today!

Fast Facts About Colleen

-Colleen is the author of The Success Habits of Weight Loss Surgery Patients.
- She is the president or Bariatric Support Centers International, a company that specializes in providing education and support services for weight loss surgery patients and the professionals who serve them.
- Colleen currently serves on the National Advisory board for the Walk From Obesity.
-Known as Ms. Enthusiasm, Colleen helps men and women from all walks of life recognize their extraordinary potential and then inspires then to aspire.

on 9/6/12 4:18 am - Canada
Topic: RE: Hypoglycemic? I think so!
I am sorry for your troubles...and understand them. Have you thought about seeking some counselling or BT (behavioral therapy) for your anxiety? Medications?  I would work on my head, not worry so much about my food at the moment.  I think it may be your anxiety that is driving all of the other problems.  It usually is.
Hope you feel better and take care of the root issues so that the other issues will take care of themselves.
on 9/5/12 7:17 pm - colchester, CT
RNY on 03/30/04 with
Topic: RE: Hypoglycemic? I think so!
i've been dealing with this issue for over 3 years and at the end of my rope. i have a naturalist doctor who has helped me the most. she put me in touch with an endo who was good and helped with a thyroid issue but now his office is closingdue to his poor health and i need to find another endo.
this is the first time that i've read information that has been helpful.
i've been working so hard to keep my LBS under controll sometimes it feels like the things that worked the day before no longer work today.
forget about decaf dunkin coffee which i loved but can not touch it sets me off and once that happens it makes the whole week nasty.
i've put on 30 pounds of the 150 that i've lost and i am feeling down about that but keep trying to keep my emotions good cause that doesn't help the LBS either.
its a every day battle between the weight and the LBS.
i thought when i had the wl surgery that i was goign to be good for the rest of my life. i was so very good with the weight everytrhing the doc said to do i did i could have been the poster child for the surgery things were good for 5 years then everyrhign went south 3 years ago and that stuggle has been daily.
i have to eat every 2 hours even if i'm not hungry if i wait or forget i get sick. cna't consitrate, feel sick to my stomach head aches anxiety! omg anxiety drives me nuts! sometimes i can feel the anxiety before anythign else and i rush to eat my snack.
peanut butter is my best friend. i eat that every single day.
i have peanut butter lara bars that i can carry in my bag but at 220 calories they are hard to eat and know that the calories are a downer. i'm in sales and on the road all day i need things that are right at hand. i carry a cooler with snacks. green seedless grapes apples cheese sticks chicken boiled eggs. calorie wise i'm at 1500 to 1800 a day. its very hard to lose weight hell its hard not to gain and i gain an ounce here an ounce there before you know it theres another pound in a week. doens't sound like much but let me tell you we all know that a pound a week adds up to a whole lot of weight gain over a year.
clothes are depressing. i use to be a size 28 got down to a size 6 held at a size 10 for 4 years now over the past 2 years i've gone from a 10 to a 12 then a 14 and now today i had to buy a size 16.
its very hard to be positive....
on 9/1/12 5:48 pm - IN
DS on 10/03/12
Topic: RE: Won't Operate due to A1C levels- Advice Needed!
Hello ! I am currently in the process of lowering my A1C.  I was originally scheduled for the DS on 8/2 and now rescheduled for 10/3. 
What everyone above has said about healing was what I was told.  Although it saddened and aggravated me to have to postpone, I know they did it with my best interest in mind.
The bariatric group suggested insulin, but my PCP prescribed Victoza injections and they have done the trick.  In one month, my A1C went from 10.9 to 9.0 so I am well on my way to be below the 8 by surgery.
Even though it is an injectable, and I was TERRIFIED of dealing with the needles, it comes in pen form and sometimes I do not feel it at all !
Just be aware, there are options !
Best of luck to you and your husband !

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