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on 11/5/12 10:36 am
Topic: RE: Blood sugar drops over and over What To DO?

Thank you Funkyphillygirl.   I have an appointment Tuesday with my Doctor.   As you said I cut back last night and it was much more normal.  AH HA!!


Patty Jo


on 11/5/12 8:31 am - CA
Topic: RE: Diabetes Post VSG Weight Loss Surgery, weight resistance & Metformin
My pre op weight was 270, 225 surgery day so I have only lost 35lbs in 11 months with the VSG and stalled at 190lbs for 7 of those months.
on 11/5/12 5:06 am
Topic: RE: Quick answer please....Coffee, Coffee, Coffee

I don't drink coffee - can't stand the stuff.  They do recommend no caffeine for a period of time and then you can return.  Caffeine can be dehydrating and staying hydrated is a major task after surgery.  I'd ask about it, but it's likely you'll just need to do it for however long.


Remember it's certainly not forever, and taking direction in the early stages is key to long-term success.  I LOVED my diet coke - and couldn't imagine living without it ever.  I haven't had any for 14 months.  I still occasionally miss it, but am better off without it.


on 11/5/12 5:03 am
Topic: RE: Blood sugar drops over and over What To DO?

You need less Lantus - that's for sure.  I was not required to do any special pre-op diet because of my blood sugar.  My surgeon preferred that I keep my blood sugars stable.  Call you doctor and drop that Lantus back!

Good luck!


on 11/5/12 5:00 am
Topic: RE: Diabetes Post VSG Weight Loss Surgery, weight resistance & Metformin

I have type 1.5 diabetes, PCOS also and am 13 months post RNY.  I am still using Lantus and Novolog insulin and metformin, albeit at reduced levels and was able to stop using a lot of other oral meds.  Metformin is not associated with weight gain at all - if anything, if promotes weight loss as it addresses insulin resistance.

talk to your doctor, but remember that it's typical to lose about 30% of your starting weight.  If yours was around 300 (which you mentioned), than 90 pounds is about what the surgery will give you.  You've lost 85, so you may be nearing the end of your weight loss.

I lost about 70 pounds up through the first 7 months and then have lost very little since them.  Maybe a few pounds, but it took me about 3 months to lose another 5 pounds.  It just doesn't come off the same and, not sure how old you are, but that also plays a factor.  I am 55.

My docs are much more interested in me reaching and MAINTAINING a good weight for me.  if you have been overweight for most of your life, you body is built to carry more - your bone and muscle structure - all of that is built to support more weight.  So, I'd perhaps talk to your doctors about what is realistic for YOU, given your health history.

Good luck - keep us posted please....




on 11/5/12 1:03 am - CA
Topic: RE: Diabetes Post VSG Weight Loss Surgery, weight resistance & Metformin

P.S I also have PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome for over 25 years)

on 11/5/12 1:02 am - CA
Topic: Diabetes Post VSG Weight Loss Surgery, weight resistance & Metformin

Hi everyone, I have been a Diabetic Type 2 for over 25 years now, I have been on Metformin for over 10 years, and pre-op Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy I was on 50 units of Lantus Insulin every night, 1000mg Long release Metformin, 2-3 units of Novolog Insulin short release (when required) and Januvia. A1C June 2011 was 10.6, with Januvia and the switch to long release metformin and diet it went down to 7.0

After surgery I left the hospital off Insulin, Januvia and Novolog and my metformin was changed to the short release 750mg per day. My A1C now on based on the short release Metformin and diet, it is coming down so slowly now it is 6.5. I have lost a total of 85lbs, but for 7 months have not lost any weight. I am seeing my Endocrinologist tomorrow as I have a sneeking suspicion that the Metformin short release is causing some kind of resistance to weight loss. Once I was switched to the long release version and added Januvia I dropped 30lbs pre op, they had to put me on short release post surgery as you cannot crush the long release version.

Has anyone found that Metformin short release has slowed your weight loss down or caused weight gain?

I was on short release for over 8 years and it did not help with weight loss at all, my diarrhea was horrible and since being put back on the short release the diarrhea is back, the long release helped decrease the side effect.

on 11/4/12 1:55 am
Topic: Blood sugar drops over and over What To DO?

I've had low Blood Sugar before and always corrected it.  This time it is different.  I'm in a 15 day PRE-surgery modified liquid diet.  About 3 days ago I woke up during the night shaking, weak, sweaty and somewhat confused.   It has happened every night since.   Blood Sugar Level Thursday 92, Friday 75,  Saturday 68.    I'm STILL shaking and weak, but the BS is 147, 164 and 138 during the daytime.  Oh and my hair is falling out  ugh!   Yep I'm going to see my PCP on Tuesday, but until then do any of you have suggestions.  Husband works nights and I'm scared to be alone!   Oh yes, I take Lantus Insulin at night before bed.  Before this diet I took 95 units, one week ago they cut it to 85 units, then 70 units.   What gives?


on 11/3/12 2:40 am
Topic: Quick answer please....Coffee, Coffee, Coffee

I'm currently on a 12 day pre-op diet.  I crave a cup of coffee EVERY morning, it is my motivation to get up and go.  I'm reading that it is NOT recommended after surgery. I cannot stand Decaf coffee at all.   Those who have had surgery can you tell me what your experience has been with coffee, no coffee after surgery and thereafter.

Thanks so much.

Patty Jo


Patty Jo Nichols

a/k/a  PJ

on 11/1/12 2:15 pm
Topic: RE: Mindless Sabatoge HELP !

Excellent - please post to let us (me) know how you are doing, both pre- and post-surgery.  It's an anxious time - these next few weeks - so just try to be easy with yourself and know that you are not alone.

Here's the cool part though -  - soon you will be on your way to losing weight.  You really won't quite believe when it starts to happen, and you'll be convinced you'll be the only one who won't lose weight from the surgery.  We all think that!

Here's another something that no one told me - so don't freak out - but you actually gain weight right after the surgery.  Since they use a lot of fluids during the process, you will come home having gained weight.  No one told me that, and I jumped on the scale when I arrived home after RNY, only to see that it was 10 pounds MORE than the morning of surgery.  I really should have realized that, since my ankles were HUGE, but I wasn't really prepared for that part!

My highest weight a few years ago was 262.  I was holding at 247 for the months (and years) before surgery.  Today, almost 14 months since my surgery, I am 169.  And I am perfectly fine with that.  I went from a size women's 22/24 to a regular petite 14.  I am fine with that as well. 

Best of luck, Patty Jo.  You won't need luck if you follow what you are told to the letter.  It works.




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