Question for Type 1 diabetics who are at least 1 yr. post op
I will be 1 year post op 2/15. This past year has been hell. I started at 30 yrs, 253 lbs, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, back pain, and type 1 diabetes. I was tired all the time. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. Nothing was going to stand in my way of having surgery and it didn't. However, like I said this last year has been hell. I've lost 80 lbs. Pretty slow according to my surgeon, but he thinks its because I still take insulin. I'm happy with the weight loss, but that is the only thing other than my blood pressure that is better. If anything I feel worse physically. I still take b/p meds to protect my kidneys. I'll find out Friday if my cholesterol is any better. I'm still tired all the time. Once a week I sleep 24-48 hours straight. I have to force myself to eat. When I do eat, I am nauseas. I get in my protein (mostly drinking it), all my vitamins, calcium, b-12 shots, and my water requirements. All labs have been where they are supposed to be. My back pain is 1000% times worse. Before surgery I just popped a few tylenols a week and I was fine. Now I am on a fentanyl patch every 3 days and 40-60 percocets per week and the pain is still there. I tried physical therapy and that just made things worse. I suffered from depression preop, and now since surgery my meds don't seem to work because I'm not absorbing them right. I need to get a job, but I can't physically work with all of health issues. Basically I'm trying to find out if there are other type 1 diabetics who were worse off after WLS? Is there any research out there for type 1 diabeteics and WLS? My surgeon had never done the surgery on a type 1 diabetic before me, so he couldn't really tell me if things would be different for me or not. I feel so alone. I used to come to this site several times daily, but now I hardly ever come here. Every one seems to be so thrilled with their surgery results. I don't regret the surgery as far as the weight loss goes, but I had hoped to feel physically better and more energized like most others. Instead it is the complete opposite. I now spend more time in bed and less time with my children than I did preop. If anyone has any insight please let me know. I'm desperate and my doctors seem to be clueless. They don't know why I feel so tired and hurt all the time.
Thank you,
Bee Bee
"Basically I'm trying to find out if there are other type 1 diabetics who were worse off after WLS? Is there any research out there for type 1 diabeteics and WLS? My surgeon had never done the surgery on a type 1 diabetic before me, so he couldn't really tell me if things would be different for me or not. I feel so alone."
Hi Bee Bee,
Just wanted to say you're not alone with being Type 1 diabetic, though few, and if I can help answer some questions, please feel free to e-mail me. morris119 @ I actually feel alot better being on half the amount of insulin I was pre-op. Hopefully you'll get your back pain under control and you'll be able to feel better. Alot of meds/stress can affect your blood sugar. And as far as feeling tired, could be the meds OR not enough protein. Just a thought.
Take care,

As A type 1 going into surgery,I am very hopeful that the weight will come off and I will have more energy. I do expect a slow loss due to using an insulin pump. I don't have the back issues that you have and I am wondering if the meds are making you tired. I was also wondering if you could eat protein instead of drinking most of it. The other thing to note, in working with my nutritionist, she says that no matter what, Diabetics that are type 1 have to get some carbs somewhere - fruit, s/f fruit juice (like apple), etc. Maybe you are lacking the few carbs that your body needs?
I hope things get better for you. I also know of one other type 1 who has had great sucess. Wendy is great to get info from, she has been very successful as well.
Good luck, my thoughts and prayers are with you,
Nancy K