HI-- i am new here--I am Susie from PA
i was wondering if any one here has had or is having weight loss surgery in Hazleton.Pa with Dr Michael Bono--he is chief of surgery at the Hazleton general Hospital.. I have my first appt on Tues (9/20/05)...They seem very efficient in their office--the nurse Jane told me to expect to be there for 4-5 hours total.. I am on an insulin pump and allso would like to hear about how wls has effected your diabetes--especially anyone on a pump.
thanks for any help or advice-i know alot abou wls--i have been researching it for 3 yrs now..
Good luck with your upcoming surgeon's appt. I'm a Type 1 Diabetic on an insulin pump. Pre-op I was on 125 units of Humalog, now at 1 1/2 yrs out its averaging about 50-60 units a day...depending on the carbs. I've lost 100 lbs, high cholestrol, sleep apnea and have more energy for a healthy life with my two young boys now.
Please make sure an endocronologist follows you pre & post surgery to manage your diabetics and insulin regimine.....it will definitely change, especially the first 6-8 wks post op. For low blood sugar, try glucose tabs or milk or alittle juice (depending how soon after surgery).
Best of luck,